Mickey Posted February 16, 2006 Author Posted February 16, 2006 Crap Throwing Monkey said: It was a hunting accident! You make it sound like it was some grand malicious conspiracy...all because the administration has the same contentious relationship with the press now that they've always had. 604483[/snapback] Not a conspiracy to shoot the guy but certainly a planned effort to spin it and hide whatever negatives could be hidden. You don't think they were trying to get everyone's story straight during the time they went black? You don't think they chose that rinky dink local paper without some thought? I read the transcript of that Hume interview and a first year law student could have done a better job. For example, the VP said he saw his victim fall. That means that the victim was not obscured by a bush, a gulley or the sun unless one of those things obscured him when the shot was fired but, in the instant before he fell, somehow vanished so that he could be seen falling. In the law, you are charged with seeing that which was there to be seen. If you or I shot a guy in the face who was in full view, we'd be facing charges. Also, he kept talking about Armstrong being the best eye witness and so that is why they had her contact the press. Yet, she said that when she first saw the secret service people and all running to the scene, her first thought was that he had a heart attack. Doesn't sound to me like she was very close to what happened or saw very much. Maybe the secret service guys got a better look? Well, to interview them a blow job would have to be involved, shooting a guy in the face doesn't qualify. Don't you get it? There could be key details that are being withheld which, if revealed, could fuel even better jokes about all this. Our constitutional rights to all the info we need to laugh our butts off at all this are being violated. I will not remain silent.
UConn James Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 SilverNRed said: Meanwhile, back here in reality, I can honestly say I'm sorry I don't share your paranoia and outrage about the hunting accident .... 604498[/snapback] Switch in "car" and there's Teddy Kennedy's thoughts, to a T. Goes to show that even 40 years removed, you get what you give. And that is why we talk about flight suits, bulgies in suits during presidential debates, et cetera instead of sitting down over a nice glass of 20-year-old Scotch and finally coming to the conclusion that Social Security needs some drastic overhaul, that veterans aren't getting the care they need from the VA, why asbestos compensation legislation that won't use taxpayer dollars has been wisping like a ghost through the halls of Congress for decades.....
SilverNRed Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey said: Can't help it, anytime I read one of you posts which unerringly praises/defends the Bushies 604627[/snapback] Find some of my posts praising the Bushies, please. Quote , "ball sweat" immediately suggests itself.You admitting that ball sweat frequently comes to mind fills in a lot of the blanks. Quote I think having a VP who is so careless, so negligent that he shoots a guy in the face and then imposes a news blackout while they all get their stories straight, is interesting. About the best spin that can be put on this for Cheney by his legions of ball washers is "...just a hunting accident..." which, without fail, is exactly your tack.So everyone who thinks this is just a hunting accident is a ball washer and you're the enlightened one? Thanks for clearing that up. Quote Did the media shoot Bill Whittington in the face? Lets blame them anyway because, afterall, they are spending a lot of time on a story that is a negative one for the administration and that can't be tolerated. No wonder your annoyed.No, the media just blew the thing out of proportion and made the story about themselves. And in doing so (round the clock) have managed to do what they always do and ignore more important news items. Hey, I hear there's a war going on. But, whatever, this is a chance to grandstand on national TV. And who cares if the story has less to do with Bill Whittington and more to do with the media's relationship with the administration?
Crap Throwing Monkey Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey said: Not a conspiracy to shoot the guy but certainly a planned effort to spin it and hide whatever negatives could be hidden. You don't think they were trying to get everyone's story straight during the time they went black? You don't think they chose that rinky dink local paper without some thought? I read the transcript of that Hume interview and a first year law student could have done a better job. For example, the VP said he saw his victim fall. That means that the victim was not obscured by a bush, a gulley or the sun unless one of those things obscured him when the shot was fired but, in the instant before he fell, somehow vanished so that he could be seen falling. In the law, you are charged with seeing that which was there to be seen. If you or I shot a guy in the face who was in full view, we'd be facing charges. Also, he kept talking about Armstrong being the best eye witness and so that is why they had her contact the press. Yet, she said that when she first saw the secret service people and all running to the scene, her first thought was that he had a heart attack. Doesn't sound to me like she was very close to what happened or saw very much. Maybe the secret service guys got a better look? Well, to interview them a blow job would have to be involved, shooting a guy in the face doesn't qualify. Don't you get it? There could be key details that are being withheld which, if revealed, could fuel even better jokes about all this. Our constitutional rights to all the info we need to laugh our butts off at all this are being violated. I will not remain silent. 604633[/snapback] So there's a cover-up because they didn't immediately inform the press...even though they did, as they were obliged to, inform the proper authorities. Who, incidentally, if the press had been doing their jobs, they could have gotten the story from earlier. I've got news for you: if you're trying to hide from any allegations of wrong-doing, you don't call the cops either.
