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This organization always settles for mediocrity


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I am so sick of being disappointed by this organization. I have spent my whole life trying to look at the positive of every decision and situation this team has found itself in. But I can no longer sit and be positive when the organization continues to just kick us in the nuts.... I have spent the better part of a week looking on this board, just hoping that the team would give the fans something to be excited about. Something we can all grasp and give us some hope that things are moving in the right direction, and just when you think things are gonna work out just fine.... WACK the team hires Dick Jauron as HC and I once again feel like I was just kicked in the nuts.... Anyways, I am done venting.

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I am so sick of being disappointed by this organization. I have spent my whole life trying to look at the positive of every decision and situation this team has found itself in. But I can no longer sit and be positive when the organization continues to just kick us in the nuts.... I have spent the better part of a week looking on this board, just hoping that the team would give the fans something to be excited about. Something we can all grasp and give us some hope that things are moving in the right direction, and just when you think things are gonna work out just fine.... WACK the team hires Dick Jauron as HC and I once again feel like I was just kicked in the nuts.... Anyways, I am done venting.



I know your venting, but wouldn't a little mediocrity be an improvement around here.

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This guy better be the second coming of Bill Belichick.... thats the only way he will survive in this town. He certainly isn't starting out with much excitement or support. I dont know what I am more upset about..the fact that they actually hired Jauron or that I am this negative about this team. i never thought I could feel this way about my team... Im just sick!

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