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Carolina-Duke Tonight


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Around here it is 1 of 2 (3 or 4 depending on turneys) Super Bowls. I look for the refs to finally start calling fouls on She-will tonight. Thus allowing Pyscho "T" to have his way with McRoberts down low. It will come down to how will the Heels defend JJ and how well they shoot from the 3 point line.


I look for the Heels to win by 3......87-84.

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Once again, the game exceeds the hype. Duke goes ahead by 17 in the 2nd half, Carolina storms back to go up 5, then Duke rallies and hangs on for a 4-pt. win.


It hurts to lose this one, but what a game. People who don't understand this rivalry (or pretend not to care) are really missing out.


Edit: My final score prediction was off by 1 pt. for each team, by the way...87-83

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Once again, the game exceeds the hype.  Duke goes ahead by 17 in the 2nd half, Carolina storms back to go up 5, then Duke rallies and hangs on for a 4-pt. win.


It hurts to lose this one, but what a game.  People who don't understand this rivalry (or pretend not to care) are really missing out.


Edit:  My final score prediction was off by 1 pt. for each team, by the way...87-83



You can say that again. The young Carolina teams guts to battle back and Redick's late game heroics...snooze fest if you ask me. :(

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Once again, the game exceeds the hype.  Duke goes ahead by 17 in the 2nd half, Carolina storms back to go up 5, then Duke rallies and hangs on for a 4-pt. win.


It hurts to lose this one, but what a game.  People who don't understand this rivalry (or pretend not to care) are really missing out.


Edit:  My final score prediction was off by 1 pt. for each team, by the way...87-83




Good prediction. I'm pissed i had to miss the game. Roy has those young 'uns playing well.

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Once again, the game exceeds the hype.  Duke goes ahead by 17 in the 2nd half, Carolina storms back to go up 5, then Duke rallies and hangs on for a 4-pt. win.


It hurts to lose this one, but what a game.  People who don't understand this rivalry (or pretend not to care) are really missing out.


Edit:  My final score prediction was off by 1 pt. for each team, by the way...87-83



What an awesome night of sports. First the Terps fall behind 13-0, and finally get a lead with a couple minutes to go...Fear the Turtle...


At same time watching the Sabres, also a very nice, high tempo game,and with the two tuner D* Tivo, watching both games with no commercials....


9.00 Duke game on ESPN and the 3rd period of the Sabres. Do the same pause and switch tuners when at one point, about 10 minutes into the hoops game, message comes on screen...Game not available in area...WHAT.


Wait, find it on a local channel, and thank GOD i get Packer and Brando instead of Vitale. Does Vitale even watch the game anymore? I swear to god all he wants to do is tell stories and use his catch phrases.



BTW, Packer, who hates the Duke bias as much as anyone, made a great point around midway of the 2nd half. After mentioned how tired Duke looked, Packer rattled of for at least the third time the stat duke makes more FTs than their opponents attempt.He said that Duke had become accostomed to all the stoppages, and with the refs not calling everything Dukes way last night, they were not getting their customery break every other time down the floor.Made sence to me.


Last point, that Reddick kid can play a little bit!!!!!!!!

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That was a great game. UNC will have a nasty team next year once all those guys have a year of experience under their belts. Only JJ "Best Player in America" Redick saved Duke from the upset. The sequence with Dockery at the end was bizarre.


The poll ESPN put up at the end about the greatest Duke-UNC game got me thinking a bit. I'd have to go with 1995, we lost to UNC in 2 OT, but the game was incredible. In Cameron, Capel's bank 3 to send the game into OT, UNC's response, I wish I had a DVD of that one.


Oh, and for those who think this series is about hype, I'd say it is one of the two sports rivalries in America that actually beats the hype. The other being, of course, Red Sox-Yankees.

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That was a great game.  UNC will have a nasty team next year once all those guys have a year of experience under their belts.  Only JJ "Best Player in America" Redick saved Duke from the upset.  The sequence with Dockery at the end was bizarre.


The poll ESPN put up at the end about the greatest Duke-UNC game got me thinking a bit.  I'd have to go with 1995, we lost to UNC in 2 OT, but the game was incredible.  In Cameron, Capel's bank 3 to send the game into OT, UNC's response, I wish I had a DVD of that one.


Oh, and for those who think this series is about hype, I'd say it is one of the two sports rivalries in America that actually beats the hype.  The other being, of course, Red Sox-Yankees.



Hey bills_fan do you get the ACC Basketball Handbook? Shoot me an email.

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I'm following my place of employment school.  ETSU leads the nation in scoring and Tim Smith (who goes over two thousand points tomorrow) is leading the nation in steals...at 5'8" the most exciting player in America.




...and they play who?????? :(

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What an awesome night of sports. First the Terps fall behind 13-0, and finally get a lead with a couple minutes to go...Fear the Turtle...


At same time watching the Sabres, also a very nice, high tempo game,and with the two tuner D* Tivo, watching both games with no commercials....


9.00 Duke game on ESPN and the 3rd period of the Sabres. Do the same pause and switch tuners when at one point, about 10 minutes into the hoops game, message comes on screen...Game not available in area...WHAT.


Wait, find it on a local channel, and thank GOD i get Packer and Brando instead of Vitale. Does Vitale even watch the game anymore? I swear to god all he wants to do is tell stories and use his catch phrases.

BTW, Packer, who hates the Duke bias as much as anyone, made a great point around midway of the 2nd half. After mentioned how tired Duke looked, Packer rattled of for at least the third time the stat duke makes more FTs than their opponents attempt.He said that Duke had become accostomed to all the stoppages, and with the refs not calling everything Dukes way last night, they were not getting their customery break every other time down the floor.Made sence to me.


Last point, that Reddick kid can play a little bit!!!!!!!!



You're joking about Packer right. Packer is an idiot plain and simple!!!!

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For some reason I didnt get the game in Tallahassee, instead I had a feed of ESPNNews, even though the TVGuide channel showed that it was Duke Vs. UNC. Anyone else have this issue?



Prolly on a local Raycom station there in ACC country.


You're joking about Packer right. Packer is an idiot plain and simple!!!!


I like Packer and his anti Duke stance, being a terp fan and all. And you ya want, Packer or Vitale?


BTW, Dukies, Fear the Turtle this Saturday

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I like Packer and his anti Duke stance, being a terp fan and all. And you ya want, Packer or Vitale?


Packer is an idiot. Plain and simple. He has made a career of bashing a successful (in terms of wins AND scholarship) program and a great coach. Wonderful. Loser.


BTW, Dukies, Fear the Turtle this Saturday


We will and we do. You guys have owned us lately. You need the win bad, I think the ACC is going to get 6 in (Duke, NCSt., UNC, BC, Miami and Maryland). But you guys need a little winning streak.

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