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As a parent you never think it could happen

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As many of you know my family is going through a rough time right now. My wife's cousin's baby (named Mera) has cancer. (see other thread for details because I can't type it again) My wife and her cousin are the same age... and both have baby girls 4 months apart in age. My wife and I look at her cousin and see our selves in so many ways.


Mera's mother was talking to my wife about what has happened to her little girl and said the following: "In the last two years, every now and then I would ask myself, 'What whould I do if something happened to Mera... something horrible.' I guess I thought that if I would let myself think about it then it would never happen."


Mera's parents are showing great courage and an even greater faith that things will get better.

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So how many threads do you plan to start about the same topic?


Just curious.


You are an absolute !@#$!


I am sorry Nick for what you and your family are going thru. We are all pulling for her and praying for her

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So how many threads do you plan to start about the same topic?


Just curious.



As many as it takes.


This is very hard for me... My daughter and I played with Mera during Christmas, we sang songs, and we colored and watched Dora the Explorer 15 or 20 times. <_< All things I took for granted... And I would do anything to be able to do them with her next year.


If SDS or any of the mods tell me to cool it I will. But this board has been a extended family for a lot of us... We laugh, fight, cry and try to lose weight together.


And sometimes some of us need some kind words to get through the day.


No hard feelings, but feel free not to read my threads.

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As many as it takes.


This is very hard for me... My daughter and I played with Mera during Christmas, we sang songs, and we colored and watched Dora the Explorer 15 or 20 times.  :rolleyes:  All things I took for granted... And I would do anything to be able to do them with her next year. 


If SDS or any of the mods tell me to cool it I will.  But this board has been a extended family for a lot of us... We laugh, fight, cry and try to lose weight together.


And sometimes some of us need some kind words to get through the day.


No hard feelings, but feel free not to read my threads.



You have enough to worry about for now, without that BS. Fuggedaboudit, Nick. You know the bulk of us are with you on this how ever many threads it takes.

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So how many threads do you plan to start about the same topic?


Just curious.



Damn dude. That's just plain cold. It's a database entry. How could anyone with any feeling even think that kind of thing?


If you feel the need to police, go get rid of all of the negative say-the-same-thing-over-and-over wieners on the main board.

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So how many threads do you plan to start about the same topic?


Just curious.



Wow that's classy.


If you're so frustrated about multiple threads referring to one item, why don't you take it out on the dozens of "the football team stinks" threads currently clogging up TSW.


I don't know you Nick, but I hope you make it through this okay.

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As many as it takes.


This is very hard for me... My daughter and I played with Mera during Christmas, we sang songs, and we colored and watched Dora the Explorer 15 or 20 times.  :rolleyes:  All things I took for granted... And I would do anything to be able to do them with her next year. 


If SDS or any of the mods tell me to cool it I will.  But this board has been a extended family for a lot of us... We laugh, fight, cry and try to lose weight together.


And sometimes some of us need some kind words to get through the day.


No hard feelings, but feel free not to read my threads.



I'm a dickhead, that's for sure, and that's not going to change. The thing that gets me is that your post sat there for over an hour with a few hits and zero responses. Sorry man, but I saw it and posted the first thing that came to my mind, and BAM, here come the 'higher ground' posts almost immediately. Beerball was the only one to respond to the spirit of your post, the others were just taking shots at me for kicks I guess. I guess they are just better men than me... not really, because Pete is a loser. But whatever. It's not like I'm not pulling for Mera or anything, I was just kind of curious as to where all of this was going.


You're right though, don't take your kids for granted. Hell, I'd take it a few steps further to say that you shouldn't take anyone in you life for granted, beit a parent, friend, spouse, relative, child, etc.


Out of respect, I'm out of your threads. Sorry and best wishes.

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So how many threads do you plan to start about the same topic?


Just curious.


just curious , why don't you go back and hit the delete button on this post and save your self from a lot of sh-- . this is a bad post on your part . :D



nick, prayers are with you .

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