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The Orthepedic Surgeon (the one who warned of a "mass") called, and the above is the diagnosis.

Millie is still in servere pain, and will take more physical therapy. I am cool with that. :w00t:

My family was not ready for bad news at this point. My daughters, who are under enough pressure, were not coping well with her illness. It would have been truly bad.


TBD is, and has been special for years. We quarrell, and then we pull together for those with a problem. I want to thank each and every one of you who prayed, posted well wishes, sent me an IM, or even thought something nice for even a second.

Believe me, I am here for anybody who I might be able to help. Count on that.


The bottom line is that my wife does not now appear to have cancer. My daughters are crying tears of joy. I extend my thanks again, and again. I am a little too serious, but I will never, ever forget the kindness extended to my family from you great people.


To those who will be at RWS on Halloween, please stop by 1/6 so I can thank you in person.


I am not trying to waste bandwith here, so there is no need to respond. Just know how much I thank you, how much I believe in what happened, and that I am one that you can count on as well.


God Bless You.



The Orthepedic Surgeon (the one who warned of a "mass") called, and the above is the diagnosis.

Millie is still in servere pain, and will take more physical therapy. I am cool with that.  :blink:

My family was not ready for bad news at this point. My daughters, who are under enough pressure, were not coping well with her illness. It would have been truly bad.


TBD is, and has been special for years. We quarrell, and then we pull together for those with a problem. I want to thank each and every one of you who prayed, posted well wishes, sent me an IM, or even thought something nice for even a second.

Believe me, I am here for anybody who I might be able to help. Count on that.


The bottom line is that my wife does not now appear to have cancer. My daughters are crying tears of joy. I extend my thanks again, and again. I am a little too serious, but I will never, ever forget the kindness extended to my family from you great people.


To those who will be at RWS on Halloween, please stop by 1/6 so I can thank you in person.


I am not trying to waste bandwith here, so there is no need to respond. Just know how much I thank you, how much I believe in what happened, and that I am one that you can count on as well.


God Bless You.





Awesome news! Oh yes, I'll be there for the Halloween game and we will get together then! And, like last year, I'll be bringing my Marvin Gaye collection to jam to! See you then; no excuses from me this time. I will be there!


Great news! I hope your wife is able to feel better soon :blink:


Some good news on this board for once!!


If the power of TBD prayers worked for you and your family, we better all start praying for the Bills.


This Board needed good News, and that's about the best News we could get if you ask me...I mean Football is a great Game and all, and we all love the Bills, but Family and health kind of trump Football by a mile...


Fantastic! :blink:


Woo Hoo! Great news (well, it stinks about her still being in pain, but you know that will get better). Anyway, Im glad to hear that your family can rest a little easier now, and that your wife will be OK. And now that I know you'll be at the Halloween game (and the fact that my friends always party at Lot1,Pole7, I'll definitely stop by and have a beer with ya.


Again, good to hear the great news!

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