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Defending my Miami Post


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Wow -- where to begin? I guess with the idea that coming off a severe knee injury, back-to-back 1000-yard seasons for a mediocre team makes McGahee an 'underachiever'.


Santana Moss: Led his team in receiving each of the last three years. Fairly consistent, I'd say, especially considering the Jets finished up 2004 -- Moss's one sub-1000-yard season in the last three -- with Quincy Carter and an injured Chad Pennington splitting time at QB.


DJ Williams: third in Defensive ROY voting last season to fellow 'Cane Jonathan Vilma. Oops -- forgot about Vilma? He should be at #12, between Winslow and Williams. You can also find him at this year's Pro Bowl.


Bubba Franks: six seasons, three Pro Bowls. Another underachiever? All righty then...


Ryan McNeil was a second-round pick in 1993, #33 to the Lions. The Lions dealt their first-round pick to the Saints.


And I thought I hated the "U" just about as much as anyone. Guess I was wrong.



First of all I don't Hate any college program- because there are always good players within a bad program.


Your right about McNeil so we can take him off the list. That brings us to seven players with four being picked before 1996.


Bubba Franks - I won't arugue with you over Bubba. If you want to include him then so be it. Impact to his team means more to me then pro-bowls. Favre has never been able to count on Bubba to bring in the big play. But so be it. That brings us back to 8 out of 32


DJ Williams had a dramatic drop of this year from last plus off field DUI etc. This year Denver was taking him off the field in passing downs. Last year over 100 tackles- this year 55 . My point is that one season does not make an impact player.


If you want to add Santana that's fine that brings the number up to 9 impact players out of 32 since 1990


Again Vilma had an excellent year last but this year was down. I will admit that it's hard to evaluate some of these players that have not been in the leauge that long. The Jets were down plus a different Defense. It might not be fair but my point is to show a pattern of inconsistency. A lot of these guys show up for the first year and the last year of their contracts. Maybe Vilma is not one of these guys and maybe DJ is not one of these guys. But right now they are!


I don't hate the the U. I am only defending a statement that I said in another post that had to do with the draft- That I'm not wild about the Miami program because in recent years they have sent out a lot of underachievers in to the NFL.


People came out of the woods and jumped all over me and told me that I had no proof of that and that I was a moron. So I took 2 days after work and defended myself. I don't have a problem being attacked on this board but this time it really pissed me off. It was a simple general statement said to defend somebody attacking a draftees height as a reason not to draft this person. I just said I would be worried more about the person or program then his height.


Oh by the way McGahee right now is an underachiever. It's the way he ran this year not the yardage. He in my opinion is a franchise back not just a good back. Franchise backs demand that the O-line block for them. They motivate the line to block for them. Willis went through the motions this year. Yardage is not the issue. :D

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Oh by the way McGahee right now is an underachiever. It's the way he ran this year not the yardage. He in my opinion is a franchise back not just a good back. Franchise backs demand that the O-line block for them.  They motivate the line to block for them.  Willis went through the motions this year.  Yardage is not the issue.  :D



I am trying to get this straight.

Are you claiming that the Bills OL was talented enough to do a good job of blocking for Willis, and that they didn't do so because Willis failed to motivate them?


I remind you that as bad as they are, our linemen are professional athletes who are paid millions of dollars to do a job. This alone is motivation enough, let alone a desire to continue on in a professional capacity. Do you think that Orlando Pace will get to Canton because he was great, or because he was motivated by his running backs? :D

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I am trying to get this straight.

Are you claiming that the Bills OL was talented enough to do a good job of blocking for Willis, and that they didn't do so because Willis failed to motivate them?


I remind you that as bad as they are, our linemen are professional athletes who are paid millions of dollars to do a job. This alone is motivation enough, let alone a desire to continue on in a professional capacity. Do you think that Orlando Pace will get to Canton because he was great, or because he was motivated by his running backs?  :D




Ok fine we will add Willis to the list of great players who have lived up to their PR from the Miami program. Are you happy know!


That sets the count at friggen 10 out 32 Does that help you?? Some of you guys don;t know how to piss in a urnial.


Dam you guys are excellent at missing a point of a post! It's not about one or two players it's about a group of players and adding one or two more is not going to change that. God help me! :D

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Ok fine we will add Willis to the list of great players who have lived up to their PR from the Miami program. Are you happy know!


That sets the count at friggen 10 out 32 Does that help you?? Some of you guys don;t know how to piss in a urnial. 


Dam you guys are excellent at missing a point of a post! It's not about one or two players it's about a group of players and adding one or two more is not going to change that.  God help me!  :doh:

Actually, I wouldn't know the first thing about using a urinal...


