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Where is our D Coordinator?????


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What are we waiting for in hiring a Defensive coordinator. Ralph open ur wallet and get Jim Bates. First off the guys hould have got the HC job in Green Bay. I'm not even going to get started with the $$$ factor with not hiring Sherman. But come on, is Ralph living on food stamps??? With Jerry Gray leaving, now I am really worried about not having a D coordinaor that nows what the hell is going on.

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Whats the rush, I would rather they took their time and got someone good then rushed into the decission to please the fans.


As for Bates, F*ck him, He wants more then what the team that fired him was paying him to do the same job or else he will just sit out the year and collect his pay? Thats not Ralph being cheap. Thats him not giving in to pressure from the fans and showing him who has control over negotiations. Don't like our offer, fine. Go get one of the other HC positions out there or one of the other DC positions available. Can't find any? Maybe you should have accepted the reasonable offer we made you.

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With Jerry Gray leaving, now I am really worried about not having a D coordinaor that nows what the hell is going on.




Uh, let me get this straight, you are worried with Jerry Grey LEAVING. <_< Most of us have been praying he would leave. Did you not catch the defenses' fall into patheticism this past year :devil:


You are a funny funny poster.

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