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As bad as Bush maybe


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That's a great demonstration of your military and geographic knowledge.


In december of 2001, while the u.s. military was bombing tora bora, if there was more troops on the ground, as was called for by gary bernsten, bin laden, iman al zarqawui would probally be dead. That request was denied. After that was the buildup for the war in iraq. As for the parallel universe hypothesis, Like I said bin laden and iman al zarqawui are dead, and the un weapon inspectors are not pulled out of iraq.

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In december of 2001, while the u.s. military was bombing tora bora, if there was more troops on the ground, as was called for by gary bernsten, bin laden, iman al zarqawui would probally be dead. That request was denied. After that  was the buildup for the war in iraq.  As for the parallel universe hypothesis, Like I said bin laden and iman al zarqawui are dead, and the un weapon inspectors are not pulled out of iraq.


Except your facts are wrong. The operation you are referring to forced him to go into Pakistan, and US troops were delayed/denied access by the pakstanis to follow.

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Except your facts are wrong.  The operation you are referring to forced him to go into Pakistan, and US troops were delayed/denied access by the pakstanis to follow.



How did Bin Laden get into Pakistan? He had to travel there somehow. How do you know that US forces could not have been put into blocking positions?

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How did Bin Laden get into Pakistan?  He had to travel there somehow.  How do you know that US forces could not have been put into blocking positions?


Sure. And we can seal off the borders to Canada, Mexico and the 53rd dimension while we're there.

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Sure.  And we can seal off the borders to Canada, Mexico and the 53rd dimension while we're there.



Most of the border between us and Canada or Mexico is thousands of miles of plains. It was certainly not necessary to seal the entire border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There were certainly a limited number of passes accessible from Tora Bora. We tried to do this at Shahikot during Operation Anaconda, why not here?

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Not if things go from bad to worse.  In literally every muslim country that has held elections in the last decade, free or partially free, fundamentalist Islamists have gained strength.  The most vivid example being the Hamas victory.  What is so good about an assbackward society that is legitimized by the vote of its people?


The war is less than a decade old so it cannot be the sole cause for these election results. While it is far from clear that the war is the solution, it is equally unclear what other solution(s) may have yielded progress. Care to offer any theories?

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Most of the border between us and Canada or Mexico is thousands of miles of plains.  It was certainly not necessary to seal the entire border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.  There were certainly a limited number of passes accessible from Tora Bora.  We tried to do this at Shahikot during Operation Anaconda, why not here?


Because it is all a Halliburton conspiracy.


Either that or it is about a trillion times more complicated than you make it out to be.

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Except your facts are wrong.  The operation you are referring to forced him to go into Pakistan, and US troops were delayed/denied access by the pakstanis to follow.


The ground operation was explained by gary bernsten. As they were fighting the in the mountains, they picked up a radio off a dead terrorist, listened and heard the bastards talking about bin laden and the need to bail out. Bernsten called in for u.s. troops to be placed on the ground to help with the afghans. That request was denied. After that bin laden escaped into pakistan. Bernsten went on to explain the errors of clinton and bush in handling bin laden for the last 10 years.

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Don't you know that all you have to do is wave the magic wand of democracy and sing bippity-boppity-boo and wa-la, instant freedom, peace and prosperity?  Get with the program.  Certainly, free people wouldn't choose to hate us because we are so durn likeable.  Free people wouldn't allow their government to drag them into a needless war....er, um, okay, bad example.  But you know what I mean.


I wish it were so.



So, secular dictatorship is any better?


Right, because Qadafi, Hussein, Assad and Nasser were ALL so friendly and congenial toward us.



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Except your facts are wrong.  The operation you are referring to forced him to go into Pakistan, and US troops were delayed/denied access by the pakstanis to follow.


Gary berntsen, a field commander who led the special operations forces, and afghan fighters to kill or capture bin laden. In his account, explains how they cornered bin laden in tora bora in 2001. Unfortunately his calls to washington for american forces to block bin laden and his followers from leaving afghanistan, was not permitted. This request was made while bin laden was in afghanistan and to surround him in afghanistan. Bin laden news has taken a backseat to the news in iraq. I am waiting for the day, when the U.S. says we got him.

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