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Connolys Injury


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the BNews reporting Connoly is out 6-8 weeks with a ligamnet injury, but it apperas he will not need surgery. Players and Lindy going ape chit that Kasparitis did the hitting, and that it was dirty check.


I thought the check was clean, not low, and its just Darius reputation that is getting them upset. Dam, can this guy do any more to kill the Sabres.


Any body out there think it was dirty check?



Also, said it before and I'll say it again, those boys better stop whining to the ref after every play where someone touches them. Just got a bad feeling that can come back to haunt them, as is happening with Crosby now. See Max whining last night and the dam puck was still live, and he could have a play on it. Thats two boneheaded plays by him in two games.

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the BNews reporting Connoly is out 6-8 weeks with a ligamnet injury, but it apperas he will not need surgery. Players and Lindy going ape chit that Kasparitis did the hitting, and that it was dirty check.


I thought the check was clean, not low, and its just Darius reputation that is getting them upset. Dam, can this guy do any more to kill the Sabres.


Any body out there think it was dirty check?

Also, said it before and I'll say it again, those boys better stop whining to the ref after every play where someone touches them. Just got a bad feeling that can come back to haunt them, as is happening with Crosby now. See Max whining last night and the dam puck was still live, and he could have a play on it. Thats two boneheaded plays by him in two games.


While technically clean, this is typical of Kasparitis. He causes a lot of injuries

but plays within the rules. (for the most part, he gets elbows up against the boards)


I thought Max has been playing well. He is drawing penalties with his speed, and

passing down low more than in the past. But I always wonder if his teamates actually like him. You never get the sense that when he scores his teamates share personal joy for him as a player.

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Clean hit, dirty player. The Sabres whine way less than most teams.


As far as Max goes, he can't play smart. He is consistently making dumb plays and taking moronic penalties. I often wonder if he actually understands the fundamentals of the game.

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the BNews reporting Connoly is out 6-8 weeks with a ligamnet injury, but it apperas he will not need surgery. Players and Lindy going ape chit that Kasparitis did the hitting, and that it was dirty check.


I thought the check was clean, not low, and its just Darius reputation that is getting them upset. Dam, can this guy do any more to kill the Sabres.


Any body out there think it was dirty check?

Also, said it before and I'll say it again, those boys better stop whining to the ref after every play where someone touches them. Just got a bad feeling that can come back to haunt them, as is happening with Crosby now. See Max whining last night and the dam puck was still live, and he could have a play on it. Thats two boneheaded plays by him in two games.




F*&K! Really? 6-8 weeks? Last night they were speculating that it wouldn't be so bad.


The hit looked clean. Kasparitis plays hard and guys get hurt when they take big hits.

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As an aside, is Drury the leader of this team or what? Chews the team out after Calgary, goes after Kasparitis. He is a great Captain. I was always skeptical about what Drury brought to the table but over the coarse of the season I have become totally convinced. I get the sense it is Drury as much as Ruff that no player wants to disapoint.


Thank God for the Olympic break this year. It is going to give Dumont, Briere, and now Connelly time to heal or get conditioned.

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6-8 weeks? Marty better start packing, I have feeling a deal will be going down.



Dumont just came back and Pyatt is due back in a week. Briere is a month or so away I think, so I doubt Darcy will pull the trigger anytime soon. Trade deadline is the most likely scenario. Even then, I would suspect Mika to be the one moved for a draft pick or prospect, IMHO.

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The fact that they are still complaining about the hit makes me wonder if they saw something that we didn't. The one thing I did notice while watching the replays last night was that he stuck out his back leg so he could trip up Connolly if he missed with the hip. Was the hit lower because of the way he stuck out his leg? I don't know.

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The fact that they are still complaining about the hit makes me wonder if they saw something that we didn't.  The one thing I did notice while watching the replays last night was that he stuck out his back leg so he could trip up Connolly if he missed with the hip.  Was the hit lower because of the way he stuck out his leg?  I don't know.



Ruff's comment was that Kasparitis could have made an equally effective play by laying the shoulder into Connolly, but he instead chose to go low and got him on the knee. Ruff and the Sabres aren't saying it wasn't a clean hit, they're just questioning the necessity of it, and especially, the player who delivered it. Something tells me if it was Ray Bourque who threw that hip, Ruff would have said Connolly should have shot the puck in, because that's what happens when you carry it in. Grier also took a 2 minute penalty for roughing with 8 minutes left when he was trying to get Kasparitis to fight. Grier gave him a shove and he went down like a B word.


Ruff's quotes, from today's Buffalo News:


"He went low on him," Ruff said. "If you're going to go low, show a little bit of guts. And if you're challenged by another guy, don't hit the deck again. That's two guys I've seen him "accidentally' hurt in the last two nights. He hurt Marshall. It's amazing how he can "accidentally' do it all the time.


"For us to lose a player like that because he wants to go low and cut his knees out, that's a joke.  It's a cheap shot," Ruff said. "It's not the worst play in hockey, but when you get a guy hurt like that, you're upset. It's a big loss."

