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NOW we are the laughing stock.

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Having all the choices and interviews, including a guy who had his team in the Playoffs every year but one....vs. a guy who has had one winning season in the past decade....a guy who is touted for his defensive genius, yet his team finished 24th in the league in defense this past year.....a guy from a 5-11 team gets hired to fix the Bills?


Now I feel comfortable in welcoming heaps of abuse from the league. We have hired a guy whose defense sucked for a 5-11 team. We might as well have hired Jerry Gray.


Are you kidding me? Please, Marv. I believed in you, and now I think you fell down and hit your head on a rock during one of your 5 weekly 3 mile runs.


We hired the oldest guy we could find, except Lou Saban. Wonderful.

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