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Lavtvia has the Kavorka...Laviolette needs to have his team come out with garlic rings around their necks...may sound extreme...but we need this win






Kramer: Um, you wanted to see me Father?


Father-priest: Yes. Please, sit down. Sister Roberta came to see me




Kramer: I know what this is about Father. I didn’t do anything. I just


spoke to her innocently for just a few minutes. It’s just that, that I have


this power.


Father-priest: Yes. Kavorka.


Kramer: Kavorka?


Father-priest: It is a Latvian word which means "the lure of the animal".


Kramer: I don’t understand.


Father-priest: Women are drawn to you. They would give anything to be


possessed by you.


Kramer: Help me Father. Help me.


Father-priest: Yes, yes I will help you. Listen very carefully. I want you


to buy ten cloves of garlic, three quarts of vinegar, six ounces…


The hallway by Jerry’s apartment.


Jerry: What is that stench? I got it. (He follows the smell to Kramer’s


door) Ah hah.


*knock, knock, knock*


Kramer opens his door. He is wearing a ring of garlics around his neck.


Kramer: Hey.


Jerry: Hey. What are you doing?


Kramer: I’ve got the Kavorka Jerry.


Jerry: The Kavorka? What’s that?


Kramer: The lure of the animal. I’m dangerous.


Jerry: What is this thing around your neck?


Kramer: The priests they’re helping me. I just bathed in vinegar.


Jerry: You know you’re funcifying the whole building.


Kramer: Keep away Jerry. Keep away.

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