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if this guy dies 10 years from now, the press and DNC will blame Cheney.


In fact, if dies so can the courts and our legal system, Cheney nows is eligible for prosecution for manslaughter or at least criminally negligent homicide. Akin to hitting and killing a pedestrian, a mistake, but you are still at fault.


By the way, it is rumored the 24 hour delay was to try and get someone else to take the blame.


Also, why in world wouldn't Cheney or anyone else have kept track of where that friend was when he went to be and errand boy and retrieve the previously shot quail. Don't you check and check twice on that sort of thing? Duh!

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By the way, it is rumored the 24 hour delay was to try and get someone else to take the blame. 


It begins.


Is that rumor from DailyKos or PrisonPlanet.com?

It sounds like you didn't bother with "logic" with that last post.


Why would I hope someone dies so that I can knock the liberal media, something I can do every single day with or without this ridiculous story?


How would his (or anyone's death) help me do that?  Reporters help me do that by saying stupid things on TV every single day.


But, no, you're right.  We shouldn't ask our media to report on important issues when they can grandstand about a hunting accident.


What liberal media, you guys are already all over the airwaves blaming the Democrats for this story, when it could have been short circuited by Cheney taking responsibility, making a public apology and leading all of us in prayer for this guy.



Ed Shultz, a moderate!




not that it matters......but ...i don't think so....have you ever heard Ed Shultz?

What liberal media, you guys are already all over the airwaves blaming the Democrats for this story, when it could have been short circuited by Cheney taking responsibility, making a public apology and leading all of us in prayer for this guy.



Yeah, I'm sure the story would have died right there. 0:)


Just because Cheney didn't telephone NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, WP, Time, and Newsweek as soon as the incident happened, that doesn't make this a story. It's a non-issue!


But it will be reported as a major scandal. Hardball spent 45 minutes on this crap last night. CNN was breathlessly reporting that Cheney didn't have the $7 hunting stamp he was supposed to have. David Gregory basically had an aneurysm yesterday.

I have yet to hear anyone take this angle: Scooter is soon to squeal like a stuck Deliverence piggy that he got the order from Dick to out Plame which would crash the administration faster than twelve Jack (abram) Off photos, so Darth Cheney decides to take drastic measures to deflect attention and takes aim at some old fart Texas GOP bigwig, knowing that there are plenty more their ilk.




The hole in that conspiracy being that a 28-gauge shotgun loaded with birdshot is not QUITE the weapon of choice for an assassination. 0:)

not that it matters......but ...i don't think so....have you ever heard Ed Shultz?


It all depends on perspective. Compared to Randi Rhodes (sp?), Ed IS a moderate. Heck compared to her, Ed's a Republican.

Yeah, I'm sure the story would have died right there.  0:)


Just because Cheney didn't telephone NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, WP, Time, and Newsweek as soon as the incident happened, that doesn't make this a story.  It's a non-issue!


But it will be reported as a major scandal.  Hardball spent 45 minutes on this crap last night.  CNN was breathlessly reporting that Cheney didn't have the $7 hunting stamp he was supposed to have.  David Gregory basically had an aneurysm yesterday.



Sad, isn't it.


For all I know, the last guy I shot had a heart attack too. Anyone care? No.

Posted (edited)
It sounds like you didn't bother with "logic" with that last post.


Why would I hope someone dies so that I can knock the liberal media, something I can do every single day with or without this ridiculous story?


How would his (or anyone's death) help me do that?  Reporters help me do that by saying stupid things on TV every single day.


But, no, you're right.  We shouldn't ask our media to report on important issues when they can grandstand about a hunting accident.



I think my logic is just fine.


There are plenty of people in this country right now basically praying that this guy dies in the next couple days.






Imagine the "righteous indignation" if not only were they not informed immediately about the incident (which they're already crying about) but the guy ended up dying too.



Imagine that. The press wanting to report on a rediculous little hunting accident that involves the vice president of the United States. I can see why you are so outraged at this witch hunt by the grandstanding liberal media. The absolute gall they have, for wanting to get a straight answer out of the White House press Secretary on a story involving the VP shooting someone in the face. I can't believe why they would question why the story was broken by a small paper in Corpus Christi, and not in some kind of statement from the White House almost 18 hours after the fact. It's not like they don't have such a great working relationship with this administration already.




Now imagine spending a couple hundred million dollars investigating a blow job.

Edited by Johnny Coli
Sad, isn't it.


For all I know, the last guy I shot had a heart attack too. Anyone care? No.


Did you get "fined" seven dollars, too. Or is that just a texas thing?

his friend walked into a line of fire

His buddy definitely should have let the rest of the boys know where he was. But if it's true that Cheney wheeled a full 180 degrees before letting fly then the guy didn't walk into his field and Cheney is an idiot to boot.


a 28-gauge shotgun loaded with birdshot is not QUITE the weapon of choice for an assassination.

I think that's debatable.

If I wanted to knock somebody off w/o doing any time, constructing a hunting "accident" would be a viable option.

I mean nobody's stupid enough to try and kill somebody with a peashooter like that.

It had to have been an accident.



And before somebody starts telling me what a liberal moron conspiracy theorist I am, no I am not remotely suggesting that this is the case.

I think my logic is just fine.

Imagine that.  The press wanting to report on a rediculous little hunting accident that involves the vice president of the United States.  I can see why you are so outraged at this witch hunt by the grandstanding liberal media.  The absolute gall they have, for wanting to get a straight answer out of the White House press Secretary on a story involving the VP shooting someone in the face.  I can't believe why they would question why the story was broken by a small paper in Corpus Christi, and not in some kind of statement from the White House almost 18 hours after the fact.  It's not like they don't have such a great working relationship with this administration already.



I, for one, don't have any problem with that. Dominating the news with it is another matter. I don't think it's politically motivated, but more of a farce that American press has become - which is why I don't view much anymore.


Anything else happen in the world in the last few days?


Everyone is the Enquirer. Everyone wants the Enquirer. Then, we get either "they can do no wrong" or "Halliburton", from the carefully thought out 30 second mass analysis.


Then, sadly, we are allowed to vote. Wonder why we have the system we do?

Did you get "fined" seven dollars, too.  Or is that just a texas thing?



He didn't get fined. He had to buy a $7 postage stamp.


And it's not illegal to accidentally shoot someone when you're out hunting. Stupid, but not illegal.

I think that's debatable.

If I wanted to knock somebody off w/o doing any time, constructing a hunting "accident" would be a viable option.

I mean nobody's stupid enough to try and kill somebody with a peashooter like that.



Problem with that logic being, you have to be rather close to kill someone with something that light. If you're going to try to stage an accident with that gun, with that load, during something as choreographed as quail hunting...good luck. But you're probably better off waiting for deer season, so you can hit him with something heavier in a more accident-prone environment.

And it's not illegal to accidentally shoot someone when you're out hunting.  Stupid, but not illegal.



Depends on if you tie them to a tree first. Then it might be manslaughter. 0:)

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