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Arab control of Seaports


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The UAE company in question is predominantly run by Americans, including the CEO. The CEO is very widely respected in the shipping business and has been doing it for about 40 years, I think. The Director of one of their regional operations, an AMERICAN named David Sanborn (go figure) has recently been nominated to I think an Undersecratary position in the Maritime part of the commerce department. This particular arab terrorist also happens to be a US Naval Reserve Officer.


Have fun folks. The UAE provides more services and docking rights to the US Navy than anyone else out there. What happens to us strategically if they decide not to anymore? Hey, but this is about selling out our security. We don't need a naval presence in the Gulf anyway, do we? Not that we'd ever want to interdict something on that end before it ever got here, or anything.


Sorry, that was DOT -not DOC. Working from memory

Edited by Ghost of BiB
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I have no opinion at all on the port thing, no idea if it is good, bad or indifferent. Regardless, the letter from Republican Congresswoman Susan Myrick (NC) to the President on the issue is classic:


Dear Mr. President:


In regards to selling American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just

NO----but HELL NO!




Susan Myrick

Member of Congress


thumbnail at thumbnail

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I have no opinion at all on the port thing, no idea if it is good, bad or indifferent.  Regardless, the letter from Republican Congresswoman Susan Myrick (NC) to the President on the issue is classic:


Dear Mr. President:


In regards to selling American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just

NO----but HELL NO!




Susan Myrick

Member of Congress


thumbnail at thumbnail



Dear Ms. Myrick,


Get a clue.



Kenneth R. Crippen

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Dear Ms. Myrick,


Get a clue.



Kenneth R. Crippen



Dear Ms. Myrick,


Thanks for your refreshing ability to capitalize on a hot-button issue by showing your constituents that it is better to pre-empt serious discussion by weilding a moral hammer in your ongoing effort to avoid free-market complexities.



X. Hollandaise Benedict

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Dear Mr. President:


In regards to selling American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just

NO----but HELL NO!




Susan Myrick

Member of Congress



Dear Rep. Myrick,


After careful consideration of your thoughtful letter to the President of the United States, we have come to the conclusion that you make several valid points which, regardless of any information that may be made available in the future, clearly make support for this port deal impossible. We appreciate your leadership in helping the United States of America avoid what could have been a foreign relations and national security disaster.


Please keep up the good work. We look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on national security and other important matters.



Absolutely Nobody

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I think it is clear that she is a terrorist sympathizer. The UAE are allies in the GWOT thus anyone who is against them is for the terrorists and by extension, against our troops. I think that, in the end, that makes her a traitor, right? Time for another quail hunt.


I'm getting the hang of this new republithink.

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I think it is clear that she is a terrorist sympathizer.  The UAE are allies in the GWOT thus anyone who is against them is for the terrorists and by extension, against our troops.  I think that, in the end, that makes her a traitor, right?  Time for another quail hunt.


I'm getting the hang of this new republithink.



WTF are you talking about? Because she is an idiot, that makes her a terrorist sympathizer? I know that you typically are dishonest and distort the truth, but you are really f'ed up.

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I think it is clear that she is a terrorist sympathizer.  The UAE are allies in the GWOT thus anyone who is against them is for the terrorists and by extension, against our troops.  I think that, in the end, that makes her a traitor, right?  Time for another quail hunt.


I'm getting the hang of this new republithink.



No, I think she is another elected official who wrote a pretty dumb thing without thinking it through just to get the "airtime".


That's "Realthink"

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No, I think she is another elected official who wrote a pretty dumb thing without thinking it through just to get the "airtime".


That's "Realthink"



It's Mickey. What the hell does he know about "RealThink?" Funny, all he does is bash Republicans. Now, he is bitching that people are bashing a Republican. What a hypocrite.

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I think it is clear that she is a terrorist sympathizer.  The UAE are allies in the GWOT thus anyone who is against them is for the terrorists and by extension, against our troops.  I think that, in the end, that makes her a traitor, right?  Time for another quail hunt.


I'm getting the hang of this new republithink.



The hall of scholars is hushed as they probe this codex for its true meaning.....


One bespeckled one raises his head and says:


"I don't think he is being ironic."


Ball is to you. How does this endager our security?

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I think it is clear that she is a terrorist sympathizer.  The UAE are allies in the GWOT thus anyone who is against them is for the terrorists and by extension, against our troops.  I think that, in the end, that makes her a traitor, right?  Time for another quail hunt.



This one of those "quoting things people never said" that you accused me of doing but never do yourself, right?

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It's because they're a sand !@#$ company! 


It amazes me that the least racist elected official in this whole stupid "controversy" is actually George W. Bush.  :w00t:


Methinks you are liking the use of the !@#$ word too much. I understand the context, but enough already please.

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It's because they're a sand !@#$ company! 


It amazes me that the least racist elected official in this whole stupid "controversy" is actually George W. Bush.  :w00t:



At the risk of being called a Bush appologist again, it's more than xenophobia. It's another shot by Congress at large to show why they should have a greater policy role, limiting Presidential powers. Otherwise, I don't think we'd be seeing the rhetoric from both sides of the aisle. It's being sold as "concern for our security" and packaged that Bush isn't. Development of policy, though is the realm of the executive branch, not the legislative. Anyone with a shred of common sense that actually looks into this can easily see that there isn't a problem. So, there is a lot of posturing for other agendas. Unfortunately, they might be pretty short sighted. I can make a case that this brouhaha is actually hurting our security, not protecting it. Can the WH do that at this point? NFW. They'd get slammed worse than they are now. People have already been told what their opinions are.

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I have no opinion at all on the port thing, no idea if it is good, bad or indifferent.  Regardless, the letter from Republican Congresswoman Susan Myrick (NC) to the President on the issue is classic:


Dear Mr. President:


In regards to selling American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just

NO----but HELL NO!




Susan Myrick

Member of Congress


thumbnail at thumbnail



I'm surprised that she didn't add the factoid that Arabs smell.

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Methinks you are liking the use of the !@#$ word too much.  I understand the context, but enough already please.



Actually, I find it disgustingly racist.


Which is why I'm using it. It fits - perfectly - the topic. For people (not you - I don't recall seeing your opinion either way on this subject) to B word at the use of the vocabulary "sand !@#$" in describing Arabs while simultaneously treating Arabs like "!@#$s" is hypocritical in the extreme.


I'm sorry you find it offensive...so do I, honestly. But as long as people maintain the racist attitude, we may as well use the proper vocabulary to go along with it.

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