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LOST 2.12 Discussion Thread

UConn James

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He got a little screen time last night.  First he was building a robot or something and then he warned everyone about the fire.  I guess he's trying to stay away from AL so he doesn't kill her.


:) He's had about a total of 12 seconds of air time in the lasts two weeks. And when he was running and yelling about the fire, he reminded me of that guy who tries to put out a fire with a Snickers bar, and then runs screaming down the hallway. 0:)0:)

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duey Posted Today, 12:52 PM

  Some more random thoughts about the episode...


Looks like were in for some repeats..."Numbers" is running next week, and in the previews, they only said "Next on Lost," with no date for the next new episode. 


Fear not "Lost" fans. One repeat next week and then we will get our next new episode on February 8th.

The next Ep is entitled: "The Long Con"

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udonkey Posted Today, 10:37 AM

  QUOTE(linksfiend @ Jan 26 2006, 10:16 AM)

Then there's this piece of news also










My sentiments exactly. Could'nt you at least leave us with the illusion that EL is still single and available? :)

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Fear not "Lost" fans. One repeat next week and then we will get our next new episode on February 8th.

The next Ep is entitled: "The Long Con"


Thanks for that good news! 0:)


"The Long Con?" Hmmmm. :)

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Charlie is starting to go Michael on me. I can't stand him and if you have kids at home, last nights episode made you chringe. We just had a bank exec here in Charlotte snap and stab his two 5 year old twins to death. Makes you wonder what the hell people are thinking. And if I was on the island and Charlie did that, I would punched him too.


Maybe he'll run off, find Michael and start a psycho tribe.

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Sorry, took me a while to finish reading all those posts, and get the inflatbales stowed upright and back in the closet.


Good episode last night, hard to tell what we'll get out of the future though. I'm glad that somebody else noticed that Locke seems to be getting a little out of hand lately. He's not the same "island loving" guy he used to be. And when was it that Jack mentioned having a "Locke Problem?" It seems that may be about to happen.


Charlie's also taking a major character shift. In the last few episodes he's lost everything that was keeping him sane on the island. He lost his girl, baby, and heroin. Of course, Charlie wasn't using, but he had the comfort that it was there in case he needed it. But he's lost that now as well, which reminds me of another major character in a movie that turned to the dark side when he lost everything he cared about.


These characters are taking major actions very easily lately, this is going to boil over soon.

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I thought it was funnier when Sawyer called Hurley "Jabba"


For me, the best line was when Sawyer was encouraging Hurley to go do laundry with Libby. (Paraphrase:) "I know you've got a load that you need to drop in" :)

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For me, the best line was when Sawyer was encouraging Hurley to go do laundry with Libby.  (Paraphrase:) "I know you've got a load that you need to drop in"  :)


Forgot about that, but I was cracking up when he said it! 0:)

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I get the feeling that Charlie isn't going to be as evil as people think. Even though he was acting weird, and doing some pretty dumb stuff, Clair still thought enough of his "the baby is in Danger, we have to baptise him," to actually do it. I think there is going to be a reconciliation.


I think Locke is the one to watch. He is definately taking a turn towards the evil side.


How do we know that Zeke is actually one of the others? Couldn't he also be one of a group of survivors from another accident? Although that would make them the "other" survivors. More and more this is looking like a Lord of the Flies type of thing. This still does not explain the "Monsters"/ security system and its relation to the others.


Sucks that next week is a repeat.

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No mention from anyone about this ep that in Charlie's flashback, that Liam got "VOLTRON" as a gift.


What if Voltron is the monster on the island?

:lol:  :)


That would be cool as hell!


I get the "moses" imagery with Aaron - but how about the burning bush? (not Kate).

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Locke is coming across as a manipulator leading people towards destructive behaviour. He manipulated Boone, and wasn't terribly concerned about his death. He seems to purposely push Charlie's buttons with his attention to Claire and the baby. I can't imagine he had a good reason for keeping the statues.


He had an encounter with the security system early in season 1 where we heard it but didn't see the black cloud. I'm wondering if that has been somehow controlling him ever since.

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Locke is coming across as a manipulator leading people towards destructive behaviour.  He manipulated Boone, and wasn't terribly concerned about his death.  He seems to purposely push Charlie's buttons with his attention to Claire and the baby.  I can't imagine he had a good reason for keeping the statues.


He had an encounter with the security system early in season 1 where we heard it but didn't see the black cloud.  I'm wondering if that has been somehow controlling him ever since.


Also, Locke may not want to leave the island in fear of losing the ability to walk that he gained when the plane crashed. He seems to be more concerned with exploring and living in the hatch than actually finding a way off the island.

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I have little insight into the overall story, but the one with traction for me is that they are in some kind of group therapy session. IT explains why each of them keeps getting intense visits from their past.


On that kind of note, a common thread between the characters is that they all have massive "daddy" issues.









Aaron (the baby)


Not sure if any of the other chartacter had allusions to their Daddy-induced problems, but these ones definitely do.

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