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I love you, man.



Okay that's it. I have had enough of this crap. I don't know who you are, but I want the real JSP back pronto! None of this pacifist lovey dovey crap. :pirate:

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Okay that's it. I have had enough of this crap.  I don't know who you are, but I want the real JSP back pronto! None of this pacifist lovey dovey crap.  :pirate:



"You're a god damn idiot aren't you?" - JSP Impersonator

Western New York's problem isn't big government, it is a corrupt incompetent government.  Kinda like the current federal administration.


I'm LMAO at this statement. Big government IS corrupt government. Big government happens when government enters a feedback loop, growing itself fat on the backs of honest citizens, man.


However, I understand your frustration, NY has one of the highest property tax rates in the country, yet the funding doesn't seem to accomplish much.  Buffalo has all the wonderful lake front property, but I understand the corruption is so great nobody is will to redevelop it, even though folks have made efforts. 


Big government is also wasteful. Did I mention that above?


Other cities have pulled it off with great success, even DC in Georgetown and San Antonio, Tx.  Not areas known for their clean government.


More news flashes: San Antonio is in a warm-weather environment with a healthy tourist industry, not to mention other industries. DC, too is a mostly gorwing economy....thanks to the continuing bloat of the Federal Gubmint.




Too easy to just blame big government, however, and big business may have created much of the problems with its hazardous waste dump sites all over downtown.  Not sure I would want to test and clean up some of those piers.


Thaaaat's right. Business is ALWYAS to blame. Never mind that businesses were what kept people working. Never mind that businesses were taxed out of existence in Erie and Niagara counties by a greedy, bloated, overstaffed, suffocating, corrupt DEMOCRATIC-PARTY-RIDDLED government. And that doesn't even take into account the criminals in Albany.


No business would want to, of their own volition, set up shop in Buffalo today with the way the global marketplace works. They'd be bankrupt in months.

"You're a god damn idiot aren't you?" - JSP Impersonator



One of the great things about America is that people of common sense have the freedom to point out the idiocy of the government and those who support making it larger.


That's my job, IMO, in the political arena. To call a spade a spade.

One of the great things about America is that people of common sense have the freedom to point out the idiocy of the government and those who support making it larger.


That's my job, IMO, in the political arena. To call a spade a spade.



I am inclined to agree with you that big government is a problem, but direct transfers like social security and medicare prior to this latest incarnation of including big business in its program are some of the most efficient forms of social welfare. USDA income support, while poorly targeted in my opinion are relatively efficient.


But the military ironically, is the most inefficient bureacracy. Big government only seems to work well in a crisis, but under this administration, that old adage has been proved incorrect, Michael Chernoff should be fired for incompetence: Karina biggest example, even Brown doesn't look quite as incompetent.


Federal officials knew long before the storm showed up on the radar that 100,000 people in New Orleans had no way to escape a major hurricane on their own and that the city had finished only 10 percent of a plan for how to evacuate its largely poor, African-American population.


Mr. Chertoff failed to name a principal federal official to oversee the response before the hurricane arrived, an omission a top Pentagon official acknowledged to investigators complicated the coordination of the response. His department also did not plan enough to prevent a conflict over which agency should be in charge of law enforcement support. And Mr. Chertoff was either poorly informed about the levee break or did not recognize the significance of the initial report about it, investigators said.


and Cheney and Bush where were they despite the warnings?


"The president is still at his ranch, the vice president is still fly-fishing in Wyoming, the president's chief of staff is in Maine," Mr. Davis said. "In retrospect, don't you think it would have been better to pull together? They should have had better leadership. It is disengagement."


One of the greatest mysteries for both the House and Senate committees has been why it took so long, even after Mr. Bahamonde filed his urgent report on the Monday the storm hit, for federal officials to appreciate that the levee had broken and that New Orleans was flooding.


NYTIMES today. :pirate:

I'm LMAO at this statement. Big government IS corrupt government. Big government happens when government enters a feedback loop, growing itself fat on the backs of honest citizens, man.



It's scary that this needs to be explained to people. What do they think, that it's possible to have a huge government that is NOT corrupt and wasteful??? Yeah, that's happened a lot in human history. :pirate:

I'm LMAO at this statement. Big government IS corrupt government. Big government happens when government enters a feedback loop, growing itself fat on the backs of honest citizens, man.

Big government is also wasteful. Did I mention that above?

More news flashes: San Antonio is in a warm-weather environment with a healthy tourist industry, not to mention other industries. DC, too is a mostly gorwing economy....thanks to the continuing bloat of the Federal Gubmint.



Thaaaat's right. Business is ALWYAS to blame. Never mind that businesses were what kept people working. Never mind that businesses were taxed out of existence in Erie and Niagara counties by a greedy, bloated, overstaffed, suffocating, corrupt DEMOCRATIC-PARTY-RIDDLED government. And that doesn't even take into account the criminals in Albany.


No business would want to, of their own volition, set up shop in Buffalo today with the way the global marketplace works. They'd be bankrupt in months.



I didn't say business, just big corporate business that mimics big government bureaucracies, can't believe that you are that narrow minded. Business is good, necessary and provides for the economy, but it too has its inefficiencies, curruption, abuse and inability to adapt. Since you can't even acknowledge this then don't complain about Buffalo's government. The most intractable problems are a combo of government and business, duh!


That is why it is important to effectively enforce anti-trust laws, which haven't been in years and applying true Keynsian economic principals...through short term economic interventions. Go Eliot Spitzer!

One of the great things about America is that people of common sense have the freedom to point out the idiocy of the government and those who support making it larger.


That's my job, IMO, in the political arena. To call a spade a spade.



