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Tom Modrak's "team"


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John Guy Director of Pro Personnel

Paul Lancaster Director of Player Programs

Doug Majeski Coordinator of College Scouting

Marc Ross National College Scout

Brad Forsyth College Scout

Joe Haering College Scout

Shawn Heinlen College Scout

Tom Roth BLESTO Scout

Dave W. Smith College Scout

Terry Wooden College Scout

Bob Ryan Scout Emeritus

Dave G. Smith Scout Emeritus


Rob Hanrahan Pro Personnel Assistant

Jacky Kosmowski Scouting Assistant

Kevin Meganck Scouting Assistant

Matt Hand College Scouting Administrator


ok....you made me do my own homework. here is the list of scouts. anyone know if any of these guys are "honor students"?

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ok....you made me do my own homework.  here is the list of scouts.  anyone know if any of these guys are "honor students"?


From what I hear, Brad Forsyth hangs out at Vieni Vieni on Stockton right off Columbus. He's been known to smoke a doob or two in the alley.

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From what I hear, Brad Forsyth hangs out at Vieni Vieni on Stockton right off Columbus.  He's been known to smoke a doob or two in the alley.




You didn't hear that from me. <_<

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Anyone know who the rest of the scouts are for this organization and do any of them have a solid reputaion?


i mean a reputation of being a scout that other teams would love to have them working for them?



Marc Ross National College Scout was fired from the Eagles and rejoined his buddy Modrak!!!


Modrak and Donahoe are Dynamic Drafting Duo........don't expect much change!!


Trade down and take best CB!!!

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Our team's destiny lays with our scouts and I have numerous concerns. Is Donahoe a victim of poor scouting? I know TD was a know it all and wanted everyone to know how smart he is but who makes up that draft board. Scouting can make a GM look good or bad. Now TD can screw that all up by not listening to the scouts or worse taking bad data from bad scouts. If the scouts are good and give TD nothing but good options, and TD listens to his scouts, then whomever TD picks will be a good pick.


So a lot of questions need to be answered. Do they do post appraisals on scouts and how all their picks/recommendations pan out? Higher credability given to those scouts with more correct assessments? Setting up the board for needs vs best athlete available. Last but very important is who and how is the final decision made.


I wish I had info on how we arrived at a lot of picks. How influencial was Modrak in TD's picks? We could be in trouble if TM influenced TM on some of these picks. The process and who are the power brokers would give me more insite going forward. I pray first that our scouts have good data, than that they put a board together based on our priority of needs based on thorough analysis , the team or scouts/ postion coaches/ Modrak come to consensus and Marv doesn't try to be fancy. I think we will have a strong draft if we do this.


We then need to do the same process in free agency. Marv needs go after the best ( with upside not cheap on the downside ) athlete available for our needs and he must convince RW to pay what is necessary.

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