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From Jeff Huber's blog via ePlauribus Media...

Neo-connecting the Dots: Delay, Deny, Derail the Investigations

...regarding Tom Delay's recent Appropriation's Committee appointment.

Delay was given the committee seat vacated when Duke Cunningham (R-California) stepped down after he pleaded guilty to accepting $2.4 million in bribes.


Delay also got a seat on the House subcommittee that oversees the Justice Department, which is presently conducting an investigation of the Jack Abramoff influence peddling scandal.  Delay, as you may know, had close ties to the U.S. Family Network, an advocacy group almost entirely funded by corporations linked to Jack Abramoff.


The house Justice Department committee also has responsibility for NASA, and hence the Johnson Space Center, which is located in Delay's Houston area district. 


Funny thing.  As Associated Press and other news sources have reported, Bush appointed NASA Inspector General Robert W. Cobb is under investigation for allegedly failing to investigate safety violations and retaliating against whistle blowers.  At least 16 individuals have files complaints against him.


The agency conducting the inquiry is the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an agency under the Justice Department, which is overseen by the House subcommittee Tom Delay just got assigned to.

Holy Smokes! If you're going to get stripped of a party leadership roll and indicted in your home state, the GOP is the gang to be in. It almost makes me nostalgic for Newt Gingrich.

Quick, someone tell me that the "dummycrats" are just as corrupt.

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From Jeff Huber's blog via ePlauribus Media...

Neo-connecting the Dots: Delay, Deny, Derail the Investigations

...regarding Tom Delay's recent Appropriation's Committee appointment. 


Holy Smokes!  If you're going to get stripped of a party leadership roll and indicted in your home state, the GOP is the gang to be in.  It almost makes me nostalgic for Newt Gingrich. 

Quick, someone tell me that the "dummycrats" are just as corrupt.



When the sole reason for your parties' being is "Bush Bad, Republicans Bad", with the not-so-subtle implication that Democrats are NOT guilty of the same offenses, what the eff do you expect to get in retort?


The message your party gave two Novembers ago was basically "Elect Kerry and you'll wake up tommorrow with all the worlds problems solved", fer chrissakes.

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Coming from the party that has elevated Byrd (former KKK clansman), Kennedy (involuntary manslaughter, drunk driving), and Leahy (proven leaker of national intelligence) to powerful positions in the wake of these problems, I think DeLay's issues are fairly minor. I guess if you're going to break the law in spit-in-the-face-of-the-Ten-Commandments fashion, the Democrat party is the place to be.

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Coming from the party that has elevated Byrd (former KKK clansman), Kennedy (involuntary manslaughter, drunk driving), and Leahy (proven leaker of national intelligence) to powerful positions in the wake of these problems, I think DeLay's issues are fairly minor.  I guess if you're going to break the law in spit-in-the-face-of-the-Ten-Commandments fashion, the Democrat party is the place to be.



OUCH! :angry:

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Coming from the party that has elevated Byrd (former KKK clansman), Kennedy (involuntary manslaughter, drunk driving), and Leahy (proven leaker of national intelligence) to powerful positions in the wake of these problems, I think DeLay's issues are fairly minor.  I guess if you're going to break the law in spit-in-the-face-of-the-Ten-Commandments fashion, the Democrat party is the place to be.




But my favorite is still the proud Dem and convicted pedophile Mel "Did I win the Lotto?" Reynolds.


Thank God we still have those decent, honest Democrats looking out for the common man! :angry::(

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Coming from the party that has elevated Byrd (former KKK clansman), Kennedy (involuntary manslaughter, drunk driving), and Leahy (proven leaker of national intelligence) to powerful positions in the wake of these problems, I think DeLay's issues are fairly minor.  I guess if you're going to break the law in spit-in-the-face-of-the-Ten-Commandments fashion, the Democrat party is the place to be.


That’s all you’ve got? Trotting out the same talking points now from how long ago? They have about as much relevance to this topic as the Reagan Iran-Contra scandal, or the Nixon Watergate tapes.


I’m not going to apologize for Robert Byrd’s past, as many on this board know how I feel about racism. That being said, he hasn't been a member of the KKK since 1943, and the NAACP gave him a 100% rating (NAACP report card, see pg 16). To my knowledge Byrd has committed no crimes in the 50+ years he's been in the Senate or the House.