I know, you were just being too nice to him, so I was making up for you not being an ass. :pirate:

Also, I would invoke a penalty tax on CEOs and upper management that get golden parachusetts when the companies they manage go under.



You want the government to take on the responsibility of punishing poor management of private companies?


Is there anyone else here who thinks that's a good idea? :pirate:

No business would want to, of their own volition, set up shop in Buffalo today with the way the global marketplace works. They'd be bankrupt in months.



But that's a good thing...because the federal government could confiscate management's bonuses and pensions for non-performance, hence balance the budget and cut taxes...

I know, you were just being too nice to him, so I was making up for you not being an ass. :pirate:



Oh, OK.


Time for you to get back to your liberalism 101 lecture, isn't it? ;)

You want the government to take on the responsibility of punishing poor management of private companies?


Is there anyone else here who thinks that's a good idea?  :pirate:



If we could clone more Eliot Spitzers sure..., but you probably are of the crowd that thinks big business can police itself...Love Canal, Haliburton, Enron...and the list goes on.


Free market trickle down philosophy is worse than big government, I at least want them to compete with each other, not be in bed together. Sounds like your knuckles are dragging from carrying the rock you just crawled out from under or are you are smoking some incredible weed.


Medical science has proved weed smoking causes the brain activity of a severly mentally retarded person. Which is it?

It's the small incremental victories like these....



Your memory is bad. I've argued for cutting government and tax cuts for those who need them most. Recall, I favored a cut in payroll taxes instead of what Bush had proposed in 2001.


Most of my arguments with you and others is about the claim of Supply-side economics. The defenses that you and every other Kool-aid drinker use are 1) some vague notion that's impossible to measure; or 2) as JSP just did, a statement like, "you must be dumb if you don't believe it." And of course, because 99% of the economics profession--the right, center, and left--also don't believe it, it's because we're biased.


No one has ever presented evidence here to back the justification that tax cuts lead to greater tax revenues (and again, the true measure is real tax revenues which is measured in relation to GDP.



First, SS stood for Supply-side, not social security. And everyone knows its a problem.

Second, I love you too man....


You want the government to take on the responsibility of punishing poor management of private companies?


Is there anyone else here who thinks that's a good idea?  :pirate:



Pick me. Pick me.

If we could clone more Eliot Spitzer's sure..., but you probably are of the crowd that thinks big business can police itself...Love Canal, Haliburton, Enron...and the list goes on.


I've got an even better idea...instead of having the government punish them, why not have the government appoint them? If the government's going to be responsible for de facto approval of corporate management in the long run anyway, it'll be a lot cheaper to ensure companies don't go under by applying government oversight in appointments rather than punitively...


And in case you haven't noticed...Enron were the result of already illegal activity. In fact, the management of Enron isn't just being fined, they're on trial with a significant possibility of jail time. And Love Canal and Halliburton...when, excatly, did they go under? Hell, when was Love Canal a company? Or did your argument suddenly morph from holding management responsibile for corporate performance to a more generalized "I hate corporate America"?


Free market trickle down philosophy is worse than big government, I at least want them to compete with each other, not be in bed together.


Actually, it sounds like you don't want them to compete at all, considering you want the government to punish them for failure...which just demonstrates how unutterably stupid your position is. "Corporations should compete...and the loser of the competition should be punished!" Socialist economics crossed with a healthy dose of Roman gladiatorial combat? ;)


Sounds like your knuckles are dragging from carrying the rock you just crawled out from under or are you are smoking some incredible weed. 


Medical science has proved weed smoking causes the brain activity of a severly mentally retarded person.  Which is it?




Actually, it sounds like you don't want them to compete at all, considering you want the government to punish them for failure...which just demonstrates how unutterably stupid your position is.  "Corporations should compete...and the loser of the competition should be punished!"  Socialist economics crossed with a healthy dose of Roman gladiatorial combat?  ;)

:huh:  :pirate:



Now that sounds workable, why not, corporate america would mind itself better with that hanging over its head. :devil: Besides, seeing corporate heads roll with a few politicians would make great theater...brings me back to the old coliseum days.


Through in a few bears and lions and a guillotine and man can you imaging, TV ratings would go through the roof. :)

Now that sounds workable, why not, corporate america would mind itself better with that hanging over its head.  ;)  Besides, seeing corporate heads roll with a few politicians would make great theater...brings me back to the old coliseum days.


Through in a few bears and lions and a guillotine and man can you imaging, TV ratings would go through the roof.  :pirate:



Of course, it would also put a major crimp in the "Buy America" lobby and the unions...considering that if you're going to punish failure, you're basically going to execute the entire US auto industry. Of course, the upside of that is the entertainment value of the executions, as compared to the slow, protracted suicide the industry's inflicting on itself now.


Still...I think televised executions should only be aired as a Superbowl halftime show, and be reserved for the worst NFL refs. :)

Now that sounds workable, why not, corporate america would mind itself better with that hanging over its head.  ;)  Besides, seeing corporate heads roll with a few politicians would make great theater...brings me back to the old coliseum days.


Through in a few bears and lions and a guillotine and man can you imaging, TV ratings would go through the roof.  :pirate:



See, I was thinking along the same lines, only with POLITICIANS in the arena...



See, I was thinking along the same lines, only with POLITICIANS in the arena...





He did say "a few politicians".


Of course, his "few" doublessly different from your "few"...but I suggest that in true democratic fashion we simply put it to a vote... ;)

He did say "a few politicians".


Of course, his "few" doublessly different from your "few"...but I suggest that in true democratic fashion we simply put it to a vote...  :pirate:



A vote sounds good, besides I might suprise you, while I am not all one sided and have a list of dems that I would throw in there with the Reps and Corporate jerks, starting with Kerrey.


He qualifies for being stupid and probably from smoking too much mother nature.

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