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The Oilers complained about McKee's hit last week and that one was as clean as a whistle.


I don't have a problem with the big hipcheck, especially on the open ice -- far too few players use it these days -- but he had Connolly up against the boards already and could have delivered an equally big, higher hit with the shoulder. Of course, had he done that he probably would have thrown the elbow too.


That said, it was great to see Drury go after that douchebag.

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The Oilers complained about McKee's hit last week and that one was as clean as a whistle.


I disagree. It was clean at the top but he dragged his back leg and that's why Jay Smith went after him. It wasn't overtly dirty but it wasn't clean either.


Kasperpunkass' hit was clean - and unnecessary. I've been wondering how long it was going to take for someone to do that to Connelly because he's been gaining the zone at speed very effectively alot lately and it was only a matter of time before someone gave him something to think about. He's been lucky to avoid it because for the most part he's been doing it in the middle of the ice where he's tougher to line up.


I also agree with everyone else who said that the most important part of the play was Drury's quick reaction. That tells a great story about how tight this team is and how close they really are to being special because they care about each other ALL the time.

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I disagree.  It was clean at the top but he dragged his back leg and that's why Jay Smith went after him.  It wasn't overtly dirty but it wasn't clean either.


Kasperpunkass' hit was clean - and unnecessary.  I've been wondering how long it was going to take for someone to do that to Connelly because he's been gaining the zone at speed very effectively alot lately and it was only a matter of time before someone gave him something to think about.  He's been lucky to avoid it because for the most part he's been doing it in the middle of the ice where he's tougher to line up.


I also agree with everyone else who said that the most important part of the play was Drury's quick reaction.  That tells a great story about how tight this team is and how close they really are to being special because they care about each other ALL the time.


AD, w/ all due respect, I disagree about the McKee hit. IIRC, McKee hit him w/ shoulder and hip and then his leg trailed out. The hit was clean. It is very difficult to throw a good hip check and stay on one's feet without then having the leg from that side swing out after the check. The leg that came out, IMHO, was used to regain McKee's balance, it wasn't out there to "finish" the check.


As for your other point, I've been very impressed w/ Drury's leadership this season. His reaction to the Connolly hit just reinforces that opinion.

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I disagree.  It was clean at the top but he dragged his back leg and that's why Jay Smith went after him.  It wasn't overtly dirty but it wasn't clean either.


Kasperpunkass' hit was clean - and unnecessary.  I've been wondering how long it was going to take for someone to do that to Connelly because he's been gaining the zone at speed very effectively alot lately and it was only a matter of time before someone gave him something to think about.  He's been lucky to avoid it because for the most part he's been doing it in the middle of the ice where he's tougher to line up.



I missed the Edmonton game, so I can't comment on that. As for Kasparitis, he stuck out his back leg when he was going for the hit. He didn't make any contact with it, but I think this paints a good picture of his intentions.

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My take on the Connolly injury:


I understand the reasons why Lindy is upset, and why the Sabres are making strong comments about Kasparaitis. Honestly though, I thought Darius's hit wasnt dirty, but like AD said, wasnt really necessary. Hip checks are a lost art form (remember the days when Mike Ramsey used to use the hip check?)


If another d-man on the Rangers gave out that hip check (Roszival, Tutin etc) I thnk the reaction would have been different. Kasparaitis has a bad reputation, and that reputation carries along with you when you have that kind of reputation.

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If another d-man on the Rangers gave out that hip check (Roszival, Tutin etc) I thnk the reaction would have been different.



You're darn Tyutin!

(totally agree)


Ramsey was a master! Muni was too - to a lesser extent.

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You're darn Tyutin!

(totally agree)


Ramsey was a master!  Muni was too - to a lesser extent.


Nuni (pronounced like new knee) was a master of the knee check, not the hip check. He tore up many a player's knee, including Buffalo's own Donald Audette.


Schoney and Robi were pretty good at the hip check back in their day.

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Nuni (pronounced like new knee) was a master of the knee check, not the hip check.  He tore up many a player's knee, including Buffalo's own Donald Audette.


Schoney and Robi were pretty good at the hip check back in their day.



The absolute was best was Tim Horton, god rest his soul

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Interestingly, the Sabres official site has a survey going as to whether the hip check should be banned. The results are roughly 5:1 for keeping the hip check.


Many years ago, I was playing intramurals at UB when I threw the only hip check of my life. This guy happened to be so close in the middle of the ice that I just naturally side swiped him. He flipped into one of his teammates and all three of us went to the ice. It was worth the bloody chin.


Another time I was playing pickup hockey when this kid from Nichols threw the hip on one of my friends and ended up breaking my friend's leg. The hip check is beautiful to throw and watch but if it is you on the receiving end it may not be so fun. It is dangerous but so are so many other checks.


Speaking of checks, the game sure isn't the same without Scott Stevens.


I remember Sabre Mike Robitaille dishing out some incredible hip checks.


Connolly seemed to be hitting his stride before the injury.

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