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Gloria Allred has a new cause


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She's asking for an investigation of possible discrimination by the NFL against Roy Simmons, former lineman for the Gints and Skins.





I am sure that the NFL, which is concerned about its image more than any other sport, would not be dumb enough to turn this guy away because of his circumstance.


Sounds like this clown is looking for some money / publicity, since he hired Allred.

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Jeez, you think the fact that he has a book coming out has something to do with the fact all this crap is happening. He releases his book and now is sending an ambulance chaser in the two weeks surrounding the Superbowl.


As they say there is no such thing as bad publicity.

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Guest BackInDaDay
Jeez, you think the fact that he has a book coming out has something to do with the fact all this crap is happening. He releases his book and now is sending an ambulance chaser in the two weeks surrounding the Superbowl.


As they say there is no such thing as bad publicity.



Since the thought of applying for the proper 'credentials' only crossed his mind three days before the BIGGEST GODDAMNED MEDIA CIRCUS ON THE PLANET, I'd say you might be right. :pirate:


Have to wait to see how this pans out.

Where's Oprah?

I hope for his sake he's really gay. ;)

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Guest BackInDaDay
Your gaping mouth tells me this is something you would like to see?  Sick pervert. :pirate:





I can see it now... "Where's that lazy, no good husband of mine? Get out here! You can finally do something useful for the show!" :)

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It (NFL) said that "far from being hostile to Mr. Simmons, the last word back to him from our office was to contact us after the Super Bowl about the possibility of speaking to our rookies at their annual June symposium."
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I am not sure what to think, but IF the NFL granted creds to people on shorter notice... Why not him?


It really doesn't say if they did that... Just that they entertained the thought.


Kinda like the Oprah boutique thingy... I think she was wrong because she came after closing... The shop was just letting people finish up and NOT letting more in AFTER hours... Now if they did let people in AFTER hours, she'd have a point.


In this case... I would like to know if the NFL granted creds to people with say 2 day notice? If so, why did they not grant somebody that gave 3 days notice?


I am sure they would have a good reason. :D:D


So the big question to this:


"...NFL indicated that it would give others passes after Simmons asked for one."


Is... Did they?


IMHO, if they DID... The NFL will be hard pressed to come up with a valid reason for denying Simmons his creds.


I would bank, SNAFU, red-tape or managerial disorganiztion would be their only defense... Which PROBABLY won't cut it?


And GG... You make an interesting point... Yet, organizations will often throw "bones" out to people that they may have offended or feel guility about. This clouds the issue. Those "bones" take place in a less grander, less damaging forum. Personally, it will take somebody (very hard) to prove this tactical procedure. Just my opinion.


Until this question is addressed, all other personal views are just that, personal views.

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I am not sure what to think, but IF the NFL granted creds to people on shorter notice... Why not him?


It really doesn't say if they did that... Just that they entertained the thought.


Kinda like the Oprah boutique thingy... I think she was wrong because she came after closing... The shop was just letting people finish up and NOT letting more in AFTER hours... Now if they did let people in AFTER hours, she'd have a point.


In this case... I would like to know if the NFL granted creds to people with say 2 day notice?  If so, why did they not grant somebody that gave 3 days notice?


I am sure they would have a good reason. :D  :D


So the big question to this:


"...NFL indicated that it would give others passes after Simmons asked for one."


Is... Did they?


IMHO, if they DID... The NFL will be hard pressed to come up with a valid reason for denying Simmons his creds.


I would bank, SNAFU, red-tape or managerial disorganiztion would be their only defense... Which PROBABLY won't cut it?


And GG... You make an interesting point... Yet, organizations will often throw "bones" out to people that they may have offended or feel guility about.  This clouds the issue.  Those "bones" take place in a less grander, less damaging forum.  Personally, it will take somebody (very hard) to prove this tactical procedure.  Just my opinion.


Until this question is addressed, all other personal views are just that, personal views.


If he was asking for passes/etc. as a former player, that's one thing -- but that story says media credentials. FYI - this notice has been up on the nflmedia.com website since before the playoffs started:

The NFL is no longer accepting media credential applications for Super Bowl XL in Detroit.


If you cover an NFL team that might make the playoffs and you did not apply for credentials, please see that team's PR Department after the regular season to apply for credentials.


If you cover an NFL team that might make the playoffs and you did apply for credentials:  If your team advances, you will have an opportunity to revise your request as we get closer to the game.

So... can't give you an exact date, but it had to be before the first of the year.

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