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While Jauron might end up being a success, don't


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Don't try to sell me that he is the right man for the job blah,blah,blah. While some like me will try to be optimistic, no one can honestly say that they expect anything great from Jauron. This pick is obviously a situation where they chose a good buddy than the right man for the job; I hope it pans out for he will definitely have to earn the fan's respect by having instant success and turn around. At least if Sherman was hired their would be a little more optimism and a little tolerance to give him a chance if he had a failed season. At the first sign of losing most will turn on Jauron for he has proven nothing in his previous job except incompetence and failure.


If he turns us around then while there maybe a few (definitely RW and ML) that will act like they knew it all along. But looking at it beforehand and doing your homework this should have been an easy decision. If it wasn't for our failed success with rookie coaches I'd rather follow the trend of the rest of the NFL and hired new blood. But since we wanted a head coach with experience Sherman was the only solid pick among the men interviewed. Any other choice than Jauron if a failure would at least give a little slack. Let's just hope for the Bill's sake that Dick does a good job for if he doesn't then you will definitely see support for the Bills organization fade and Wilson and his staff will look like complete idiots.

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