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And while I KINDA defended the Bills below.....


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What do I hate about this regime?


I hate the fact that Tom Donahoe came in here on his whtie horse thinking everything that Pittsburgh did was golden, which couldn't be further from the truth. The sad sack Steelers bunch played in the worst division in football for years. And thus, by being the only semi-competent run organization, they won alot by default.


Lets hit everything here.......I'm pissed that TD came in here and changed the way we got season tickets. We went from getting a collectors box with goodies, to getting our tickets in stevestojantty FED Ex packages.


I still resent the fact that he came in here and changed our uniforms in conjunction to change the whole image of the franchise. Note to Tom, while Butler did run our cap into the ground, we were coming off of a golden era of a franchise. And we were still a pretty darn competitive team. Why didn't you change the Black and Gold of Pittsburgh? They sucked much more than us. I still resent that. Small things and tolerable when we had trust. I'm losing trust though.


Still wanna get rid of the Shout song Tom? Yeah, why not, take that away from us too. Idiot.


The most important thing is that now he's starting to whiff on his drafts and what he thinks our needs are. I'm slowwwwwwwwwwwwly losing confidence. His Free Agents seem to be good, and I like them when he does them, however, they don't seem to be working. And while I can't say I disagreed with TD when he signed many of these players, I also can't say I'm confident in what he is doing anymore, because not much is working out.


We had a good D when Wade was here, so because we have one now, I'm not all that impressed.


We had good players when TD got here, he got rid of them, and his aren't working out. That is really starting to bum me out.


Gregg Williams was bad. And you TD calling out the fans was worse.



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