Vilma was down this year? Led the entire league in tackles and was voted Jets MVP by his teammates. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree about him.


The larger point, though -- that sent me back to the original draft thread you put up, to find out what got you so irritated:

I don't have a problem with his size but I do have a problem with the Miami program in general.


They send out a lot of underachievers from that program. Guys who show up for the 1 st year and last year of their contracts and get hurt alot in between.


Not much heart comming from that program a lot of flash but not much action. IMO

I'm not a huge Miami fan but that statement is a little off.  They put like 20 guys in the NFL every year and some are gonna miss.  Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Shockey, James, Wayne, Morgan, and on and on.
Your living in a dream.  :D  :D


Lewis and Taylor are the only two that have gotten into serious trouble with the law and I would take either of them in a heart beat. As for injuries, I don't think there are more injuries than normal out of this group as compared to the rest of the NFL.


If you don't like the Hurricanes, fine, but don't try to dismiss the current crop of players they have in the NFL because of it. What other college has even come close to producing this many excellent current players?

Please ! Your giving me a friggin headache.  Get your head out of your hind quarters. I'm not even go to try to get you to grow up and see these players for what they are. Try seaching there names and paying attention to what they really do in real life.  You really think that this is a clean program and these guys are good citizens? Lewis and Taylor are the tip of the iceburg.

...and it goes downhill from there. Should you have been called a moron? No. I would suggest, however, that the bad attitude started with your posts, not with the replies... and that both sides of the argument could do with a little less schoolyard "IS TOO!!!" "IS NOT!!!" "IS TOO!!" smack right about now.


But hey, that's just my opinion...

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Actually, I wouldn't know the first thing about using a urinal...


Vilma was down this year? Led the entire league in tackles and was voted Jets MVP by his teammates. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree about him.


The larger point, though -- that sent me back to the original draft thread you put up, to find out what got you so irritated:


...and it goes downhill from there. Should you have been called a moron? No. I would suggest, however, that the bad attitude started with your posts, not with the replies... and that both sides of the argument could do with a little less schoolyard "IS TOO!!!" "IS NOT!!!" "IS TOO!!" smack right about now.


But hey, that's just my opinion...




So then I'm right about the urnial ?? Finaly I'm right about something. :D

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Ok fine we will add Willis to the list of great players who have lived up to their PR from the Miami program. Are you happy know!


That sets the count at friggen 10 out 32 Does that help you?? Some of you guys don;t know how to piss in a urnial. 


Dam you guys are excellent at missing a point of a post! It's not about one or two players it's about a group of players and adding one or two more is not going to change that.  God help me!  :D



Listen, I am here to talk football. I have no special interest in UM. I disagreed with what you said about Willis in particular, that's all.

It's not worth getting upset over, know what I mean? :D

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...and it goes downhill from there. Should you have been called a moron? No. I would suggest, however, that the bad attitude started with your posts, not with the replies... and that both sides of the argument could do with a little less schoolyard "IS TOO!!!" "IS NOT!!!" "IS TOO!!" smack right about now.


I'm the one who called him a moron and I feel this thread has justified that statement. At least you finally named specific players in this thread although your analysis is way off. Not only did Ray Lewis go to a Superbowl, he won the damn thing and was MVP---thats the highest of highs in the NFL. You keep reffering to the people who disagree with you as "miami guys" and I don't know one person who has claimed to be an avid fan of the U, just Bills fans who happen to think you don't know what the hell you are talking about (once again I'm a Va Tech Hokies fan for god sakes)! Great Post :D:D:doh::lol:;):doh::doh::doh:!!!!!!

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I'm the one who called him a moron and I feel this thread has justified that statement.  At least you finally named specific players in this thread although your analysis is way off.  Not only did Ray Lewis go to a Superbowl, he won the damn thing and was MVP---thats the highest of highs in the NFL.  You keep reffering to the people who disagree with you as "miami guys" and I don't know one person who has claimed to be an avid fan of the U, just Bills fans who happen to think you don't know what the hell you are talking about (once again I'm a Va Tech Hokies fan for god sakes)!  Great Post  :D  :doh:  :lol:  ;)  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :(!!!!!!



At what point of my post did I say that Ray Lewis was NOT an impacting player? In fact -- I gave him credit for being impacting on and off the field.


You really need to read before you post. Watch my lips BEFORE you post!

That's the key. If you read BEFORE you post you will see that the post is not about Ray Lewis. I said that he was an embarrasment.


So I guess you would be in agreement with me if old Ray had not won a Super Bowl??


