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Im really becoming concerened we lose the Bills!


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After reading all these articles and watching us become 0-3( we wont beat the pats) im getting real concerened that Bills life in buffalo are coming to a fast end.


We cant go through another rebuilding process for 3-5 more years....we just cant! I mean im tryong to be positive lately but with Wilsons age and the continued awful play and no pllayoffs for now 6 years....i just dont see how we keep our team in Buffalo.


Guys it really hurts to write this but tell me im wrong and why the Bils will stay here cause we certainly wont be winning this year! Ralph is too old to continue at this pace of losing year after year when we have always been a pretty solid franchise.


How can any of you admit we can rebuild another 3-5 years and keep this team in Buffalo, not to mention we have no 1st rd pick this year! The national media is picking up on our woes now about losing the team and it wont be long till some LA billionare buys this team.

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If we did lose the Bills, what would you do? Will you still follow them no matter where they go or will you jump on another team's bandwagon? Something to think about.


I'm a Bill to the end. I would never jump on another teams wagon. I would probably follow them to or stop watching football all together.

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If we did lose the Bills, what would you do? Will you still follow them no matter where they go or will you jump on another team's bandwagon? Something to think about.


I'm a Bill to the end. I would never jump on another teams wagon. I would probably follow them to or stop watching football all together.


That depends where they move. If its to LA, I'll jump off the wagon. Besides, what cities are looking for an NFL franchise? just wondering

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soon to be implemented??? I hope you are right. I have the feeling that this may drag on for a year or more. 


i'm in the camp where i woudn't mind if the NHL took as long as it takes (the whole season, next, the year after?) to get things right. By having both sides smoke each other out, it should clear the tables and rid the nhl of the entire mess its in right now. Plus, it will give barry melrose plenty of off camera time to elongate his already perfect greasy mullet.

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I think I can speak from experience here...


What will happen in Buffalo is that the NFL has a vested interest in keeping teams from playing musical chairs. No NFL franchise has moved in the last nine years, since the Browns went to Baltimore. I know how that tore my hometown apart. And people forget how bad the NFL looked when three teams pulled up stakes in an eighteen-month time frame.


But, the happy ending was that another team came to take their place. And we got rid of Art Modell in the process.


It's the CHARGERS who are going to Los Angeles. Rest easy.


Tired of the Chicken Littles...



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