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Bin Ladin

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Funny how that statement could have been made 4 years ago, but it still holds true today.  He didn't go after him with the full ability of the U.S. military when they had him cornered at Tora Bora years ago, so why would he do it now.


He is still alive and planning a new attack, and the presidents goals in iraq are completed. Other then stabalizing iraq.

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Lets hope he is killed or captured , and his stated goal thwarted. If Bin Ladin is successful, will the president increase troops in afghanistan to find and terminate him.



He's talking smack, but wants a TRUCE. It's an embarrassing sign of weakness for him as an arab. No real reason to change the color of our alert status over that. Afghanistan? You think he's in Afghanistan?

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He's talking smack, but wants a TRUCE.  It's an embarrassing sign of weakness for him as an arab.  No real reason to change the color of our alert status over that.  Afghanistan?  You think he's in Afghanistan?


What I heard is he is on the border, the mountainess border of afghanistan and pakistan.He also said similar smack to spain and england.

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He's talking smack, but wants a TRUCE.  It's an embarrassing sign of weakness for him as an arab.  No real reason to change the color of our alert status over that.  Afghanistan?  You think he's in Afghanistan?


Seems like he wants a "truce" if ALL his goals are met and the US just goes back to the US and stays there. That's not looking for a truce whatsoever.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to point out exhibit "B" on the failure of American education.


I doubt this poster could even LOCATE Afghanistan on a map unassisted, and yet, somehow he's qualified to comment on foreign affairs?


We're doomed.


Hey, I was pretty good, on where in the world is carmen sandiego. And I remember a local tv reporter asking presidential candidate george w. bush , who is the president of pakistan, he did not know.

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Hey, I was pretty good, on where in the world is carmen sandiego. And I remember a local tv reporter asking presidential candidate george w. bush , who is the president of pakistan, he did not know.



Apparently, you, didn't do so well, when they covered, punctuation.



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Apparently, you, didn't do so well, when they covered, punctuation.





Pretty lame comeback, ...Spock... since when did you become Ms. Grammar Extraordinare? Who cares on these posts as long as the message gets transmitted. His was understood and your nitpicking sounds like my French teacher in high school. The Polish princess we called her sarcastically. At least make an interesting comment, trying to be a tool doesn't work for you.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to point out exhibit "B" on the failure of American education.


I doubt this poster could even LOCATE Afghanistan on a map unassisted, and yet, somehow he's qualified to comment on foreign affairs?


We're doomed.


No more or less qualified than most of us. Yet we all seem to think that it is somehow okay for us to discuss issues which effect us even if we do not hold PHD's on the subject. Off with our heads.

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Pretty lame comeback, ...Spock... since when did you become Ms. Grammar Extraordinare?  Who cares on these posts as long as the message gets transmitted.  His was understood and your nitpicking sounds like my French teacher in high school.  The Polish princess we called her sarcastically.  At least make an interesting comment, trying to be a tool doesn't work for you.


I don't get it. The guy puts up a post that says, simply, hope they get Bin Laden and if they don't, wonder if we will use more troops to try and get him.


...and the response from JSP is that he is an idiot with bad grammar.


What, in that post, warranted that response? What did I miss?

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Funny how that statement could have been made 4 years ago, but it still holds true today.  He didn't go after him with the full ability of the U.S. military when they had him cornered at Tora Bora years ago, so why would he do it now.



One of the reasons he can't go after him now is that he's probably in Iran somewhere. Now, maybe the Iranians hate his guts, but I bet Ahmadinejad would be willing to put up with him, and Ayman al-Zawahiri, if it meant thumbing their noses at the US, which is what they're digging at the moment with this nukular thing. After all, now many quality production studios do you think are located in the most remote regions of Paki anyway? (I read last week that some video expert indicated these tapes were of much higher quality than prior efforts.)


I also have this fear that some kind of strike is near, although I hope and pray not. The offer of a truce makes no sense. Just no sense. This guy may be a lot of things, but he's not dumb. No, I think he offered it to get some value out it -- meaning he could say "I told you so. I offered you a truce, and you didn't take it. See what happens?" For some strange reason I just can't get beyond that.

Of course, they've been promising attacks for some time now, so my "theory" is probably total hogwash, but I just have this eerie feeling....

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Pretty lame comeback, ...Spock... since when did you become Ms. Grammar Extraordinare?  Who cares on these posts as long as the message gets transmitted.  His was understood and your nitpicking sounds like my French teacher in high school.  The Polish princess we called her sarcastically.  At least make an interesting comment, trying to be a tool doesn't work for you.



Did I hurt your feelings? Oh, wait a minute, I don't give a rat's ass.


I hardly think that someone who can't even communicate legibly is in ANY position to criticize the policies of people who can. And before you harp on dubya's verbal communication, I'd like to point out that he was smart enough to become the President, even beating two "intellectuals" in Gore and Kerry.


One more point...go !@#$ yourself, tough guy. Your opinion means all of a steaming bucket of sh-- to me.

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No more or less qualified than most of us.  Yet we all seem to think that it is somehow okay for us to discuss issues which effect us even if we do not hold PHD's on the subject.  Off with our heads.



I'm not asking for a PhD dissertation, you twit. All I'm asking for is legible communication and a somewhat educated opinion.

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Did I hurt your feelings? Oh, wait a minute, I don't give a rat's ass.


I hardly think that someone who can't even communicate legibly is in ANY position to criticize the policies of people who can. And before you harp on dubya's verbal communication, I'd like to point out that he was smart enough to become the President, even beating two "intellectuals" in Gore and Kerry.


One more point...go !@#$ yourself, tough guy. Your opinion means all of a steaming bucket of sh-- to me.



Wow, JSP in rare form! lol I guess I need to visit over here more often 0:)

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