As far as not knowing what I'm talking about. Anybody that backs what Ray Lewis does off the field because he won a Super Bowl on the field is so void of brain matter that I find it very hard to respect them.


What the heck is a Hokie anyway is it the name of the stick your dad beat you with? :D

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I really can't believe this whole post, no offense. You are saying a school that has constantly been putting good players in the league is no good cause of a handful of bad apples??? :D:D:doh: If your school puts like 10 guys i nthe league every year, a couple may not turn out to be studs. Miami has more talent than any other school right now and has produced great players. I think a school like say Nebraska should be mention before Miami - the Peters brother, Laurence Phillips, and many underachievers.

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At what point of my post did I say that Ray Lewis was NOT an impacting player? In fact -- I gave him credit for being impacting on and off the field.


You really need to read before you post. Watch my lips  BEFORE you post!

That's the key. If you read BEFORE you post you will see that the post is not about Ray Lewis. I said that he was an embarrasment.


So I guess you would be in agreement with me if old Ray had not won a Super Bowl??


As far as not knowing what I'm talking about. Anybody that backs what Ray Lewis does off the field because he won a Super Bowl on the field  is so void of brain matter that I find it very hard to respect them.


What the heck is a Hokie anyway is it the name of the stick your dad beat you with?  :D



Actually this is what you said, man you have one hell of a selective memory:


1996 – Ray Lewis – Ravens – 26th pick – impacting career on and off the field - if used in the correct defense he was impacting. Used not in the correct defense he is good but not impacting. Off field problems embarrassed his team and city and IMO is not worth the trouble. Influence younger players in such a manor that this team is still feeling the repercussions. An embarrassment to the game.


Not worth the trouble? A guy who Won a Superbowl and is a two time defensive player of the year is not worth the trouble of a crime he was eventually aquitted of? And you are 100% wrong about this impact on his younger teamates. Ray Lewis has always been an OUTSTANDING leader on the field and holds everyone on that defense accountable for doing their jobs. He also has taken younger players under his wing such as Terrell Suggs and fellow Miami alum Ed Reed. Jimmy Johnson used to have "star rules" for certain players because they were worth the trouble and it won him a few Superbowls. By the way, not one person has agreed with your assement of the players who come out of Miami.

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wow 1gap,


you are a horrible analyst.


if you even START to look at other college programs you will see them AT BEST being a bit behind miami in terms of the quality and quantity of 1st round picks.


if you inlcude 2nd and 3rd round picks you'd be even further behind.


it's just funny how you defend your wrong position by pointing to the players taken and just making up stuff (nice call on bubba franks by the way! favre can't count on him, cripes). ray lewis, shockey and vilma having down years and being dissapointments? i'd ask you to watch the pro bowl today, but i can tell you don't follow football.


i like reading people's opinions of what teams should do or what young guys coming up are good, but your post is so horrible i want to put needles in my face and dunk my head in lemon juice.

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wow 1gap,


you are a horrible analyst.


if you even START to look at other college programs you will see them AT BEST being a bit behind miami in terms of the quality and quantity of 1st round picks.


if you inlcude 2nd and 3rd round picks you'd be even further behind.


it's just funny how you defend your wrong position by pointing to the players taken and just making up stuff (nice call on bubba franks by the way!  favre can't count on him, cripes).  ray lewis, shockey and vilma having down years and being dissapointments?  i'd ask you to watch the pro bowl today, but i can tell you don't follow football.


i like reading people's opinions of what teams should do or what young guys coming up are good, but your post is so horrible i want to put needles in my face and dunk my head in lemon juice.



I've done that, and recommend against anyone else doing that. :D

Well, actually I only feel as though I've done that by reading this entire thread.

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1996 – Ray Lewis – Ravens – 26th pick – impacting career on and off the field - if used in the correct defense he was impacting.  Used not in the correct defense he is good but not impacting.  Off field problems embarrassed his team and city and IMO is not worth the trouble.  Influence younger players in such a manor that this team is still feeling the repercussions.  An embarrassment to the game.



I'm not Ray Lewis' biggest fan, but if we're calling him out for hanging out with the wrong crowd and being implicated (and acquitted) for a crime, then this should be included as well.


What an embarrassment

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No doubt too complicated for you.  :D

urinal- urinal - I have to get that right for the next time. Dam I hate when that happens.  :lol:  :o



The fact that i am an FSU fan and a miami hater but yet stil defending miami players in this thread should tell you how far you are off base.


Bubba franks a bust? Thats the most moronic thing i have ever hear. Well, right next to ray lewis not being an impact player.


When you hit your head against the wall once, quit banging and walk. Your head will break long before the wall.

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