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For those of you with Jobs....


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I get 6 sick days a year and have only used one once in 5 years, the day I ran over a china-man on the mass pike. I'm pretty sure I had a concussion so I think it was legit. Some people use them as extra vacation days to screw Lumberg but my morals are to high...at least when I'm outside of a strip club...

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I just heard that Erie County Workers get 15 and that seemed ridiculous to me..I have always worked for myself so I have no idea about this...who in the hell is sick 15 times per year???






Welcome to government jobs....all of them are like that......

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I get 5 sick and 3 personal days. If you don't use 'em you get paid for them. Any unused vacation is lost. I get 15 vacation days/year.


I also work 11 hour days with no lunch. :angry:


I need a gov't/union job.

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I get 4 hrs per pay period, which works out to be 13 sick days per year. Unlike annual leave, we accrue sick leave @ the same rate forever. Annual leave goes from 4 hrs per pay period (first 2 yrs) to 6 (next 13 years) to 8. Only 6 more years 'til I get up to 8 hrs annual leave per pay period!

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Current job = 6/year, you can store a max of 12 at any one time. Not paid upon leaving.


New job = 8/year, you get them all on Jan 1st. The nice thing is if you don't use them at the end of the year, they transfer the hours into a "disability account," so if you ever have to leave work for an extended period of time, you get paid for that until short/long-term disability kicks in. Kinda cool.


I'm not opposed to taking "Mental Health Days." Sometimes you just get so burned out at work that you need a day or two to refocus. That's not really a vacation, so sick time is justified IMHO. Now if you're planning on going out of town for a 4 day weekend, using a couple of sick days is wrong there. But for just vegging out at home to recharge your batteries, I think that's justified. (in my wife's line of work, they pretty much require their people to do that).



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One bucket of time, 5 weeks, use them any way I want. Use them or lose them though.



I have the same system except we can carry over 2 weeks. I love when we changed to it a couple years back. I would never use sick days. Now I get to use all my time just like those who would make up excuses to call off sick.


I really want to change careers, but the amount of vacation time I get is holding me back. Money is nice, but the value of time is greater.

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I just heard that Erie County Workers get 15 and that seemed ridiculous to me..I have always worked for myself so I have no idea about this...who in the hell is sick 15 times per year???




Your tax dollars at "work" :angry:

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I just heard that Erie County Workers get 15 and that seemed ridiculous to me..I have always worked for myself so I have no idea about this...who in the hell is sick 15 times per year???



All of them.


Seriously. My company's policy is: if you're sick, call in sick. There's no set number of days...no "I've got a 103 degree fever and explosive diarhhea...but I'm going in, because it's July and I've only got 2 sick days left for the rest of the year." You're sick, you call in sick and stay home.


Of course, that kind of treatment also prompts a lot of "I'm too sick to come in...so I'll work from home today" kind of dedication from employees, so no one takes all THAT many sick days. And so far, everyone the company's hired (it's a small company, but grown from 5 to 50 people since I joined) has been honest about sick days, which helps as well. Still...it's a bloody generous system, particularly when accompanied by 20 vacation days a year above and beyond that for starting employees, and the 5% annual raise.


And before anyone asks...no, I'm not accepting anyone's resumes. :angry:

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14 and 2 personal a year.  For every personal you don't use, turns into 2 sick at the end of the year.  Gotta love being a teacher!





and the pigs keep saying we need to pour more money into education for the kids.



where is the smilie with the middle finger when you need it!

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5 sick days with 2 personal days.


Me too.


When I was sold from one company to another, I lost 2 weeks vacation a year. Went from 5 weeks a year to three.


I never used to call in sick, but I do now! :(


I also did not need personal days before. Now if I have a doctor appointment, I have to keep track of the hours. :angry:


I have a paycheck, so I really cannot complain too much!

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When I was sold from one company to another, I lost 2 weeks vacation a year. Went from 5 weeks a year to three.



Damn, that sucks. I can understand if you left and started with a new company, but you were sold to another company.

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