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Interesting Iraqi viewpoints

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I am having a little trouble believing some of the wording here. I understand that it is an English translation, but something does not seem right about the last two responses. The quotes seem a little too "Americanized." I cannot imagine Ali Ibrahim Al-Tikriti talking like this, so is the author taking some liberties?

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I am having a little trouble believing some of the wording here. I understand that it is an English translation, but something does not seem right about the last two responses. The quotes seem a little too "Americanized." I cannot imagine Ali Ibrahim Al-Tikriti talking like this, so is the author taking some liberties?



Could be, don't know. I was more interested in the conversation about relationships. They track with a lot of other things I've heard.

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Could be, don't know. I was more interested in the conversation about relationships. They track with a lot of other things I've heard.



The releationship thingy was interesting and a lot of it makes sense. It also jives with some of the things I have seen from other sources (obviously, not as good as your sources).


I was just commenting on the last two responses, which seem more like Administration PR even to the point of using "American" terms for things, like "the Hill" and "stateside."

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Yawn.  Haven't we learned to take these defectors with a boulder of salt?



Yeah, I guess you have to because they aren't on board with the proper agenda. We should only here from those who are. Would you see things the same way if a defector stated he had no doubt that there never were any WMD or programs?

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Yeah, I guess you have to because they aren't on board with the proper agenda. We should only here from those who are. Would you see things the same way if a defector stated he had no doubt that there never were any WMD or programs?



No, I'd call him a bald faced liar in that case.


I'm keeping in mind that the guy defected 15 years ago and hence might have limited knowledge about the programs and the regime 3 years ago. I'm also suspect that these defectors might conform the information they give to something they believe I want to hear for their own agenda.


Did this guy offer anything really new? Didn't the National Intelligence Estimate say that Saddam wouldn't give WMD to another country unless he were about to be overhthrown? How does his information conform with the what the Iraq Survey Group found? From what I've heard, it doesn't really jive.


Sorry, but after reading what he had to say, I can't help but shrug my shoulders and ask "so what?"

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No, I'd call him a bald faced liar in that case.


I'm keeping in mind that the guy defected 15 years ago and hence might have limited knowledge about the programs and the regime 3 years ago.  I'm also suspect that these defectors might conform the information they give to something they believe I want to hear for their own agenda.

Did this guy offer anything really new?  Didn't the National Intelligence Estimate say that Saddam wouldn't give WMD to another country unless he were about to be overhthrown?  How does his information conform with the what the Iraq Survey Group found?  From what I've heard, it doesn't really jive.


Sorry, but after reading what he had to say, I can't help but shrug my shoulders and ask "so what?"



I agree. But I'm curious as to who he kept in touch with. I've come to find out there is and has been a lot of connectivity over there that really surprised me. Not just Iraq. I had the opportunity to learn some things from a guy who grew up in Beirut, and some of the "bad bad guys" were childhood neighborhood friends, and he still has a lot of links.

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