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Why would Marv hire the worst coach?


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It'll just be that he's going to coach Jaroun instead. My thoughts are that Marv wanted a guy with head coaching experience. That Jaroun and Sherman were basically a wash, and that he was just more comfortable with Jaroun. Maybe he thinks he can coach up Jaroun which is something he would definately not be able to do with Sherman. I wasn't all that crazy about Sherman since I thought he had been riding the coatails of the previous regime and he had one of the all time great QBs to pull his butt out of the fire on numerous occasions. Just ask yourself how much Sherman's record was because of Brett Farve's and Mike Holmgren's effect on Green Bay.


Is Jaroun the right guy? Who the heck knows, but I don't see anyone else that's been hired as an NFL head coach during the last couple of weeks that I'd rather have here either. Maybe he's a good fit for Buffalo after all - not respected, underdog, losing record, tough, no nonsense, decent, real kind of guy. Looks like a match to me. Can't wait for the press conference, should be a real doosey.


I feel sorry for Dick Jaroun right now, he's the man who's in charge of turning our team around and it looks like he's gonna be thrown into the gutter by the fans before he even gets started. I'll support ya Dick, because I wasn't all that thrilled about having Haz or Sherman in the first place.

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