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  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
Seventh place in the conference, behind the Clippers, for cryin' out loud.  ;)


Yeah. Seventh out of eight teams that make the playoffs in the west. Not too impressive:



Team GB

1. San Antonio -

2. Phoenix 4½

3. Denver 8½

4. Dallas -

5. Memphis 6

6. L.A. Clippers 8

7. L.A. Lakers 9 ;)

8. New Orleans 10½

  Yard Monkey said:
Yeah.  Seventh out of eight teams that make the playoffs in the west.  Not too impressive:



Team GB

1. San Antonio -

2. Phoenix 4½

3. Denver 8½

4. Dallas -

5. Memphis 6

6. L.A. Clippers 8

7. L.A. Lakers 9  ;)

8. New Orleans 10½



But you're missing the point. Kobe had 81 points!!!!!! ;)


As much fun as this has been, it's 12:30 in the morning here so I must hit the comfort trailers and go make a little Kobe before retiring to the rack... I'll make sure to flush him 81 times just for good measure.... ;)

  USMCBillsFan said:
;)  :P  That made me laugh out loud....  ;)



id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war

  B-Dawg12 said:
id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war



boy, you done !@#$ up now...

  B-Dawg12 said:
i figure peoiple that live in buffalo must be fuggin stupid so why waste my time with this argument




  B-Dawg12 said:
id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war




publick skool wuz hard....

  B-Dawg12 said:
id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war



I've lost some very close friends here you POS. You may want to refer to my second signature line and maybe grow a pair. As a matter of fact, it's why I'm over here, so you can have your little kitty ass opinions that you do. You can have the right to say things like that, all they do is make you look even more stupid than you have during your whole Kobe is God post. But don't ever call me stupid for defending the country that I love. If you are so inclined, I'll be back in a little over a month. We can get together and discuss just how stupid I am....

  USMCBillsFan said:
I've lost some very close friends here you POS. You may want to refer to my second signature line and maybe grow a pair. As a matter of fact, it's why I'm over here, so you can have your little kitty ass opinions that you do. You can have the right to say things like that, all they do is make you look even more stupid than you have during your whole Kobe is God post. But don't ever call me stupid for defending the country that I love. If you are so inclined, I'll be back in a little over a month. We can get together and discuss just how stupid I am....



But you never scored 81 points against the Raptors, you Kobe wanna-be.

  USMCBillsFan said:
I've lost some very close friends here you POS. You may want to refer to my second signature line and maybe grow a pair. As a matter of fact, it's why I'm over here, so you can have your little kitty ass opinions that you do. You can have the right to say things like that, all they do is make you look even more stupid than you have during your whole Kobe is God post. But don't ever call me stupid for defending the country that I love. If you are so inclined, I'll be back in a little over a month. We can get together and discuss just how stupid I am....



hey i respect what youre doing and that youve carried out that right......because of people like you i have the right for my opinions and views......you lost close friends i sympathize fully, do you ever ask yourself why am i defending this country that has hung me out to dry though>

  Ramius said:
Call me when Kobe actually elevates the game of the players around him. Thats the true sign of a superstar.


the fact that Parker, Mihm and Brown all still have jobs in the NBA says that hes elavated thier games. Id ask if you watched the game but i already know the answer. when he tried to get his teamates involved they dug him a 16 points deficit. Did you watch the Kings game? he gave them a 7 point lead with 35 seconds to go only to watch Brown blow a gimme of a layup, parker not hustling to save the ball, and odom getting called for a charged on the last play of regulation. If Iverson, james, mcgrady or shaq did this it would be declared a national holiday. only 50 years from now when his records still stand(much like wilts) will we realize how dominating he was. the botton line is that when jordon played baseball his team took the knicks to 7 games of the coferance semis. if kobe quit today to play baseball the lakers would be lucky to win 10 games the rest of the way.

  B-Dawg12 said:
id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war



Dude this guys life is on the line so a POS like you can sit in front of your TV rubbing one out to Kobe.

  B-Dawg12 said:
id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war



You dare criticize someone who has the guts to fight for your right to express your man-love for Kobe? You are a $@&*ing POS!!

  B-Dawg12 said:
hey i respect what youre doing and that youve carried out that right......because of people like you i have the right for my opinions and views......you lost close friends i sympathize fully, do you ever ask yourself why am i defending this country that has hung me out to dry though>



"Hung out to dry?" Do you even know what that phrase means? It seems your opinions on politics are about as informed as your basketball opinions.


And by the way, real smooth, asking a Marine if he's ever considered committing treason. ;) Nice move, poindexter. What's your follow-up act, insulting his wife and kids?

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