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Bin Ladin

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I'm not asking for a PhD dissertation, you twit. All I'm asking for is legible communication and a somewhat educated opinion.




Why don't you point out for us specifically what was so uneducated, so stupid, about his hoping they get bin ladin and wondering if we will use more troops to get him if he makes another attack. Share with us poor twits and idiots the powers of your awesome intellect. We'll share with you our good manners. Something you were apparently never taught.

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Why don't you point out for us specifically what was so uneducated, so stupid, about his hoping they get bin ladin and wondering if we will use more troops to get him if he makes another attack.  Share with us poor twits and idiots the powers of your awesome intellect.  We'll share with you our good manners.  Something you were apparently never taught.



I'm so sorry, Mick. I forgot that you are emotionally delicate. I'll endeavor not to be so mean-spirited and hateful in the future.


If you'd bothered to read my previous response to the original poster, you'd see my opinion.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to point out exhibit "B" on the failure of American education.


I doubt this poster could even LOCATE Afghanistan on a map unassisted, and yet, somehow he's qualified to comment on foreign affairs?


We're doomed.


2 countries due north of the sub continent india.

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Technically, it is part of the Indian sub-continent, but yes, it is due north of Pakistan.


And I don't think bin Laden's THERE, either.


Where on this terra firma, that is approximately 93 million miles from the sun, do you believe bin laden is.

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Personally, I think he's in Suadi Arabia. It's as good a guess as any.




Jeez Spock, you can't spell either, damn American education, you probably went to a private school too. Look up "Suadi Arabia." sh-- happens when you are writing fast.


Guess, they didn't adequately adjust your sphincter in high school either. A two-by-four might do the trick.


Temper, temper...

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I'm so sorry, Mick.  I forgot that you are emotionally delicate. I'll endeavor not to be so mean-spirited and hateful in the future.


If you'd bothered to read my previous response to the original poster, you'd see my opinion.



I read it, your "opinion" was that he is an idiot with bad grammar. I didn't see much in the way of an explanation as to what exactly was so crazy about wanting to get bin laden or wondering if more troops would be used if he should attack again. I don't see why those sentiments would be controversial let alone stupid.


Here is what you said:


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to point out exhibit "B" on the failure of American education. I doubt this poster could even LOCATE Afghanistan on a map unassisted, and yet, somehow he's qualified to comment on foreign affairs?

We're doomed."

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Jeez Spock, you can't spell either, damn American education, you probably went to a private school too.  Look up "Suadi Arabia."  sh-- happens when you are writing fast. 


Guess, they didn't adequately adjust your sphincter in high school either.  A two-by-four might do the trick. 


Temper, temper...



You know, I think I've figured out why you're such a whiner and a B word. You worked for Ted Kennedy, didn't you? That MUST mean you're detached from reality and COMPLETELY devoid of any common sense. I'll try not to hold it against you. Oh, and next time you're in the car with your boy Ted, be sure to wear a life preserver.

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I read it, your "opinion" was that he is an idiot with bad grammar.  I didn't see much in the way of an explanation as to what exactly was so crazy about wanting to get bin laden or wondering if more troops would be used if he should attack again.  I don't see why those sentiments would be controversial let alone stupid.


Here is what you said:


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to point out exhibit "B" on the failure of American education.  I doubt this poster could even LOCATE Afghanistan on a map unassisted, and yet, somehow he's qualified to comment on foreign affairs?

We're doomed."



Hey, Einstein...this:


"And no, I don't think bin Laden is anywhere near Afghanistan."


Is what I was talking about. Read and comprehend. It's not too much to ask.

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Hey, Einstein...this:


"And no, I don't think bin Laden is anywhere near Afghanistan."


Is what I was talking about. Read and comprehend. It's not too much to ask.


Yes, you did say that, in your fifth post in the thread, long after I was critical of your initial post and even before you elevated the debate with your "twit" comment that started our discussion. So yeah, you finally came up with something of substance after 4 insult laced posts. Take a bow. At least you showed that the poster doesn't know where bin laden is though, of course, neither does anyone else from the NSA to the CIA to the Army, the Air Force, the Navy and the Marines. If that makes him an idiot deserving of your boorish scorn, he has a lot of company doesn't he?

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boys, boys, settle down. Someone is going to end up crying here....



Perhaps I am in the minority opinion here, but does anyone else think that publically announcing that Bin Laden has been Killed/captured/died would be the worst thing that we could do? I mean, he is essentially neutralized right now anyways, hiding in some cave like a worm, pretty much irrelevant when you consider what would happen if he showed up on bushnews network (FoxNews) or something captured and in the hands of the infidels.


Our biggest weapon against him should be to keep his whereabouts/status a secret even when we nail him...

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boys, boys, settle down. Someone is going to end up crying here....

Perhaps I am in the minority opinion here, but does anyone else think that publically announcing that Bin Laden has been Killed/captured/died would be the worst thing that we could do? I mean, he is essentially neutralized right now anyways, hiding in some cave like a worm, pretty much irrelevant when you consider what would happen if he showed up on bushnews network (FoxNews) or something captured and in the hands of the infidels.


Our biggest weapon against him should be to keep his whereabouts/status a secret even when we nail him...



Bin Laden has become a cult hero in the third world; he appeals to those who feel like the industrialized nations just want to exploit their labor and lands for profit. Kids in Africa and Asia wear Bin Laden t-shirts, and shop owners have his poster on the wall. In life he's a hero, in death he's a martyr. It's a no-win situation for us until we can convince the potential future terrorists that we have their best interest at heart. Giving people elections but no security, water, or electricity isn't going to do it.

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Bin Laden has become a cult hero in the third world; he appeals to those who feel like the industrialized nations just want to exploit their labor and lands for profit.    Kids in Africa and Asia wear Bin Laden t-shirts, and shop owners have his poster on the wall.  In life he's a hero, in death he's a martyr.  It's a no-win situation for us until we can convince the potential future terrorists that we have their best interest at heart.  Giving people elections but no security, water, or electricity isn't going to do it.


Also, I don't think letting a guy get away with killing thousands of Americans sets a very good example to our enemies or our friends. Afteralll, he is the man most responsible for the worst crime ever committed against our country. Seems to me it is or should be a priority to get him.

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Also, I don't think letting a guy get away with killing thousands of Americans sets a very good example to our enemies or our friends.  Afteralll, he is the man most responsible for the worst crime ever committed against our country.  Seems to me it is or should be a priority to get him.



Problem is...if we "get him", we've either captured him and put him on trial - and he becomes a martyr and an even bigger symbol. Or we kill him - and he becomes a martyr and an even bigger symbol.


Frankly, at this moment, having him hiding in a cave somewhere releasing the occasional video threatening action that never materializes is probably the best thing for us. It marginalizes him.


Which is not to say it was the best thing in earlier moments, or will be in later ones, of course. :huh: Right now...think of anything better in the global scheme of things.

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Problem is...if we "get him", we've either captured him and put him on trial - and he becomes a martyr and an even bigger symbol.  Or we kill him - and he becomes a martyr and an even bigger symbol. 


Frankly, at this moment, having him hiding in a cave somewhere releasing the occasional video threatening action that never materializes is probably the best thing for us.  It marginalizes him. 


Which is not to say it was the best thing in earlier moments, or will be in later ones, of course.   :huh:  Right now...think of anything better in the global scheme of things.




Yup, thank you for more clearly articulating what I was trying to say...

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