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As bad as Bush maybe


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I am shocked... Protecting special interest usually gets rewarded in this country.


Well, not in the history books... Time doesn't bode well for many of the recent and past/present presidents.


Scholars who participated said Buchanan did not do enough to oppose efforts by Southern states to secede from the Union before the Civil War.


The second worst mistake, the survey found, was Andrew Johnson's decision just after the Civil War to side with Southern whites and oppose improvements in justice for Southern blacks beyond abolishing slavery.

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He didn't even make the top 10 worst presidential mess ups. 






Presidential reviews take at least 50 years to allow for the power on hindsight.


Jimmy Carter is psuhing this timeline.


IMHO - Nixon really blew it in Watergate


Secondly, JFK blew the Bay of Pigs - he allowed it to happen and then didn't follow through (really odd - considering all the other layers of association with that Italian brotherhood and Cuba)


The half-assed, CIA trained invasion force of Cuban yahoos still could have taken the "Cuban" army if their moves weren't telegraphed and the WWII President had the gumption to back up the "invasion".


I have read different reports about which aircraft carrier, the USS Ranger or USS Essex was visible on the horizon as the invasion beachhead never got past the tree line. Just one little air strike ?


For the "what-if" crowd - just imagine if Castro was just another name in the time line of short-lived Caribbean despots and the Cuban Mislle Crisis had never happened and Cuba today was an island paradise ?




Then again - Fidel Castro may have made the Major Leagues



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And what happened in the parallel universe in which we stayed out of Iraq?  Are we all skipping down the Primrose path with flower petals raining down on us?



We save over $400 billion, 2273 Americans are still alive, 10s of thousands of Americans haven't been maimed all in an effort to lead Iraq to a civil war or to be allied with Iran AND we concentrate on the real threat.

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We save over $400 billion, 2273 Americans are still alive, 10s of thousands of Americans haven't been maimed all in an effort to lead Iraq to a civil war or to be allied with Iran AND we concentrate on the real threat.



All true...


And believe it or not, that could STILL be better than the hypothetical alternative.

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Its often said that those who history winds up treating very well were most UNpopular when they were making those tough decisions to begin with.



It may be said often, but it does not always apply! Many of Bush's "tough decisions" were/are his own making...

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Two recent trends are very interesting.


First, how a number of conservatives (especially one's that I know) have expressed their dissatisfaction (frustration?) with Bush.


Second, how some nations seem to be coming around in small ways with Bush themes of "either you are with us or you are against us" and the "Axis of Evil" consisting of Iraq, Iran and North Korea. Denmark and France seem to have a different view of late especially after the ongoing "cartoon aftermath" and the riots of last Fall in France.


History can be a strange animal especially when you consider who is doing the writing. Winners and losers can have much different takes. And often times history is better evaluated over time as related events play out. However, revisionism for the sake of revisionism is rather "tabloid" especially when straying too far from the facts.


Another trend in the recording of history is that which evolves after a historical figure passes away. When people die it is customary to speak of good things about the deceased. It is the same with historical figures except the magnitude of their day to day accomplishments and transgressions become magnified and minimized depending on the storyteller. Nixon comes to mind. Even today, people say that Nixon would have been viewed as a great president if he wasn't involved in Watergate. I still have trouble comprehending the Watergate breakins. Nixon won the '72 election in a landslide. Why take such a chance? Why risk losing so much?

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We save over $400 billion, 2273 Americans are still alive, 10s of thousands of Americans haven't been maimed all in an effort to lead Iraq to a civil war or to be allied with Iran AND we concentrate on the real threat.





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The full disaster that Iraq will be has yet to be seen.  Give it time.


Well, it has stirred things up in the Middle East, prompting many to want change in their countries as well......thats a good thing!

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Well, it has stirred things up in the Middle East, prompting many to want change in their countries as well......thats a good thing!



Not if things go from bad to worse. In literally every muslim country that has held elections in the last decade, free or partially free, fundamentalist Islamists have gained strength. The most vivid example being the Hamas victory. What is so good about an assbackward society that is legitimized by the vote of its people?

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Not if things go from bad to worse.  In literally every muslim country that has held elections in the last decade, free or partially free, fundamentalist Islamists have gained strength.  The most vivid example being the Hamas victory.  What is so good about an assbackward society that is legitimized by the vote of its people?


Don't you know that all you have to do is wave the magic wand of democracy and sing bippity-boppity-boo and wa-la, instant freedom, peace and prosperity? Get with the program. Certainly, free people wouldn't choose to hate us because we are so durn likeable. Free people wouldn't allow their government to drag them into a needless war....er, um, okay, bad example. But you know what I mean.


I wish it were so.

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