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If Hillary gets elected Prez

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My wife thinks it might be First Gentleman.


Any thoughts?


I think once you are President, you are addressed as "President" for life or, in this case to avoid confusion, maybe "Former President". Something along the lines of "President and Former President Clinton". Just a guess. The country has been without a First Lady in the form of a Presidential spouse before so I guess it could be again. Maybe Chelsea would be utilized to fill that purely ceremonial role.


If Bill had never been President then maybe some sort of male version of the title "First Lady" would have to be invented.

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I'd like to see fellow lesbian Cunnilingus Rice in that role.  Bill doesn't have time for that bullchit.


I'm not sure if I'll get into more trouble with the zoo keepers saying I'm offended by that comment or by failing to say I'm offended by that comment. Its a real puzzler. :lol:

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Well. there are rumors that Chelsea is really Webb Hubblel's kid.

Vince Foster?

Who said it had to be a man? :lol:


I simply asked "who?" Anticipating where this thread was likely to go, I made no gender specific references. :lol:


That is one rumor I missed. Chelsea looks so much like Bill it freaks me out.

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If I had my way, it would be First Pimp.


The Lincoln Bedroom would be painted in tie-dye and have mirrors installed on the ceiling.


Imagine how much tail I could get without having all that Presidenting to do.



Jeez, someone needs to get laid. If you are a Republican get married first, or just lie about not having sex before marriage...if you are a Democrat just tell her you are only one and keep going, but Bill, the real President while lying about it, never had a problem with getting laid, in or out of the Lincoln bedroom...so don't be so pathetic.

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Jeez, someone needs to get laid. If you are a Republican get married first, or just lie about not having sex before marriage...if you are a Democrat just tell her you are only one and keep going, but Bill, the real President while lying about it, never had a problem with getting laid, in or out of the Lincoln bedroom...so don't be so pathetic.



Because that's what REALLY matters when you're the Chief Executive, right?


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I think once you are President, you are addressed as "President" for life or, in this case to avoid confusion, maybe "Former President".  Something along the lines of "President and Former President Clinton".  Just a guess.  The country has been without a First Lady in the form of a Presidential spouse before so I guess it could be again.  Maybe Chelsea would be utilized to fill that purely ceremonial role.


If Bill had never been President then maybe some sort of male version of the title "First Lady" would have to be invented.



The History Channel recently aired a series, "The Presidents" . It was interesting, especially the facts, plusses, and failing of some of the more obscure ones.


I learned the term "First Lady" came from the administration of the unmarried James Buchanon - the tiltle was given to Buchanon's niece, who assumed the White House social duties.

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Jeez, someone needs to get laid. If you are a Republican get married first, or just lie about not having sex before marriage...if you are a Democrat just tell her you are only one and keep going, but Bill, the real President while lying about it, never had a problem with getting laid, in or out of the Lincoln bedroom...so don't be so pathetic.




Bubba did it in his office. omething that any of us would get fired for if thay did that. He should have taken her upstairs to the private quarters.

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