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Will memory of poor officiating tarnish Steelers Win?  

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  1. 1. Will memory of poor officiating tarnish Steelers Win?

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for me the officials hurt both teams: several critical calls went against Seattle which all but took away their chances of winning or at least making it a competitive game. For the Steelers, the poor officiating robbed the Steelers of the chance to win the game without excuses.


I know this game left a bad taste in my mouth. NFL really needs to clean up the officiating before it becomes about as credible as professional wrestling.

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Worst call "offensive interference" negating Seahawk TD.

Next worst call giving Big Ben a TD when he knee was down and ball did not break the plane - you could see green grass between the nose of the ball and the goal line.

Third worst call the "block" against Hasselback on the INT giving Pitt 15 more yards on the INT

Worst non-call the horse collar of Shaun Alexander.


And various and sundry pissant calls or non-calls.


I wonder if Holmgren ever heard of the "hurry up" offense? One wouldn't think so.


But remember the AFC is much better than the NFC so this isn't that surprising.

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Squeelers all got a ring, & that is that.


Refs should be run out of the league though.


look im not saying seahawks werent their worst enemies at times -- their receivers for example dropped several no-brainer catches, poor clock management at the end and the 75-yard TD run -- but even so, without all those bad calls going against them they would have still had a chance and the fans would have seen a better game.

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Worst call "offensive interference" negating Seahawk TD.

Next worst call giving Big Ben a TD when he knee was down and ball did not break the plane - you could see green grass between the nose of the ball and the goal line.

Third worst call the "block" against Hasselback on the INT giving Pitt 15 more yards on the INT

Worst non-call the horse collar of Shaun Alexander.


And various and sundry pissant calls or non-calls.


I wonder if Holmgren ever heard of the "hurry up" offense?  One wouldn't think so.


But remember the AFC is much better than the NFC so this isn't that surprising.


your knee doesnt have to be down for the ball to break the plane and be a touchdown. --the ball already broke the plane..then he was hit and knocked back to where his knee hit the ground and the ball was behind the line.It was a legit TD.

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your knee doesnt have to be down for the ball to break the plane and be a touchdown. --the ball already broke the plane..then he was hit and knocked back to where his knee hit the ground and the ball was behind the line.It was a legit TD.



IMO,The ball never broke the plane (came close to very edge of the white plane) when his knee was still in the air... The ball was tucked underneath him parallel to the line. When BR moved the ball around over the plane he was already down and the play was dead.


If they ruled him not in, the replay would have upheld that.


The point is... They shouldn't make a call like this on the field... Go right to the booth and roll the dice... I can live with that.


This whole non-call/call thing gives me heartburn,

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this tarnish will last for about two months until the draft thne tags can rest assured that it will be forgotten by the rest of the league outside of seattle.



True. Move along, your HotPocket is done.


And if the Seahawks and MH don't let it go, they get painted as having "sour grapes"... Sore losers.


Aren't you glad our government allows dissenting opinions and operates differently then the NFL... :(:w00t:

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Some of the pundits are beginning to weigh in...

Throw a flag on these Super Bowl referees


Kansas City Star


DETROIT - What crime-ridden, boarded-building, automotive-industry-ravaged, snowy Detroit couldn't do, an NFL officiating crew pulled off with relative ease in front of plenty of bored-silly football fans inside beautiful Ford Field.


Sports' and television's most indestructible beast - the Super Bowl - met its match in the 40th playing of the game the world stops to watch.


The inevitable finally happened. A group of middle-aged executives trying to keep pace with a group of highly trained 20-something athletes destroyed America's sports holiday.


Pittsburgh's one-for-the-thumb Super Bowl will be remembered as the game when physically overmatched referees and heads-buried NFL executives flipped non-Steelers fans an XL middle finger.

Refs were far from Super in this one

Kevin Hench / FOXSports.com


"...Like a crazed CIA analyst running through the halls of Langley screaming into open offices about some impending calamity, I've been shrieking hysterically about the terrible officiating in the NFL and warning that some day the brutal calls were going to affect the outcome of the Super Bowl.


That some day was Sunday."

Game's third team upstaged Steelers, Hawks

By Michael Smith



DETROIT -- Three weeks ago, after the Steelers held on to upset Indianapolis, Joey Porter was upset at the overturning of Troy Polamalu's fourth-quarter interception that could have sealed the win much earlier. Believing that deep down the league preferred Peyton Manning and the Colts to win, Porter publicly criticized the game officials, asking them not to "take the game from us."


Well, the Steelers can call it even now, as the officials who performed well enough throughout the season to earn the privilege of working Super Bowl XL performed Sunday as though they were trying to make it up to the Steelers by giving them the game -- not just any game, but the biggest game. And, yes, this time the other guys, the Seahawks, cried conspiracy, only not quite as loudly as Porter.

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Some of the pundits are beginning to weigh in...




yet another tarnished SB. With NE's generous calls in the previous years playoffs, and now Pittsburgh pretty much gets all questionable/close calls.


I'm losing faith in the the integrity of the NFL.

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Some of the pundits are beginning to weigh in...


espn article was very well researched and analyzed. i just hope the TV announcers dont back down and pretend like the bad calls never happened, or take the cop-out route and say stuff like "seattle has to learn to overcome bad calls" or "steelers get the ring and that's that" kind of BS. i also hope holgrem doesn't let concern over being labelled a whiner deter him from publicly (but respectfully) expressing his disdain for the officiating and the opportunities it cost his team.


we all need to take a stand as fans, players and coaches and make sure a travesty like that never happens again.

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Worst call "offensive interference" negating Seahawk TD.

Next worst call giving Big Ben a TD when he knee was down and ball did not break the plane - you could see green grass between the nose of the ball and the goal line.

Third worst call the "block" against Hasselback on the INT giving Pitt 15 more yards on the INT

Worst non-call the horse collar of Shaun Alexander.


And various and sundry pissant calls or non-calls.


I wonder if Holmgren ever heard of the "hurry up" offense?  One wouldn't think so.


But remember the AFC is much better than the NFC so this isn't that surprising.



The worst call was the phantom holding call on Seattle on the pass to the 1 yard line.


The interferece call was at least in plain site, although a very ticky tack call.

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