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Very Disappointed


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Im sorry but im a very passionate Bills fan who holds out hope each and every year. I honestly beleived that the team Mularkey inherited was superbowl ready and so did most of the sports world. However, Bledsoe Blew it thean TD dropped the Ball and Ralph well he blew it up.


This team is going nowhere fast. I have to sit here and go through another GW era of "teachers". How about Ralph stating do what it takes to win no matter the cost. Bring in Marv-get the fan based excited. Hire Jaruon and let the fan base down. Now were are getting all these "teachers' for coordinators -what about experience? Does anyone realize this is Bellichiks divisio and you need somone experienced enough to beat him or the playoffs are never coming through a wild card spot in the east not with the west lloking so good and weaker north/south divison. We are becoming a joke and looking as bad as cinncinatti once did and Detroit is now.


Unles something miraculously happens once free agency begins I must say that the best this team will do is 7-9 and that in itself is going to be asking alot.


Thanks Ralph for bringing youth and experience to the team and your best effort forward in trying to build a champion here in Buffalo-the fans really appreciate it.

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