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This team should be 2-0.


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Exactamundo.  Plays aren't being made when they need to be made, on both sides.  It's not the officiating, folks, it's the 53 tin men wearing Bills unis who have to find some heart and overcome adversity.



Bingo, we have a winner! Woulda, coulda, shoulda. While the officiating was atrocious, the bottom line is the Bills didn't/haven't been getting it done in "gut check" time. Make your plays...don't put yourself in position to let the refs decide the outcome of the game.

BTW, I don't believe in conspiracy theories (at least as far as sports are concerned).

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I really am trying to block out the entire Raiders game.  Help me out.  If Henry scores a TD, are the Bills even in a position to get a safety?  Was the "safety" right after the 4th and goal stop?



No, they were at opposite ends of the field.

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