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Is it too late to rename this year's SB?


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XL my ass. This one was XS. I know a number of threads have been started on this topic, but what a piss poor SB. Poorly played, poorly officiated. 4-5 big plays and a lot of mediocrity. At least when one team blows out the other you can sit back and admire the champion -- and know that the best team won. All I felt after last night's game ended was that neither team is very special. Easily the worst SB I ever remember watching where I had no real rooting interest.


The winning QB is 9-21 with two picks? Gimme a break. Say all you want about "just winning" -- and obviously Steeler Nation doesn't (and shouldn't) care how it got done -- but this was plain ugly.


That said, I'd take a Bills' SB win like this in a heartbeat. :(

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and would you take a bad Kelly showing in SB XXV if it came with a ring? Or are you happy with Thurman's big game, and the loss?


Win, anyway you can, just win.


Isn't that all that matters?


You obviously didn't read my post, or you wouldn't be asking any of those questions. The post really wasn't that long, you know. Hell, it was shorter than FFS' Cliff Notes.

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