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Good read. You made a much better explanation of tiny bb's far flung than I did.



I just know the ballistics AFTER it leaves the barrel. At close range, the combination of hot exhaust gas and pellets acts like a single solid, cohesive object. As it travels and cools, it loses cohesion and starts to act like a swarm of individual round pellets - and "round" is a really sh------- ballistic shape, so the individual pellets lose energy rapidly.


Which is why Whittington still has a head. He was hit by a swarm of pellets. I don't know how far away from Cheney he was at the time...but another two or three yards farther, and he probably wouldn't have sufferred much more than having a handful of gravel thrown at him.

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Yep... a gut shot with a .410 makes any pistol round pale. The 28-gage shell is only a few millimeters fatter that a .410.  Upland birding is a sport of quick reaction to birds flushed out of the brush or woodland. A lightweight shotgun with an open pattern of small shot, to hit a fast-moving bird that can be knocked down with a few pellets, is the ticket...


The 28 pushes along a larger pellet load, usually at lower velocity than a .410, and usually has wadding to try to effect a more diffuse pattern.  It is a "specialty" round that is usually chambered for O/U or SxS shotguns. The bulk of 28 gage shotshells are in the 8 and 9 pellet range. It doesn't take a lot of "hitting power" to knock down such game. An accurate Daisy BB gun shot as they toodle along on the ground will get 'em.


You can purchase pumps or semi-autos so chambered, but that is dumb. The 2nd barrel of the O/U or side-by-side has a tighter choke to deliver the charge at a longer range if you miss the first shot. Same reason that doubles predominate in trap and skeet competitions.


Good job explaining it.

Isn't this the point where someone should say "Halliburton"?


Well, I am trying to figure out how they are going to turn a profit from this. What is the business angle?

Isn't this the point where someone should say "Halliburton"?


I thought we had moved beyond that and it should be flight suit or nose picking.

Well, I am trying to figure out how they are going to turn a profit from this. What is the business angle?


Well just like Clinton and his buying the retards of the lab breed with the chocolate, there will be tons of retard redneck buying 28 guages now.


"See Billy Joe Bob I am now just like the VP, come here so I can shoot you in the head." 0:)

I thought we had moved beyond that and it should be flight suit or nose picking.



No. We only use those for special occasions.

Well just like Clinton and his buying the retards of the lab breed with the chocolate



Tell me you didn't just make fun of Buddy.


The Secret Service will be at your door by 8 a.m.

Tell me you didn't just make fun of Buddy.


The Secret Service will be at your door by 8 a.m.


What do you care. You gave him to your secretary when you left office, and then only took him back after the political flap. of course about a week later you tossed his retarded ass in front of a car so you would have to take care of him yourself.

Drunk driving is illegal, hunting accidents are not.  It's similar to idiots who clammor on about friendly fire incidents.  How the !@#$ do you know what happened, if you have never been in a similar type of environment?



OK lets go with your opinion that we shouldn't comment about activity that isn't illegal and we don't have experience with. So using your logic only people who have had abortions can comment on them. 0:)

OK lets go with your opinion that we shouldn't comment about activity that isn't illegal and we don't have experience with.  So using your logic only people who have had abortions can comment on them.  0:)


Depends, and totally speculation, but if they were sipping anything at this time, then it becomes a different matter, question remains, why the 24 hour gap in time, kinda like the missing 11 minutes? Probably will never know. You righties can respond with Vince Foster, Monica doesn't play here, you investigated the hell out of her cigar.


P.S. I like Dominican Ashtons with the CT wrappers!

Depends, and totally speculation, but if they were sipping anything at this time, then it becomes a different matter, question remains, why the 24 hour gap in time, kinda like the missing 11 minutes?  Probably will never know.  You righties can respond with Vince Foster, Monica doesn't play here, you investigated the hell out of her cigar.


P.S. I like Dominican Ashtons with the CT wrappers!




