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Women sue Wal-Mart to require them to carry the

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I have not read the entire thread, but agree with this one. My wife did have to use this pill as our contraception method (condom) failed on one occasion and she was ripe for a conception on that day. Availability of a prescription drug should not be a demand-based stocking idea. For all the great supply chain solutions that Walmart has perfected, they need to apply those principles to consumer goods only such as shampoos and toothpaste.



Well, according to JSP, one of the following must be true:

1.) You're a rapist

2.) your wife is a skank.


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Are we talking about chemical abortions, or contraception?  Because I was under the impression that Coli was talking about contraception. 


In general, it aids in discussion when the people having said discussion are talking about the same damned thing.  Y'all might want to verify that...


Based on your previous statement about control and monkeys, have you been among teenagers lately, I think it would be advisable to give all teenage girsl the morning after pill and have the boys be required to have reversible vasectomies.


Because you are not going to stop, maybe make a slight dent with abstinence programs, of teenagers full over hormones from finding a way to have sex and unintended children. To think otherwise is nuts.


From an economic perpective the abstinence program wastes tax dollars in according to the law of diminishing returns, it is not cost effective. Something rightwingers are always harping on when the consider programs.

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Based on your previous statement about control and monkeys, have you been among teenagers lately, I think it would be advisable to give all teenage girsl the morning after pill and have the boys be required to have reversible vasectomies. 


Because you are not going to stop, maybe make a slight dent with abstinence programs, of teenagers full over hormones from finding a way to have sex and unintended children.  To think otherwise is nuts.


From an economic perpective the abstinence program wastes tax dollars in according to the law of diminishing returns, it is not cost effective.  Something rightwingers are always harping on when the consider programs.



True enough. But when there are already birth control pills available that are beyond 99% effective, there's no reason for a morning after pill....OTHER than for use in the case of rape. Should we pass out condoms and BC pill in schools? No, the gubmint shouldn't be in that business. However, parents should be encouraged to do so at all costs.

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True enough. But when there are already birth control pills available that are beyond 99% effective, there's no reason for a morning after pill....OTHER than for use in the case of rape. Should we pass out condoms and BC pill in schools? No, the gubmint shouldn't be in that business. However, parents should be encouraged to do so at all costs.


My understanding from my wife is that the morning after pill has less side effects than the pill as far as screwing up her hormonal balance. Always an issue with women and not sure either of us is qualified to make that judgement.

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Hilary and JoeSixPack sitting in a tree,


K I S S I N G...





Well, there you have it.


Perhaps your years serving Democratic Party bosses have caused you irreversible brain damage. If that's the case, you have my deepest condolences. Good luck with the photography. I hear it can be quite therapeutic.

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So basically, you believe such a drug aborts a pregnancy in a woman who isn't pregnant. 


Which is fine...if you want to believe that, go ahead.  But it doesn't mean we have to take you seriously.  :D



Assuming your definition of pregnancy is that period of time AFTER a fertilized egg is embedded in the womb. But you'd have billions of Catholics worldwide who'd ahve an issue with that opinion.



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Well, there you have it.


Perhaps your years serving Democratic Party bosses have caused you irreversible brain damage. If that's the case, you have my deepest condolences. Good luck with the photography. I hear it can be quite therapeutic.


It is, especially away from all you right wing freaks on Capitol Hill. You should try it, neat stuff new technology, amazing colors.

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True enough. But when there are already birth control pills available that are beyond 99% effective, there's no reason for a morning after pill....OTHER than for use in the case of rape. Should we pass out condoms and BC pill in schools? No, the gubmint shouldn't be in that business. However, parents should be encouraged to do so at all costs.



But, if birth control pills taken "regularly" as contraception work the same way as "morning after pills," how do you draw the line? From this site:

How Does It Work?

Most birth control pills are "combination pills" containing a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during the monthly cycle). A woman cannot get pregnant if she doesn't ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized. The Pill also works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any eggs that may have been released. The hormones in the Pill can also sometimes affect the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

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Well, there you have it.


Perhaps your years serving Democratic Party bosses have caused you irreversible brain damage. If that's the case, you have my deepest condolences. Good luck with the photography. I hear it can be quite therapeutic.


P.S. What rock do you hide under to keep your knuckles from getting scraped?


I thought I saw on an earlier post that you were Fed? Political or lifer?

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Here's a novel idea: don't want to get pregnant? Don't have sex!


I mean, really, what are people? Chimps? Are people incapable of controlling their own sexuality? And how about being on the pill, eh? Brith conrtol pills have been around for nigh on forever, why can't a woman just take those if she KNOWS she's going to be humping like a rabbit?



It'd be nice of people weren't dumb. But they are. And these stupid people need the morning-after pill. Besides, I'd assume you'd rather have the burden of a morning after pill then the burden of an unwanted child on society.

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It'd be nice of people weren't dumb.  But they are.  And these stupid people need the morning-after pill.  Besides, I'd assume you'd rather have the burden of a morning after pill then the burden of an unwanted child on society.


We could alway go back to pre-Roe v. Wade and society can suffer 20,000 botched back alley abortions. Got to keep it safe, legal and rare. Morning after pill sounds like it might fit the bill. Still it is an experiment on women, science hasn't done anything to play with men...but I guess many of our fragile egos couldn't handle it.

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We could alway go back to pre-Roe v. Wade and society can suffer 20,000 botched back alley abortions.  Got to keep it safe, legal and rare.  Morning after pill sounds like it might fit the bill.  Still it is an experiment on women, science hasn't done anything to play with men...but I guess many of our fragile egos couldn't handle it.



I'd much rather if we didn't have to use a morning after pill, or ever have to have an abortion, but its just not realistic to expect people to stop having sex or expect sick freaks to stop raping.

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