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My Preciousssssssssssssssss


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After suffering through the first 20 minutes or so in the final scene at Mt. Doom, I found myself rooting for Gollem to pitch those two mouthy peanuts into the lava and sizzle away and finally bring a halt to their yapping... :doh:


I think Sam was gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.

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ShireHills Mall.


Take the I-70 out of Rohan, get off at eastbound Gandalf Blvd. , 'till you come to Bilbo Drive. Turn left at the All About Mithril store...





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Brokeback Hobbit??  :P



From Bill Simmons ESPN:


First of all, we're six weeks into the season (of 24), and Rudy is still refusing to wear his Notre Dame football jacket. Which is bothersome. But during the scene in which Rudy implores Jack to allow the terrorists to release the nerve gas on the unsuspecting California mall (so they can keep following the terrorists), then Jack's old girlfriend gives him the Adrian Balboa-esque "Look at the TV, look at the kids you wanted to kill today, what's happened to you?" guilt trip, couldn't they have had Rudy thinking about quitting before Charles S. Dutton (as the CTU janitor) talked him out of it? Then the scene could have unfolded like this:




-- Rudy (heading to his car): "Hey."




-- Charles S: "Hey hey hey, whatcha doin' here, don't you have to run CTU?"




-- Rudy: "Not anymore, I quit."




-- Charles S: "Well, since when are you the quitting kind?"




-- Rudy: "I just wanted to prove to everyone --"




-- Charles S: "Prove what?"




-- Rudy: "That I could run CTU. That I was somebody."




-- Charles S: "Aw, you are so full of crap. Look at you, you're 5-foot-nothing, you've gained 100 pounds since "Lord of the Rings," and you have nearly a speck of athletic ability, but you hung in with the most important counterterrorist unit in the land for six episodes! In this lifetime, you don't have to prove nothin' to nobody except yourself! And after what you've gone through, if you haven't done that by now, it ain't gonna never happen! Now go on back there and run CTU!"

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