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Question about Olympics


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Ok, isn't the name of the city Torin? What's the deal with "Torino"?


I understand that it may perhaps be pronounced differently in Italy, but everywhere I see printed on Olymipic things (hats, jerseys, etc, etc) its spelled Torino.


Isn't the city's name Torin?

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Turin is the English spelling.  Torino is the Italian spelling.



Thanks. I thought possibly it was some marketing scheme (on the American side). But as this is my first couple minutes watching it, I just saw a foreigner with Torino, so it makes sence now.


Thanks again

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MadBuffaloDisease... You say it is the Anglo way.  Is that kinda like Sault Ste. Marie... Gets the moniker SOO?


Anyway, Starsky and Hutch driving around in a "Gran Turin" just doesn't do it for me!


:D  :D  :doh:



Yeah, but try covering it with a replica of the shroud of Torino... :lol:

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Ok, isn't the name of the city Torin? What's the deal with "Torino"?


I understand that it may perhaps be pronounced differently in Italy, but everywhere I see printed on Olymipic things (hats, jerseys, etc, etc) its spelled Torino.


Isn't the city's name Torin?



i can't believe they are doing the olympics in that sh-- hole of a city.

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Canada brought us some good beer, the Tragically Hip, and some good beer.... take it easy.


Good beer? Obviously you have never been to Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic or the Netherlands. Does Canada make any beer which is not skunked? Hell Mexico makes better beer then Canada. Give me a Pacifico over any Canadian beer. The only thing Canada does well that I am know of(besides B word about the USA) is they make damn beautiful women!

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Good beer?  Obviously you have never been to Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic or the Netherlands.  Does Canada make any beer which is not skunked?  Hell Mexico makes better beer then Canada.  Give me a Pacifico over any Canadian beer.  The only thing Canada does well that I am know of(besides B word about the USA) is they make damn beautiful women!



Sorry, you must have mistaken me for a beer snob, which I know some of you guys are. That's not an insult, its just that some people are beer snobs; meaning they go out of their way to find a beer that they "love" and have one or two of them, and telling other people how low-brow they are for liking American and/or Canadian beer. To me (a non-beer snob) good beer is one that tastes good through drinking 12-18 of em. This will get a GREAT reaction from the snob crowd, but I (and many people I know) have no problem picking up an 18 pack of Miller Light, and actually (gasp!) enjoying it. I've even been known to drink a couple dozen Coors Lights on a Summer day on the Lake. (And yes, same goes for many Canadian Beers... pretty much any of them except Labatt, just don't care for it).

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Sorry, you must have mistaken me for a beer snob, which I know some of you guys are. That's not an insult, its just that some people are beer snob; meaning they go out of their way to find a beer that they "love" and have one or two of them. To me, a non-beer snob, good beer is one that tastes good through drinking 12-18 of em. This will get a GREAT reaction from the snob crowd, but I (and many people I know) have no problem picking up an 18 pack of Miller Light, and actually (gasp!) enjoying it.  I've even been known to drink a couple dozen Coors Lights on a Summer day on the Lake.


yep, I only enjoy 1 or 2 beers when I drink :D Try a Maximator, Chimay, Lambic, Duvel, Hoegaarden, Trappistes Rochefort, etc. Oh I guess if there is not a commercial for it it must be an inferior beer


The USA is catching up with the rest of the world with wine, cheese and artisan bread but we still do not make good beer. Best beer in America IMO is Anchor Steam

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Try a Maximator, Chimay, Lambic, Duvel, Hoegaarden, Trappistes Rochefort, etc.  Oh I guess if there is not a commercial for it it must be an inferior beer



Typical beer snob comment "Oh I guess if there is not a commercial for it it must be an inferior beer"....


I'm not calling it inferior. Exactly the opposite, actually. I'm just saying, since I'm going to end up going out after I drink my 12 or 18, why would I pay a premium price if i LIKE the low cost, cold, tasty American and Canadian beers?


Plus, I'm assuming most of the beers you like that are not "commercial" beers are a bit thicker or darker, and I just personally don't like been that isn't a typical "American Light". Yes, I know. I'm a neanderthal... I enjoy light beer.

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