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Brady vs McNabb hernia


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Reports are that Tom Brady is having surgery on a hernia in which he played with for half the season.


i was wondering if anyone knew if it is the same injury that mcnabb had, if it is, wow, brady is one tough SOB, he had his best statistical season as compared to mcnabb who could barely complete a pass. I know with mcnabb they called it a sports hernia, and with brady its just a hernia, i dont know if theres a difference.

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I think it's a pretty ambiguous injury and rarely are two the same. It is just given the title of 'sports hernia', but the actual injury can vary greatly. You could tell something was not right with McNabb, while Brady was able to play through the season with nobody really noticing a difference. I'm sure McNabb's was to a much more serious degree.


BTW, are these f'ing things contagious??? Did anyone ever hear of a sports hernia before this year? Now we have McNabb, Briere, Dumont, etc. Crazy.

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Tedy Brushci has played with seven sports hernias that have last his entire professional career.



I read on a Pats fan site that he had cured cancer in his spare time.


He's also submitted a paper on his theory for ball lightning. Should be a great talk, but it may devolve if Pats fans are present and insist on asking him about his Super Bowl rings. <sigh>

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i dotn recall hearing that bradys was sports hernia


the difference is in sports hernia i believe they say the muscle tear from the bone and in regular hernia its a tear from the intestines i could be wrong as this info comes from someone claiming to have looked it up somwhere

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Sports-hernia vs. hernia

In the groin area, there is something called the inguinal ring, which is basically an opening created when several muscles and tendons overlap, but not completely. Tears of the any of the muscles/ligaments that form the inguinal ring can lead to groin pain, and are called sports hernias. If the damage to the ring is sufficient to cause the ring to expand in size, the abdominal contents can pass through the ring into the scrotum, which is the more familiar hernia.

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I have a sports hernia myself. I was diagnosed with it a few months ago, and there is a slight bulge in the area where the leg attaches to my abdomen... If you look at the "v" shape of a guy's lower stomach/groin/leg area, it follows the ridge down on my left side. It basically looks like a small bulge, roughly the shape of a finger layed flat. It sticks out about an inch. Some days, it hurts to the point where i can barely lift my leg, some days it only hurts if i'm getting up off the ground, and some days it feelslike nothing at all. I believe this is the type of hernia that brady or jp dumont had. Dumont said that it only actually hurt him while pushing off on his skate. This describes mine to a T. From reading into things, mcnabb's hernia was the full blown intestines rupturing into the scrotum type.


Mine (and brady's, i presume) will eventually tear big enough to have the balls problem. If running were my profession, i'd get it fixed ASAP. Since it causes mild discomfort and only severe pain if i move a certain way, my surgery can wait till the summer vacation.

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I dont think ol Tom has to worry about that.


I kid, I kid. :P




haha, no, in all seriousness, hernias are a sucky side effect of being a guy. I guess i'm lucky though as its not serious enough for me to have to have immediate surgery. I can deal with taking my sweet time getting up off the floor or limping after dinner time. Plus, when i do have it, i will get a 2 day TSW detox.

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