I dunno....but Ill tell ya what... "We" will tell you what happened during that elapsed 24 hours in time when "you" tell us what happpened during the 8 hours between when Fat Teddy decided to pretend he was a U-boat captian and when he finally came out of the compound to tell everyone about it, including the police.


But we know....."Thats different".

I just know the ballistics AFTER it leaves the barrel.  At close range, the combination of hot exhaust gas and pellets acts like a single solid, cohesive object.  As it travels and cools, it loses cohesion and starts to act like a swarm of individual round pellets - and "round" is a really sh------- ballistic shape, so the individual pellets lose energy rapidly. 


Which is why Whittington still has a head.  He was hit by a swarm of pellets.  I don't know how far away from Cheney he was at the time...but another two or three yards farther, and he probably wouldn't have sufferred much more than having a handful of gravel thrown at him.




This article is claiming that it was from 30 yards, and that Whittington still has up to 200 pellets still inside him.


Not inferring anything, wasn't there. I only know a few things:


1) Quail is nasty. Partridge, now that's eatin'. You can hit a dude partridge hunting, though. They fly low, man. Be careful.


2) I would think the NRA would be a bit upset about all of this. It's pretty hard to spin shooting a guy in the face while hunting. Not a good light on the hunting public.


3) This kinda closes the gap on the Chappaquiddick thing, not fully, but close.


4) I'm not sure the story here is the cover-up, or gun control, but rather the life of jaw-dropping privledge and decadence that our leaders live in. Has anyone ever been to one of these private ranches? Un-fugging believable swag there. Not sure it's what the rest of us think of when we think about hunting.


If the guy Cheney shot in the face were to die (a big if, but it is possible) if this accident were to happen in NY Cheney could have arguably been charged with criminally negligent homicide. I am going on my memory from studying for the bar exam many moons ago, but I believe the definition is where one causes the death of another due to the failure to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk of death.

If the guy Cheney shot in the face were to die (a big if, but it is possible) if this accident were to happen in NY Cheney could have arguably been charged with criminally negligent homicide. I am going on my memory from studying for the bar exam many moons ago, but I believe the definition is where one causes the death of another due to the failure to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk of death.



Well, there are many shooting accidents every year. I'm not aware of a lot of charges being leveled. It was a hunting party, and assumedly, all involved knew there is an inherent element of risk. Football injuries happen all the time, an occasional death. Should grand juries be convened for those?


Just for fun:


Good news, ladies and gentlemen, we have finally located weapons of mass destruction: It's Dick Cheney." --David Letterman, on Cheney's shooting accident


"But here is the sad part -- before the trip Donald Rumsfeld had denied the guy's request for body armor." --David Letterman


"We can't get bin Laden, but we nailed a 78-year-old attorney." --David Letterman


"The guy who got gunned down, he is a Republican lawyer and a big Republican donor and fortunately the buck shot was deflected by wads of laundered cash. So he's fine. He took a little in the wallet." --David Letterman


"Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a man during a quail hunt ... making 78-year-old Harry Whittington the first person shot by a sitting veep since Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, of course, (was) shot in a duel with Aaron Burr over issues of honor, integrity and political maneuvering. Whittington? Mistaken for a bird." --Jon Stewart


"Now, this story certainly has its humorous aspects. ... But it also raises a serious issue, one which I feel very strongly about. ... moms, dads, if you're watching right now, I can't emphasize this enough: Do not let your kids go on hunting trips with the vice president. I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land, or energy regulations they're trying to get lifted -- it's just not worth it." --Jon Stewart


"The Vice President is standing by his decision to shoot Harry Whittington. Now, according to the best intelligence available, there were quail hidden in the brush. Everyone believed at the time there were quail in the brush. And while the quail turned out to be a 78- year-old man, even knowing that today, Mr. Cheney insists he still would have shot Mr. Whittington in the face. He believes the world is a better place for his spreading buckshot throughout the entire region of Mr. Wittington's face." --"Daily Show" correspondent Rob Corddry


"Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fellow hunter, a 78-year-old lawyer. In fact, when people found out he shot a lawyer, his popularity is now at 92 percent." --Jay Leno


"Cheney's defense is that he was aiming at a quail when he shot the guy. Which means that Cheney now has the worst aim of anyone in the White House since Bill Clinton." --Jay Leno


"I think Cheney is starting to lose it. After he shot the guy he screamed, 'Anyone else want to call domestic wire tapping illegal?'" --Jay Leno


"When the ambulance got there, out of force of habit they put Cheney on the stretcher. No, the other guy!" --Jay Leno


"Dick Cheney is capitalizing on this for Valentine's Day. It's the new Dick Cheney cologne. It's called Duck!" --Jay Leno


"He is a lawyer and he got shot in the face. But he's a lawyer, he can use his other face. He'll be all right." --Craig Ferguson


"You can understand why this lawyer fellow let his guard down, because if you're out hunting with a politician, you think, 'If I'm going to get it, it's going to be in the back.'" --Craig Ferguson


"The big scandal apparently is that they didn't release the news for 18 hours. I don't think that's a scandal at all. I'm quite pleased about that. Finally there's a secret the vice president's office can keep." --Craig Ferguson


"Apparently the reason they didn't release the information right away is they said we had to get the facts right. That's never stopped them in the past." --Craig Ferguson


"You know what they say, if Dick Cheney comes out of his hole and shoots an old man in the face, six more weeks of winter." --Jimmy Kimmel


"The Vice President says that it was an accident. He claims the guy got in his line of fire, but the good news was he was delicious. Eat what you shoot!" --Jimmy Kimmel


"This is a great story. You've got the Vice President, a shotgun, a bunch of rich guys hunting tiny little birds. The only thing that could possibly make this story better is if he shot Michael Jackson." --Jimmy Kimmel


"The man who was shot is named Harry Whittington. He's a high powered Republican lawyer, he was very lucky. They say the only reason that he wasn't killed is he was wearing the body armor that never got shipped to our troops." --Jimmy Kimmel


"But all kidding aside, and in fairness to Dick Cheney, every five years he has to shed innocent blood or he violates his deal with the devil." --Jimmy Kimmel


"So in summary, the Vice President of the United States shot a 78-year-old man in the face. Congratulations Mister Vice President, you are now a Crip." --Jimmy Kimmel


"According to the Washington Post, Vice President Dick Cheney is limping today because he injured his foot. Cheney said 'If you think my foot looks bad, you should see the old lady I was kicking.'" --Conan O'Brien

I dunno....but Ill tell ya what... "We" will tell you what happened during that elapsed 24 hours in time when "you" tell us what happpened during the 8 hours between when Fat Teddy decided to pretend he was a U-boat captian and when he finally came out of the compound to tell everyone about it, including the police.


But we know....."Thats different".



Kennedy should have been held responsible for his actions back then, you'll get no argument from me on that. It was a classic example of how power and money give people advantages with the law, which crosses all party lines. He's been a great advocate for many public policies that I agree with, but that doesn't excuse his "get out of jail free card".

This article is claiming that it was from 30 yards, and that Whittington still has up to 200 pellets still inside him. 


Not inferring anything, wasn't there. I only know a few things:


1) Quail is nasty.  Partridge, now that's eatin'.  You can hit a dude partridge hunting, though.  They fly low, man.  Be careful.


2) I would think the NRA would be a bit upset about all of this.  It's pretty hard to spin shooting a guy in the face while hunting.  Not a good light on the hunting public.


3) This kinda closes the gap on the Chappaquiddick thing, not fully, but close.


4) I'm not sure the story here is the cover-up, or gun control, but rather the life of jaw-dropping privledge and decadence that our leaders live in.  Has anyone ever been to one of these private ranches?  Un-fugging believable swag there.  Not sure it's what the rest of us think of when we think about hunting.


The reason number 4 even exists is comments like numbers 2 & 3. There's some serious ignorance going on there.

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