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gluten for punishment, so here goes



Cut Mike Williams, save us lots of money.

-Bennie Anderson-save us money

-jeff Posey-saves us the highlights of other teams

Extend Eric Moulds cutting cap hit. He had almost twice as many catches as our 2nd WR last year.

resign Josh reed, he started to finally come around, but his future may take another turn. resign all who cost little to the team.

Franny Clements, but see below

Sign: Ted Washington-after release from Raiders, old but still the best DT Buffalo has ever had.

-Peerless Price-sure he has struggled at other stops, that just drops his price. And he is a good 3rd or 4th option.

-Matt Schobel-great athlete, good hands and a weapon in the passing game at TE

-Ron Dayne-Big back that we need, another cheap FA, solid back up.

-Brian Williams-nickel back in Minn last year, had 4 ints

-Andy McCullum-aging vet, knows fairchild's system, and cheap.

end result, 6 second tier free agents that need a fresh start Should combine to cost less than what we save after the williams and moulds moves.


Trade rights of clements to NY Giants, for their 1st and a 4th. that way we don't have to spend a lot of money on one player, that struggled last year.


this is how I see the first 8 picks going






3-Ttians-Cutler-Norm chow didn't talk about him much in the interview I heard, so he is interested, as good as young is, there is still a lot to teach him, and cutler went to college in Tenn.


4-Jets-young-to good to pass up. even with Ferguson on the board


5-Pack-Ngata-they need interior help more than a DE.


6-49ers-D'Brickashaw-a young LT to block for a young QB, they have not been too happy with Harris, and Jennings has been injured....go figure


7-raiders-AJ hawk-they are very weak at LB


8-Buffalo Bills-Mario Williams-2nd best defensive lineman in draft. Ngata is higher on my list. Big and athletic, compared to Peppers, I compare him to udeze but healthy and injury free. On paper so far our Line would look like Schobel-Adams-Washington-williams, size up the middle and speed on the outside, that's a tough line.


1b (from Giants) Winston Justice-He can play RT or LT, and should be available, lacks great size, but will be able to add quality weight. As a rookie I foresee him playing RT.


2-Aston Youboty-CB, or a safety if he is selected before this, I think he is a little bit of a project, but he is very similar to Clements. Brian Williams could man the CB spot until he is ready.


then trade two 3rd for a 2nd,


2b-Bobby Carpenter-coming off an injury he should still be there, I love this kid, he is tough and a very good athlete, he has more than enough size to start at LOLB as a rookie.


4a-Greg Eslinger-he might be gone by this point, but in years past the 2nd and 3rd centers go in the middle round, undersized but behind mcCollum he'll have time to bulk up the 10-15 pounds needed.


4b(from Giants) kelly Jennings-another CB in case of injuries


5-Drew Olson-can play in the NFL, at the moment this is where I see him going, gives us a young back up, just in case.


6-Dwayne Slay-safety-big hitter, good athlete, could be future of position, or a good special teamer.


7-Gerald Anderson-big DT from Georgia-might not make team but is better than Bannan.



Potential Starting defense

Vincent(or Baker) and Milloy

McGee and Youboty




-size up the middle, speed and good tackling on the outside, and average CBs and aging safeties


Potential starting offense

McGahee Shelton

Losman or Holcomb

Moulds Schobel Justice-Villarrial-McCullum-gandy-Peters Evans


-better line, TE threat- and a new attacking offense (hopefully)-the change I would make with Reed is, I would make him a 3rd down back-for those who do not remember he was a running back early in his college career, so to convert wouldn't be too hard for him, he would also create more match up problems that way, and be more of a threat.


go ahead and bash it, it's what we do best

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but i don't think it is possible for us to let williams go without getting some OL in FA.


also, why no love for crowel?


let's draft a safety/OG instead of the OLB.




good thinking and you beat me to posting about crowell... he had an excellent season to not be starting next year. we need more help on the line to be considering a LB unless somebody falls really far down

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I like crowell a lot, the reason behind drafting Carrpenter is, I feel he is a special player, Crowell might have to start, but not at LOLB, but instead at ROLB, still many questions about the health of Spikes, he says he'll be ready, but it could be an injury he never fully recovers from.

You might have a point about a lack of linemen, at the moment we might only have Preston and Eslinger as Back ups, if Trey Teague reduced his desire for money I'd consider bringing him back as a back up OT.

Or bring in another low cost OT.

I think that Baker is our future FS, and I might take Bing or Blue in the 2nd over a CB.

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Eslinger is wayyyyyy to small for the system we're likely to run.  If he goes anywhere, it will be a zone-blocking team like Atlanta or Denver.



ah ha, we don't know what kind of system we are going to run, not to mention he'll have a year or two to get bigger. LeCharles Bentley was about 295 when he entered the NFL he is now around 315. I think interior linemen can gain the weight easier than the tackles. he has talent, and he was the outland winner. it's not like we are drafting him on the first day. and his weight is only 285ish, 10-15 pounds wouldn't be imposible

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gluten for punishment, so here goes...


go ahead and bash it, it's what we do best



So, that means we're having a wheat heavy off-season?


(I hope someone gets this).



I rise to the occasion.



There's not enough dough to go around.

Marv kneads more.

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