X. Benedict Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 KRC said: You seem to have a fascination with ball sweat/ball washing. 604631[/snapback] Rx: One round trip ticket to Bangkok
KRC Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 X. Benedict said: Rx: One round trip ticket to Bangkok 604661[/snapback] We'll just call him Brokeback Mickey from now on.
Wacka Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Brokeback Mickey, I do think Foster comitted suicide, I just think that he did it in his office and not at the park. They cleaned up the body and placed it there. I think he was in deep in the corruption with Bill and Hill from their Little Rock days. Too much activity in his office for it to be otherwise.
OnTheRocks Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey said: No legal need obviously but from a political standpoint, its probably a pretty good idea. 604006[/snapback] good idea for who politically?
cromagnum Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Wacka said: Brokeback Mickey, I do think Foster comitted suicide, I just think that he did it in his office and not at the park. They cleaned up the body and placed it there. I think he was in deep in the corruption with Bill and Hill from their Little Rock days. Too much activity in his office for it to be otherwise. 604680[/snapback] When they were smuggling cocaine?
OGTEleven Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey said: I read the transcript of that Hume interview and a first year law student could have done a better job. For example, the VP said he saw his victim fall. That means that the victim was not obscured by a bush, a gulley or the sun unless one of those things obscured him when the shot was fired but, in the instant before he fell, somehow vanished so that he could be seen falling. In the law, you are charged with seeing that which was there to be seen. If you or I shot a guy in the face who was in full view, we'd be facing charges. 604633[/snapback] I'm not sure I buy that. If Cheney,turned, fired, noticed (too late) the guy's head peeking over a bush and then saw his head disappear in a downward motion, would he not say "I saw him fall".? Outside of our right to better jokes, with which I agree, what could Cheney have possibly done (wild speculation allowed) during the course of a hunting accident that would be deemed as something which impacted his role as VP? Why hide anything? Even if he was smashed drunk, dressed in a tutu and singing show tunes why not just spill the beans? Well ok, maybe not about the show tunes but really? Outside of shooting the guy on purpose, what could he have possibly done wrong that would truly matter?
Mickey Posted February 16, 2006 Author Posted February 16, 2006 Crap Throwing Monkey said: So there's a cover-up because they didn't immediately inform the press...even though they did, as they were obliged to, inform the proper authorities. Who, incidentally, if the press had been doing their jobs, they could have gotten the story from earlier. I've got news for you: if you're trying to hide from any allegations of wrong-doing, you don't call the cops either. 604652[/snapback] You mean the cops who sent an officer over that evening who was sent away and told to come back the next day, presumably after Dick sobered up? Is that the police you are talking about? I'd like to see a drunk driver try that, "come and interview me tommorow officer, after I have sobered up, spoke to a lawyer or two and made sure all the witnesses have their story straight."
stuckincincy Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey said: You mean the cops who sent an officer over that evening who was sent away and told to come back the next day, presumably after Dick sobered up? Is that the police you are talking about? I'd like to see a drunk driver try that, "come and interview me tommorow officer, after I have sobered up, spoke to a lawyer or two and made sure all the witnesses have their story straight." 605115[/snapback] Do you possess evidence that the Vice-President was drunk? Please show same...or admit to heresay. Your call. But do tell, either way...
ASCI Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey, my point is Hilary and her gang knew about the foster “suicide” hours before they ID’ed the body at 10pm! They took their sweet time looting fosters documents when they knew an investigation had been initiated. And you complain about Dick taking his time Quote While the U.S. Park Police (a unit not equipped for a proper homicide investigation) studied the body, Foster's office at the White House was being looted. Secret Service agent Henry O' Neill watched as Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carried boxes of papers out of Vincent Foster's office before the Park Police showed up to seal it. Amazing when you consider that the official identification of Vincent Foster's body by Craig Livingstone did not take place until 10PM! Also Fosters death may have been a suicide, I don’t deny that, but a few questions remain: (1) The position of the arms and legs of the corpse were drastically inconsistent with suicide. (2) Neither of VWF's hand was on the handgrip when it was fired. This is also inconsistent with suicide. The investigators noted that in their 50 years of combined experience they had "never seen a weapon or gun positioned in a suicide's hand in such an orderly fashion." (3) VWF's body was probably in contact with one or more carpets prior to his death. The team was amazed that the carpet in the trunk of VF's car had not been studied to see whether he had been carried to the park in the trunk of his own car. (4) The force of the gun's discharge probably knocked VF's glasses flying; however, it is "inconceivable" that they could have traveled 13 feet through foliage to the site where they were found; ergo, the scene probably was tampered with. (5) The lack of blood and brain tissue at the site suggests VF was carried to the scene. The peculiar tracking pattern of the blood on his right cheek also suggests that he was moved.
