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Mera update 3

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MRI results came in yesterday. The doctors found anouth cancerous tumor at the base of Mera's spine. There are no plans to operate on that tumor at this point :D However the Doctors are saying positive things.


The plan for the time being is to keep Mera in Syracuse Hospital for probably a couple of weeks. She is still on the respirator but is responding. She squeezed her mom's hand when she talked to her. She will have surgery to put a shunt in and then they will be able to take her off respirator. She will get chemo for about 8-9 mos. They will be able to do some of this from home. She will probably be in and out of the hospital.


The family is very hopeful that they can get Mera in an international study with a Dr. John Finley from LA Children's Hospital who specializes in this type of cancer. This means they will have all the state of the art available to them.


Sounds like they will all have a long road ahead of them. We will see what we can do for them when we find out more about what their specific needs are.


To my friends at TBD thanks for the support!

Please keep the prayers coming.

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Very positive news. Prayers to all of you. Inquire into the Ronald McDonald house in that area. They will help the family out with a room or whatever othr expenses they may incure. 


Why not Sloan Kettering in NYC?



The doctors are talking about Kettering. I think they want Mera to get a little bit stronger before they move her.


Can you imagine Brain surgery on Monday and possible spinal surgery on Friday :D

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The doctors are talking about Kettering.  I think they want Mera to get a little bit stronger before they move her. 


Can you imagine  Brain surgery on Monday and possible spinal surgery on Friday  :D



She's a tough little girl.

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Man, this is the worse thing to read through, and I'm not even involved, I can only imagine what the parents are going through. I know I'd just fall apart. I'm keeping Mera in my heart, let God guide her through this.

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Hang in there. Everyone can take a cue from how tough she is. If it hasn't already, the family's adrenaline is going to kick in to a "get it done" mode. She's leading the way by toughing it out.


If anyone close to the situation is sane enough to focus, do your research on the internet. It sounds like she's headed to some of the best care around, but have a basic knowlede, if not in depth knowledge of options before going into meetings with doctors. It should help you feel a firmer grasp of the situation, and not leave everyone to feeling chaotic.


Best wishes and prayers

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