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Outside the Lines Tonight


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Interesting.  I thought he just got the boot.  So he didn't say no...just didn't answer in time? 


i did that once, too!


The way I remember it, it was more of a case of him not dignifying the offer with a response. Apparently, he felt the reigning CotY should have been offered a multiyear deal, and the 1 year deal wasn't worthy of a response.

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Interesting.  I thought he just got the boot.  So he didn't say no...just didn't answer in time? 


i did that once, too!


He wanted Megabucks and Megayears and was Mega-full-of-himself.


He didn't take the offer, so it was withdrawn.

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In the summer of 1996, I worked with the Sabres on an indefinate temp basis. With regards to Nolan, there were one main issue I knew of in regards to Nolan.


- Hasek during the 96-97 offeseason, grew his hair. Only thing is when Hasek grows his hair, it grows up. Not down. I walked down to the front desk to drop off a memo, went to the recptionist, and asked, "Who's the Kramer guy sitting on the couch? She laughed silently and said, "That's Dominik! He looked exactly liked Cosmo Kramer. Everyone teased him about it, but they knew when to stop. There was only one person who kept calling Hasek, Kramer. Ted Nolan. Hasek got really pissed about this, and confronted Nolan. Nolan wouldn't stop though. That led to many, many problems between Hasek and Nolan.


Rumors also abounded that Nolan was "with" Jennifer Muckler. For obvious reason, that didn't sit too well with John Muckler. Yet like I said, that was just a rumor, and was not as obvious as the Nolan "Kramer" comments.


Ted Nolan can be confirmed to offically close the old Aud Club, by walking out at 3am (after the final game) with two mixed drinks in his hands. Actually, he didn't exactly walk out. He kinda stumbled. That was also one of my most special life moments, sitting with Tom Shue in the Upper Golds for about 30 minutes, talking about the best Sabre moments we've seen to date.


Finally, to confirm that this is on the up-and-up, here's a link of a picture of me (eerly looking like a B word ass poor Ron Burgandy) at Centre Ice of the Aud, after the final game.



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In the summer of 1996, I worked with the Sabres on an indefinate temp basis.  With regards to Nolan, there were one main issue I knew of in regards to Nolan. 


- Hasek during the 96-97 offeseason, grew his hair.  Only thing is when Hasek grows his hair, it grows up.  Not down.  I walked down to the front desk to drop off a memo, went to the recptionist, and asked, "Who's the Kramer guy sitting on the couch?  She laughed silently and said, "That's Dominik!  He looked exactly liked Cosmo Kramer.  Everyone teased him about it, but they knew when to stop.  There was only one person who kept calling Hasek, Kramer.  Ted Nolan.  Hasek got really pissed about this, and confronted Nolan.  Nolan wouldn't stop though.  That led to many, many problems between Hasek and Nolan. 


Rumors also abounded that Nolan was "with" Jennifer Muckler.  For obvious reason, that didn't sit too well with John Muckler.  Yet like I said, that was just a rumor, and was not as obvious as the Nolan "Kramer" comments.


Ted Nolan can be confirmed to offically close the old Aud Club, by walking out at 3am (after the final game) with two mixed drinks in his hands.  Actually, he didn't exactly walk out.  He kinda stumbled.  That was also one of my most special life moments, sitting with Tom Shue in the Upper Golds for about 30 minutes, talking about the best Sabre moments we've seen to date. 


Finally, to confirm that this is on the up-and-up, here's a link of a picture of me (eerly looking like a B word ass poor Ron Burgandy) at Centre Ice of the Aud, after the final game. 






Nice story and pic. Thanks for the "inside" info.

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In the summer of 1996, I worked with the Sabres on an indefinate temp basis.  With regards to Nolan, there were one main issue I knew of in regards to Nolan. 


- Hasek during the 96-97 offeseason, grew his hair.  Only thing is when Hasek grows his hair, it grows up.  Not down.  I walked down to the front desk to drop off a memo, went to the recptionist, and asked, "Who's the Kramer guy sitting on the couch?  She laughed silently and said, "That's Dominik!  He looked exactly liked Cosmo Kramer.  Everyone teased him about it, but they knew when to stop.  There was only one person who kept calling Hasek, Kramer.  Ted Nolan.  Hasek got really pissed about this, and confronted Nolan.  Nolan wouldn't stop though.  That led to many, many problems between Hasek and Nolan. 


Rumors also abounded that Nolan was "with" Jennifer Muckler.  For obvious reason, that didn't sit too well with John Muckler.  Yet like I said, that was just a rumor, and was not as obvious as the Nolan "Kramer" comments.


Ted Nolan can be confirmed to offically close the old Aud Club, by walking out at 3am (after the final game) with two mixed drinks in his hands.  Actually, he didn't exactly walk out.  He kinda stumbled.  That was also one of my most special life moments, sitting with Tom Shue in the Upper Golds for about 30 minutes, talking about the best Sabre moments we've seen to date. 


Finally, to confirm that this is on the up-and-up, here's a link of a picture of me (eerly looking like a B word ass poor Ron Burgandy) at Centre Ice of the Aud, after the final game. 





First off, must have been AWESOME to be there for the last game at the Aud...good stuff and cool pic!!!


Wow I never heard about the rumor about Jennifer Muckler...and the Cosmo Kramer thing with Hasek...man now you start to connect the dots a bit more and maybe it make a little more sense.

