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Ok, to put a positive spin on the situation


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It really can't get any worse. We hit rock bottom last year and the team quit. Everyone on this board had high hopes and big expectations. In fact, we have been nothing but built up and let down over the last three years, with each season being seemingly more painful to watch.


Like a lot of you on the board today, I have been extremely negative, and for good reason. At the same time, I don't have any high expectations for the upcoming season so I am less likely be let down. Will the losses hurt as much, of course they will. At the same time, maybe this team will suprise us. I have given up on setting expectations for this team and being let down, but I will always root for them no matter what.


Go ahead and pile on and say "leave the board" or "root for another team" or whatever you want to say but this is my stance for now.

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