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Cheney shoots hunter.....accidently


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While I agree that the White House could have mitigated political damage by being more forthcoming...I'm also failing to see why the White House should be required to be forthcoming about such a thing as this.  Particularly when the political damage seems to stem from them not being forthcoming.


So the White House is in trouble because they didn't do something they weren't required to do?  :wacko:  That's as stupid a principle now as it was when Clinton was getting his pole waxed by a fat broad.



Yeh, but given the options, if the shoe were on the other foot which would you choose?!


There are a couple of options there if you do the math.

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WHAT Math?


Bush and the WH knew about it on Sat. night. The story broke Sunday AM. Big Deal.


Sure......HOW the story broke is a little suspect. But while high in its initial impact ("The VP SHOT someone!"), what really took place (minor, common hunting accident) isnt something that merits the WH PR team to jump up and go nuts to make sure its properly addressed IMMEDIATLEY. On a Saturday night. After hours. During a blizzard.

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You can dismiss this as a minor story, but it will be all over the news for the next couple of weeks, including on FOX. The White House can't be happy that whatever message they wanted to stress is going to be overlooked because of their clumsy handling of the story and Cheney's clumsy handling of a shotgun.


Anyone know what the law in Texas is regarding this situation? Would a regular person be charged or fined for this type of incident?

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You can dismiss this as a minor story, but it will be all over the news for the next couple of weeks, including on FOX.  The White House can't be happy that whatever message they wanted to stress is going to be overlooked because of their clumsy handling of the story and Cheney's clumsy handling of a shotgun.


Anyone know what the law in Texas is regarding this situation?  Would a regular person be charged or fined for this type of incident?




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You can dismiss this as a minor story, but it will be all over the news for the next couple of weeks, including on FOX.  The White House can't be happy that whatever message they wanted to stress is going to be overlooked because of their clumsy handling of the story and Cheney's clumsy handling of a shotgun.


I'm not dismissing it as a minor story (though I will if you want; hunting accidents are not infrequent occurrences, and the fact that the VP involved does not change the fact that this was a hunting accident). I'm just questioning the assumption that the White House is REQUIRED to announce it to the press.


Anyone know what the law in Texas is regarding this situation?  Would a regular person be charged or fined for this type of incident?



There'd be an investigation...but unless egregious carelessness or irresponsibility (e.g. a few six-packs were slammed beforehand) was found, I would assume that at worst it would result in confiscation of a hunting license. Probably not even. As far as I know, there's no "dumbass use of a shotgun" charge in Texas.

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Yeh, but given the options, if the shoe were on the other foot which would you choose?!



Off the top of my head...I'd probably announce it, but through the normal press release cycle. Which is to say, on Monday morning, at the daily White House briefing ("Oh, by the way, the VP was involved in a hunting accident Saturday. One of his hunting companions was injured, and is in the hospital, but sufferred no permanent injury" - Or "Is in stable condition..." Or whatever the guy's status is. - "and is expected to recover fully. Now, about Iran...") I certainly wouldn't call an emergency press conference Saturday to announce a not uncommon type of accident, as people seem to be implying should happen. Nor would I think I'd be required to report it to the media...I'd simply do so as a courtesy, and because it's smart PR...


...which gets back to the point I keep harping on, that the administration's marketing sucks. When are people going to realize that most every !@#$-up the administration's perpetrated can be explained by the simple fact that collectively these bozos couldn't sell space heaters to eskimos? We're talking about a group of people who couldn't sell the world on an important issue like eliminating a brutal dictator that NO ONE liked...why would we expect them to handle a prosaic hunting accident any better?

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WHAT Math?


Bush and the WH knew about it on Sat. night. The story broke Sunday AM.  Big Deal.


Sure......HOW the story broke is a little suspect. But while high in its initial impact ("The VP SHOT someone!"), what really took place (minor, common hunting accident) isnt something that merits the WH PR team to jump up and go nuts to make sure its properly addressed IMMEDIATLEY. On a Saturday night. After hours. During a blizzard.


To report or not to report

when to report, today, tomorrow

To shoot or not to shoot


options, chance, probability...MATH!


Still would like to know how far Cheney crossed over the firing line, even if he may have thought he was at the end of it. Is Cheney losing his sharp edge, forgetting where his host was? He has always been a tough debater and in command of the facts as he sees them. What happened?, obviousy the VP messed up.

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Anyone know what the law in Texas is regarding this situation?  Would a regular person be charged or fined for this type of incident?



Depends was the guy he shot a democrat or a republican? I believe one gets you jail time the other gets you a presidential medal of freedom.


Now where is the JSP FU smilie? :wacko:

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Depends was the guy he shot a democrat or a republican?  I believe one gets you jail time the other gets you a presidential medal of freedom. 


Now where is the JSP FU smilie?  :wacko:


P.S. Pardon the Interruption is going to do a segment on Cheney's gunnery skills.

Check it out right now. Wilbon and Kornheiser, even Jim Rome piled on this afternoon, who needs the comedians.

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Thanks for giving another non-story so much legs liberals.  Now we can ignore the budget so you can get plenty of pork in.


Dear Lord you people are idiots.



Yeah, because its all those damn liberals that are making this a huge issue.


O wai, not one liberal congressman has been quoted in the media from all of the stories I've read.


You're placing the blame here in the wrong spot, oh holy one. Its the media thats making this a big issue.

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Who cares? What impact does it have on anything, other than a right to B word about something to make a pointless point?


If Hillary Clinton had an avocation for bird hunting, and the same thing happened, I'd think the same way.


Damn, this is an issue? Anyone who has ever hunted knows there's guns, bows or whatever involved. Who really thinks it's a matter of national importance that CNN and FOX reported within 15 seconds?


Who cares?


(I think if the guy who got shot died, or was in any real danger things would be different - because it IS TV...but, damn...)

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Yeah, because its all those damn liberals that are making this a huge issue.


O wai, not one liberal congressman has been quoted in the media from all of the stories I've read.


You're placing the blame here in the wrong spot, oh holy one.  Its the media thats making this a big issue.


Yeh it is a non-issue, but so much more fun and a classic example of GOP buffoonery, a metaphor if you like for the way they are running this country, even when I agree with their intended actions.

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Yeh it is a non-issue, but so much more fun and a classic example of GOP buffoonery, a metaphor if you like for the way they are running this country, even when I agree with their intended actions.


You mean because your party, who actually lost to these idiots TWICE, is so much better?



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Yeh it is a non-issue, but so much more fun and a classic example of GOP buffoonery, a metaphor if you like for the way they are running this country, even when I agree with their intended actions.



Going hunting and a typical accident is "an example of GOP buffoonery"??!!?? :wacko:


What other retort is there to this except to say:


Yeah, well at least WE get out and DO STUFF instead of sitting around whining about everything from behind our copy of the NY Times and our lattes. Whining, !@#$ing maggots.....




God....if feel dumber just from discussing this topic like this.

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Going hunting and a typical accident is "an example of GOP buffoonery"??!!?? :wacko:


What other retort is there to this except to say:


Yeah, well at least WE get out and DO STUFF i



Boy, this is personal, eh?


The world is divided between We that do stuff and They that don't.

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