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Wow, so glad that JPL is as good as Big Ben


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You guys who say JP is as good as Ben must be excited.  Since JPL is this good, once the defense gets back to where they were 2 years ago, we are going to the Super Bowl.  :rolleyes:





I haven't heard anyone say JP is as good as Ben. I have heard people say that Ben was set up to succeed a lot better than JP was. Ben R. has probably the best Oline in the league, a dominant running game, and the best defense in the league. But I still think he's better than JP, but he's not worlds better than JP. Let's get JP the same stuff Ben has, then we can make a judgment.

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I'm glad the Bills' O-line is as good, that their TE's are as good, that their defense is as good, and that their coaching is as good, as the Steelers'.


Don't start. If you do a quick search there are people her that said Cowher sucks and meathead was better. :rolleyes:


It's hard to tell how good our TE's are, they are never used or if they are they are playing RT.


As far as defense goes, we were #2 last year. Even before Spikes went down we were a lot worse. The only difference was Lebeau and Pat Williams.

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I was at the New England game in Buffalo and i gotta say that JP's performance was the worst display of QB-ing I've seen in years. That was a Joe Dufek/Bruce MAthison type of performance.....and on a day when Brady was like 28 for 34 for over 300, it was really magnified.

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I don't care that much, either. I just prefer players who shut up and play; none of the other QBs that year made it a point to compare themselves favorably to the others. I mean, if you think you deserve to get drafted higher, then go out and prove it; don't complain to the media. JP just seems to be an immature hothead and the rumors of his teammates hating him are disturbing. Actually, in the case of Mewelde Moore, is isn't a rumor.

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