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personal photo

Mile High

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How do I size it down so it fits?  Help...  If you have to move this sorry mods.



Do you want to use it as an avatar? If so the avatar-changing function in "My Controls" generally, successfully sizes it down. You will lose detail, so the results might not be acceptable, though. I get more success with JPG format over GIF, for some reason.

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Do you want to use it as an avatar?  If so the avatar-changing function in "My Controls" generally, successfully sizes it down. You will lose detail, so the results might not be acceptable, though. I get more success with JPG format over GIF, for some reason.


The file you requested to upload was greater than the limit the administrator has set for your group.


Tried that and got this message.

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How do I size it down so it fits?  Help...  If you have to move this sorry mods.



Size to fit what? Avatar? Personal photo in profile? Need more info to help.


I can give you external sites which can host image for free if that is what you need.


I use IrfanView ( http://www.irfanview.com/ ) to resize images and it is free.

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