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college cheerleader dismissed for her off campus


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Cheerleader dismissed for working at hooters


An East Tennessee State University student says she was dismissed from the cheerleading squad because she works at a Hooters restaurant. Freshman Kimberly Sams says she's 18 and should be allowed to work where she wants.


The owl-themed restaurants feature waitresses in snug athletic shirts and shorts. The company has a banner on its Web site reading, "Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined."


Sams says she was called into a locker room after practice and dismissed by squad coach Tammy Bartow about three weeks ago. Sams says Bartow told her the off-campus job was the reason.


Athletic director Dave Mullins wouldn't comment on Sams' dismissal, citing student privacy laws.


Hooters Vice President Mike McNeil in Atlanta said the owl-themed restaurant chain "supports the employee and the statements she's making." He also said ETSU should reinstate her to the cheerleading squad


Crazy conservative america not letting a girl work her way through school. Imagine if the girl was a stripper, people would have been going ape$#!t. As a college athlete, i would be incredibly P.O.'d if i got booted off the team for a job that i do not even strip at.

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I'd love to but the Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act prohibits discussing it.



In which case we should all feel free to speculate.


I say this cheerleader was caught engaging in sexual activity with another cheerleader in a bathroom stall, and that is why she was booted. Anyone else?

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There is more to the story than reported.



I can't believe you didn't encourage the lad to continue with his conservative bashing tirade:


Crazy conservative america not letting a girl work her way through school. Imagine if the girl was a stripper, people would have been going ape$#!t. As a college athlete, i would be incredibly P.O.'d if i got booted off the team for a job that i do not even strip at.


I'm impressed T-buddy.

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I'm going to need a good picture of this girl in various poses before I can really render a decision about this issue.


Pictures please.....


kimberly sams


Another Article about her story

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. — A former college cheerleader says she was kicked off the squad because of her job at Hooters, a restaurant where waitresses wear revealing shorts and tops.

"I'm 18. I should be able to work where I choose," said Kimberly Sams, a freshman at East Tennessee State University. "If the basketball team can come in here and eat, then I should be able to work."


Sams joined the cheerleading team in the fall and in November got the job at Hooters, an Atlanta-based restaurant chain.


Cheerleading coach Tammy Bartow dismissed her three weeks ago, Sams said, making it clear that being a Hooters Girl was not acceptable for an ETSU cheerleader. Bartow is the wife of ETSU men's basketball coach Murry Bartow.


"I had no warning that I was going to be kicked off," Sams said.


ETSU athletic director Dave Mullins declined to say whether Sams was dismissed because of her job, citing federal laws regarding student privacy. He would say only that Sams violated athletic department policies and that department administrators had approved Bartow's decision.


Sams said that she knew some people would find the Hooters uniform — a tight-fitting white top and small orange shorts — revealing.


"But so is my cheerleading skirt. I feel more embarrassed to wear my skirt sometimes at the games than I do walking around in my uniform," she said. "We wear pantyhose (at Hooters). We don't underneath my cheerleading skirt."


Mike McNeil, vice president of marketing for Hooters, said he wasn't familiar with the situation, but supported Sams' protest of her dismissal.


"I think the best thing they can do is reinstate her to the cheerleading team ... otherwise, it's a black eye," McNeil said.

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I'm really not all that liberal.  I think it just appeared so in comparison with the right wing loony  B-) crowd on PPP.




I am quite sure she would not have a problem with you violating her FERPA rights. :lol:

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Cheerleader dismissed for working at hooters

Crazy conservative america not letting a girl work her way through school. Imagine if the girl was a stripper, people would have been going ape$#!t. As a college athlete, i would be incredibly P.O.'d if i got booted off the team for a job that i do not even strip at.



Actually, universities (even public universities) have wide latitude regarding the restrictions that they allow their on-campus organizations to adopt.


For example, a university sports team is allowed to dictate the food and drink that their athletes consume. Even if you're age 21 and legally allowed to drink, the athletic department can restrict you from drinking and kick you off the team if you do drink. They can also force you to eat certain types of foods and avoid other foods.


Another example, if you join a campus-sponsored political organization, they are able to kick you out if they decide that your outside views and actions are not conducive to their beliefs.


These types of restrictions have been held up repeatedly in numerous court cases over the years.


Students have the "right" to their education, but the "rights" to extracirricular activities are a different matter.

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In which case we should all feel free to speculate. 


I say this cheerleader was caught engaging in sexual activity with another cheerleader in a bathroom stall, and that is why she was booted.  Anyone else?


I heard it was with another female cheerleader in the tunnel leading out to the field on game day.

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