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Losman's dramatic improvement

Orton's Arm

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Your remark about due diligence is a serious temptation to talk about the factors that have led me to conclude JP's chance of making it is slim. But at this point, I sense some people don't want to hear negative things about JP--especially not from me.


Therine lies the conundrum. You can point out what you think are faults with JP, but are you qualified to do so? Was it his ability to read defenses, his injuries, his OL, the play calling, the vets not liking the fact that he was handed the job, his low then high wonderlic score, etc...


We simply are not informed enough to make an accurate judgment. I do respect that you think that JP does not have a high probability to succeed, however even you have to admit that other than the "JP could possibly make it" reply, you do not acknowledge anyone else's opinions as having any validity. It does not help that you seem to be on a crusade regarding this matter.


I respect your opinion, I just detest your "negative spin" on JP any chance you get. This topic that you started is a prime example. You were throwing out the JP may have cheated on the wonderlic scenario without any form of objectivity. Your statements come across as though you are the ultimate authority on the matter, and even when you are shown to be over stepping your known authority you answer back with little supporting evidence and continue on with the charade as though you do know all.


Everyone here has their personal opinions about the Bills and what they need to do to become more successful, it just seems as though you are fixated on one subject. When someone is fixated on only one thing it becomes old and unwelcome.

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- Fourth, publish the results on a Bills message board, only to be derided by those who argue my biases prevented me from objectively determining quarterbacks' ability to read defenses. Expect to see plenty of :wacko: emoticons when discussing alpha levels and standard deviations.



Key word being "objectively".


You establish a method for objectively measuring a QB's ability to read defenses, and then maybe you'll have something. Until then, you're just blowing hot air...

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There's a very strong correlation between reaction speed and intelligence.



I tend to doubt that. Fast twitch muscle, instinct and experience have more to do with reaction time than brainpower. How many times have we heard a player say "I have to just stop thinking and play?" :(

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Your statements come across as though you are the ultimate authority on the matter, and even when you are shown to be over stepping your known authority you answer back with little supporting evidence and continue on with the charade as though you do know all.


I've had just about enough of this trash. I started the thread by pointing out something I didn't know about before--that JP's Wonderlic test score had improved dramatically between the first time and the second time he'd taken it. I'd also learned that Akili Smith was suspected of having cheated to have achieved his dramatic improvement. I suspected that either JP had cheated also, or that there was some extenuating circumstance that would have caused his first score to be low. I was open to the possibility he'd been extremely hung over or something. My first post ended with me asking a question about whether others knew more about the JP Wonderlic score. How on earth this is acting like a know-it-all is beyond me.


By starting this thread, I learned that many of the questions on the Wonderlic are about general knowledge (such as the hours of daylight in various months of the year), and not about general intelligence. Obviously, studying for a knowledge-based test can create dramatic improvement. Hitherto, I'd been under the impression the Wonderlic was designed to test mental aptitude. Now I know this isn't the case, I don't feel it's as strong a predictor of success.


You accuse me of not respecting others' opinions. But when others brought in new pieces of information to the discussion, I listened. Consider the low Dan Marino Wonderlic score, or the link to sample Wonderlic questions. If you want me to change my opinion, show me something I didn't know before (such as those things), or some line of reasoning I hadn't thought of before. Don't expect me to adopt an opinion merely because it's widely held.

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I've had just about enough of this trash.


That statement is pure comedy.


If you don't want to read trash, perhaps the first step is to dispose of your own properly.


Memo to Holcombs Arm: We get it. You don't like J.P. Please stop now.

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That statement is pure comedy.


If you don't want to read trash, perhaps the first step is to dispose of your own properly.


Memo to Holcombs Arm:  We get it.  You don't like J.P.  Please stop now.


This is your third post in this thread complaining about what you feel is my anti-JP crusade. There's still some chance I might not have understood your feelings about this, so why not write ten more?

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This is your third post in this thread complaining about what you feel is my anti-JP crusade. There's still some chance I might not have understood your feelings about this, so why not write ten more?


Keep up the crusade and I'm sure I'll find time to comment some more. It's the offseason; this stuff amuses me.

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I've also heard that some scouts actually worry about players who score TOO HIGH on the Wonderlic. They fear that the player may be too analytical and prone to over-thinking a situation, rather than being instinctive and processing the information quickly.


Looking at Bledsoe's very high score, it would seem to bear this out.

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Guest BackInDaDay
anyone know what Terry Bradshaw scored on that test?  I suspect he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he played a pretty mean game of football.



"Couldn't spell CAT if you spotted him the C and the T."

- Hollywood Henderson prior to losing to Bradshaw's Steelers in the SuperBowl.

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"Couldn't spell CAT if you spotted him the C and the T."

- Hollywood Henderson prior to losing to Bradshaw's Steelers in the SuperBowl.


I don't know where Hollywood Henderson formed that impression from. Certainly Bradshaw hasn't seemed egregiously stupid from what I've seen of him on T.V.

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Guest BackInDaDay
I don't know where Hollywood Henderson formed that impression from. Certainly Bradshaw hasn't seemed egregiously stupid from what I've seen of him on T.V.



Well, first off, Hollywood was a pretty brash dude. Excellent LB, full of himself, and always looking to stir the ****. Bradshaw was a big southern boy who never could be accused of burning the midnight oil at LSU. When he first was drafted, he became part of a 3 headed QB rotation that included ND's Terry Hanratty and very gifted guy name Joe Gilliam (I might be wrong about his name). Anyway, you think our QB situation is whacked! Bradshaw made JP look like a seasoned pro in his first 3 games. He may have set an NFL record by getting sacked for safeties in each of those games. Luckily his fourth start was against our very own Bills, and they were the cure to his disease. We jump-started a prolific career.


Anyway, his rep was a bit like Jim Kelly's. Tough as nails competitor, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


As it turns out, those remarks hurt Bradshaw rather deeply.


Years after Hendseron was released from prison for his drug convictions, he and Bradshaw met. The occasion was filmed, and shown on one of those Sunday pre-game shows. They appeared to bury the hatchet.

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