I’m not going to apologize for Ted Kennedy, either. He has to live with what happened, whatever it was that did happen in 1969. He pled guilty and received a suspended sentence. Would that have happened in this day and age, probably not. He pled guilty, he’s had to deal with it dogging him for 40 years, and it probably ultimately cost him the presidency. Old, old news. Since then he’s been one of the most productive, influential, and well-respected senators in the history of American politics. I am proud that he represents my state.


You’re bring up Patrick Leahy? From way back in 1987? He leaked info to a reporter about the Iran-Contra scandal, and resigned from the committee. Was he ever indicted? That is a resounding “no”, unlike Scooter Libby, who is actually being indicted for outing a CIA operative (Yup, she still had covert status, Scooter), and may end up implicating the VP for leaking classified material to the press (Will Scooter Libby Graymail the CIA? and Libby Testified He Was Told To Leak Data About Iraq).


You’re right. Why am I spending any time on cronyism and corruption around a GOP party hack like Tom Delay, when I could be posting about cronyism (Recess Appointments Reek of Cronyism) and intelligence leaks from the current administration?

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Ah yes, Tom Delay.


When asked about the dangers of ozone depleating CFCs, his reply was, "the science behind the issue is still very much in debate".


Nothing wrong with that statement right? Except he said it in 1996!


In the words of Randy Marsh:

"With all due respect Mr. Clique, desenting Republican, the economy won't matter...THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW" :pirate:

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They aren't. They lack the power right now to be as corrupt. But things will change and they will be as corrupt again someday soon.



You said it, Repugnicans have the controls and the ones filching your tax dollars, Dems did it before, the only time that there was some accountability was with divided government with both parties switching regularly which branch they had control of.


The bodies could only be buried so far in the ground and were easier to uncover.


I miss Newt and Clinton, the only time we had a balanced budget and prospering economy.

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This is a truly disturbing story Johnny. It's hard to believe that Delay would get promotions on the heels of the indictments. It just shows how little the Congress thinks of the American people and policing itself.


Why was your post met with 5 -6 posts about corrupt Democrats? IThese rubber-glue posts miss the point: it's outrageous that Delay is getting high level appointments!

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Other than being in the House and Senate...  :pirate:


If you get elected to the House or Senate, there should not be term limits, there should be life limits. I am betting that a congressman that has two years to live will vote in good conscience. Same for a Senator with 6 years to live. At the end of the term there will be a liquidation Holiday - and what the hell postal workers will get the day off to watch.


If you are with me join the Libertotalitarian Party.

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If you get elected to the House or Senate, there should not be term limits, there should be life limits. I am betting that a congressman that has two years to live will vote in good conscience. Same for a Senator with 6 years to live. At the end of the term there will be a liquidation Holiday - and what the hell postal workers will get the day off to watch.


At the very least, it'll dissuade all those whose reasons for running are strictly self-serving.


If you are with me join the Libertotalitarian Party.



Can't, sorry. It conflicts with my commitments to the Neo-Socialist Gladiator party.

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:pirate: Damn. You guys may get more girls, but we have the better uniforms.



What, are you kidding? What's your uniform, brown khaki and little Hitler mustaches with long unwashed hair and tie-dyed arm bands?


On the other hand, we get gladiator armor, gladii and berets. How can you go wrong with gladiator armor, a short sword, and a beret?

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What, are you kidding?  What's your uniform, brown khaki and little Hitler mustaches with long unwashed hair and tie-dyed arm bands?


On the other hand, we get gladiator armor, gladii and berets.  How can you go wrong with gladiator armor, a short sword, and a beret?


Baaah. You can keep it. I would rather keep my 100% hemp fibered shirts and jackboots then wear a full breastplate in the heat of summer. At least my threads breath a little.


The Libertotalitarian Party - Forcing People to Do What they Want To.

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The Libertotalitarian Party - Forcing People to Do What they Want To.



That's fantastic. You're a genius!




I personally feel like running on the keg party's platform next presidential election...


Free beer or other intoxicants every Friday and a reduction of the drinking age to 18.

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