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Jesus man, that's not a clear title describing your thread...  you broke your own rule!



This is more of an abstract poll... you know, if you smoked enough pot and you tried to imagine a call going against Pitt, what would it have been?

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This is more of an abstract poll... you know, if you smoked enough pot and you tried to imagine a call going against Pitt, what would it have been?




so its like the whole universe could be in one atom on my fingernail? wow man

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(Voice of Comic Book Gut...or T-Bone)  Worst thread ever!  :doh:


Have a few bucks on the Seahawks, Scott?



I don't give a crap about this game. However, what happened tonight shouldn't happen to anyone - except the Patriots.

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I don't give a crap about this game. However, what happened tonight shouldn't happen to anyone - except the Patriots.


I was listening to the local sports station here in Beantown on my way into work this morning. A guy called in (Pats fan) and said that while the offciating was bad in this game, it was nothing compared to the way the Pats got robbed by the officials in the Denver game. I came very close to driving my car into a tree. Typical Pats fan...still complaining about the officiating in a game where his team had 5 turnovers. Maybe he was complaining that they usually get all the calls. I hate this town.

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