Like A Mofo Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 stuckincincy said: Do you possess evidence that the Vice-President was drunk? Please show same...or admit to heresay. Your call. But do tell, either way... 605120[/snapback] Probably just going by what the lib media is spinning and is hoping to be true
Crap Throwing Monkey Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Mickey said: You mean the cops who sent an officer over that evening who was sent away and told to come back the next day, presumably after Dick sobered up? Is that the police you are talking about? I'd like to see a drunk driver try that, "come and interview me tommorow officer, after I have sobered up, spoke to a lawyer or two and made sure all the witnesses have their story straight." 605115[/snapback] Presumably after Dick sobered up, if you presume he was drunk. You're deriving one presumption from another, completely unsupported presumption, and presenting it as some sort of proof. The technical term for this is: "pulling sh-- out of your ass".
Mickey Posted February 17, 2006 Author Posted February 17, 2006 Crap Throwing Monkey said: Presumably after Dick sobered up, if you presume he was drunk. You're deriving one presumption from another, completely unsupported presumption, and presenting it as some sort of proof. The technical term for this is: "pulling sh-- out of your ass". 605155[/snapback] I know it is rank speculation. I'm not saying he was drunk, just that we don't know if he was or he wasn't and a quick interview with a police officer within an hour of the incident would have nailed it one way or the other. Presuming he wasn't drunk is just as speculative as presuming he wasn't. Reminds me of the many, many, many, many one car accident cases I have worked on. Shockingly, about 80% of them involve drinking and the other 20%, mostly bad weather. That is why one of the first things the officer does is to determine whether alcohol was involved, after securing the accident scene from further danger and getting the right medical help involved of course. I haven't had as many hunting accident cases but of the ones I have had, alcohol has played a major role, almost without fail. Experienced hunters, in the day, 30 yards away, shooter was able to see victim....hmmmm. Shooter has two prior DUI's, admits to the proverbial "I only had one beer" (wish I had a dime for every drunk I've heard that one from). Speculation about the drinking in these circumstances is to be expected. In this case, it likely would have exonerated the VP and silenced any speculation at all that he was drunk if a bac was done within an hour or so of the accident.
OnTheRocks Posted February 17, 2006 Posted February 17, 2006 Mickey said: I know it is rank speculation. I'm not saying he was drunk, just that we don't know if he was or he wasn't and a quick interview with a police officer within an hour of the incident would have nailed it one way or the other. Presuming he wasn't drunk is just as speculative as presuming he wasn't. Reminds me of the many, many, many, many one car accident cases I have worked on. Shockingly, about 80% of them involve drinking and the other 20%, mostly bad weather. That is why one of the first things the officer does is to determine whether alcohol was involved, after securing the accident scene from further danger and getting the right medical help involved of course. I haven't had as many hunting accident cases but of the ones I have had, alcohol has played a major role, almost without fail. Experienced hunters, in the day, 30 yards away, shooter was able to see victim....hmmmm. Shooter has two prior DUI's, admits to the proverbial "I only had one beer" (wish I had a dime for every drunk I've heard that one from). Speculation about the drinking in these circumstances is to be expected. In this case, it likely would have exonerated the VP and silenced any speculation at all that he was drunk if a bac was done within an hour or so of the accident. 605577[/snapback] what the hell are you talking about? good grief.....take your conspiracy crap somplace else. don't you know we only deal with FACTS here on the PPP??????
ASCI Posted February 17, 2006 Posted February 17, 2006 I heard it reported Dick prefers to drink Sterno before hunting.
Pete Posted February 17, 2006 Posted February 17, 2006 If hes not talking about washing balls hes talking about dick
cromagnum Posted February 17, 2006 Posted February 17, 2006 He said one beer, did'nt say the size, probally a 64 oz. super gulp.
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