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A couple things...was Jennifer John's wife or daughter?


Secondly, the Nolan thing is similar to Art Shell. Minority, ex-coach of the year, no other offers etc., and now Shell is back. Nolan will get one more shot and hopefully he makes the best of it. I liked him.

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A couple things...was Jennifer John's wife or daughter?


Secondly, the Nolan thing is similar to Art Shell.  Minority, ex-coach of the year, no other offers etc., and now Shell is back.  Nolan will get one more shot and hopefully he makes the best of it.  I liked him.


third thing- any pics of Jennifer? Preferably in a swimming suit!



BTW great story Draconator- thanks!

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Glad you like what was said there! I have many more, and will add some from time to time. Like now...


The first week at that job will never be recreated!


Started on a Tuesday, and while being introduced to the organization, met LaFontaine in the Aud basement, loading up his minivan with hockey helmets for the Sabres Youth Hockey Program. LaFontaine is a great guy, but has a very evil streak! (More on that in another post, since it merits it's own post!)


In the afternoon, the entire organization was summoned to the Aud Club for the new jersey unveiling for employees. I happened to be standing next to Don Luce, and quickly learned that he is probably one of the funniest guys you'll ever meet! Doug Moss mentioned that the club wanted to create a new logo that really reflected Buffalo and the Community. Luce leans over to me and says, "Then the crest will be a Pierogi with crossed Pussywillows"!


After the jerseys were unveiled, Muckler asked a guy from the media department to put the full uniform on. (He didn't even know what it was going to look like prior to the organization finding out). When the full uniform was on this guy, Muckler went nuts! All over the words "Buffalo Sabres" being too big on the pants. (?)


On Wednesday, I sat in the press box for the 2nd to last game in the Aud, against the Senators. Media types were asking what the new uniforms would look like. A few selected people were brought into the booth I was watching the game from, which also happened to be the booth where Jerry (cannot remember his last name) would blow the airhorn for goals. We had a sticker on the inside of that door with the new logo. It was maybe 4 or 5 guys we "leaked out" the new uniforms to, and the commentary was all the same. "With all this hype, the fans are seeing the new uniforms tonight, worn by Ottawa".


Thursday was the jersey unveiling. Not too much to report, except that 100 fans canceled their season tickets within the first hour the new uni's were unveiled, complaining how the team would ever move away from the Blue and Gold. The reason for this, given by Moss, was over equipment manufacturers sending off-color blue gloves, with off-color gold trim. They wanted to make an easier matching uniform. To their credit, they did studies on what colors would bring in the most money in terms of merchandising, and the black and red with silver trim were selected. The first week, The Sabres went from dead last to sixth in the NHL in terms of merchandising dollars.


Friday, I was at the Aud for the Bandits NLL Championship game. The highlight for me was taking this incredibly hot brunet to the Channel 7 Studios for video highlight uplinks to ESPN. (God Damn She was hot!!!)


Saturday I went to the Bush/Goo Goo Dolls Show. During the changeover from The Goos to Bush, everyone sitting in the press box were handed flyers inviting them to Crawdaddy's for the "Adams Family Party". We were like, what? So after the first song of Bush, a large number of us left! The Adams Family party was the private party hosted and attended by the Goo's!


Sunday, the final game. I was asked to take the banners hanging from the top of the Aud from the players as they skated off the ice. What no one knew, until the actual event, was that the banners from the 70's were secured to a solid lead pipe! Those things must have been close to 300 lbs. A co-worker and I lost our balance, and pinned LaFontaine up against the upper gold bleachers! Pat looked at me with this disgusted look, saw that I was having trouble, said, "Start working out you weak !@#$er" (with a smile), and went onto the ice. We almost tripped Sean Burke as he was walking out of the lockeroom, as the only place to put those lead pipes was in front of the only door for the lockeroom!


The picture of me at center ice, well that's a small part of it. It was decided that the party would be in one of the concourses after the game. People chipped in and bought 3 cases of champagne, with 2 kegs. SportsService without any prior knowledge sent up 2 cases of hard liquor. So yeah. There was a little drinking! It was also an NHL Hall of Fame/Great Sabres gathering! Luce, Larry Playfair, Rick Martin, Craig Ramsey, and Marcel Dionne were the players I clearly remember. Cloudy in my memory bank were Guy LaFleur, Jim Schoenfeld, and Daryl Sittler. I know there were others, but it was just such a party, it would be impossible to remember everyone who was there. Yet even with those "hockey heroes" right there, the time I spent with Shue was by far, the most memorable.


Edit because I need to hire a proof reader, or I need to take 3 more seconds when re-reading...

Edited by Draconator
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Did some research and found some former coach of the year winners since 1980.  I can't be 100 % sure but it seems the majority of the guys got jobs again.  An interesting trivia question to impress your friends:  What two years was Marv Levy named coach of the year?  1988 and 1993, two non-Super Bowl years.  Things that make you umm.  :P 


Year NFL Coach Team

1993 Marv Levy Buffalo Bills Dan Reeves New York Giants



93 was the last season that the bills made it to the super bowl

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Finally, to confirm that this is on the up-and-up, here's a link of a picture of me (eerly looking like a B word ass poor Ron Burgandy) at Centre Ice of the Aud, after the final game. 






I love the Hills logo in the backround...ahh the memories

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