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For those of you with Jobs....


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Well, I'm the boss, so I can take as many days off as I want to. :doh:


Seriously, though, I have set the company policy: "If you're sick, don't come in."


That being said, I have had several employees over the years who "magically" get sick on 70-degree sunny days, or the day before/after holidays, etc. You can spot the 'em a mile away. There are always a few employees who try to push the limit.


I have never had to talk to any employee about "abusing" their sick time. After about three months, you pretty much figure out whether the employee is in terms of motivation/talent etc., so you can make adjustments to their projects/workload/salary as needed.

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In the fed you get 104 hours/4 a pay period (two weeks) or 13 days. That never changes with tenure.


The thing is that FERS employees can build as much as they want... they just LOSE it when they retire... Now CSRS employees (pre-early 1980's, no Social Security taken out of their check) can build as much as they want, when they retire they can use the time towards retirement, NOT MONEY.


Call it what you want... I have been working for the gov for 15 years and I got over a 1,000 hours sick leave (1/2 year)... Comes in handy if I get a catastrophic illness.

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I get 4 hrs per pay period, which works out to be 13 sick days per year.  Unlike annual leave, we accrue sick leave @ the same rate forever.  Annual leave goes from 4 hrs per pay period (first 2 yrs) to 6 (next 13 years) to 8.  Only 6 more years 'til I get up to 8 hrs annual leave per pay period!



I turn my 15 on 2-25!




1 day every pay period, bring it on!


Of course 240 is the limit of annual leave you can have a year or you lose it.


Not sure if you work for the post office?... They negotiate different, health benefits what not... I here they can carry more annual every year before they lose it... But, that is fine... The USPS doesn't rely on tax money, they are self-sufficient.

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a better question - how many sick days do you actually use?


I've taken two in the 10 years since I graduated from college.



Not many. But what happens if something major happens? Sort of an insurance policy... I am glad it is there.


I don't get nothing for it when I retire... So what is the problem?

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No sick days.

No personal days.


I accrue 2.25 hours of vacation per 40 hours worked.


...and I consider myself to have a good a job. Maybe just not the best benefits. We also are forced to take vacation when things shut down or we don't get paid. :D

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Exempt employees here, like me, get unlimited sick days. I use 'em when I'm sick, which isn't often. I get three personal days and two weeks of vacation, use it or lose it (after five years it turns into three weeks of vacation, and you can roll it over).


In my opinion, giving a set number of sick days just encourages people to use them all unless you can roll them over. Here we're even encouraged to use all of our vacation/personal time if we can't roll it over. Fine by me.

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the generalization on my part was poor judegment.

i had lunch yesterday with a guy whose wife is a teacher.  and she doesn't do jack....and all he did was complain about how hard she works.


i have friends that work in the Rochester City School Dist....and i have seen first hand the waste of dollars that could be better used by burning the dollars and using the fire for heating the buildings.


i am not convinced the the percentage of good teachers is higher than the percentage of bad teachers.



so after you changed your profession from teaching (due to your inability to find a job), what did you get into? Due to the fact that your are full of s h i t.....let me guess....plumbing?? Or maybe sanitation because of all that garbage you are spewing...take a deep breath...I really hope you don't have kids in school because I can only imagine how cooperative you would be with your child's educator!!

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