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Ah, but that is the land of genies. And the genie is out of the bottle.


Do we get the first wish? Or did we already spend that in 1953?

For anyone with the time, interest and inclination - I very much recommend this book.


The Persian Puzzle


I have *got* to pick that book up. The Gathering Storm impressed -- and scared -- the (bleep) out of me.

Do we get the first wish? Or did we already spend that in 1953?



I've got a couple of wishes. Some of those Persian gals are pretty hot.


Face it everyone. The world is now much too complicated for us to run it by ourselves. It would be nice, but it's not going to happen. Look at what trying to is getting us, and how much is disrupts us internally.


Iran is someday going to make that clear. Hopefully, nothing as extreme as nuking Israel (or vice versa) but having a nuclear armed nut case country in a powder keg like the ME is going to be interesting.


Some folks here make it sound so simple and easy. How would they figure out a nuclear Pakistan, a nuclear India, a nuclear Israel and then toss in a nuclear Iran? Things aren't real slow in the non/counter-proliferation business right now. Oh, and we got North Korea floating around out there too.


Gonna be a fun world for the grand kids.

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